Heroes who need rework

My primary thing with Ming is that shes the only mage that gets hard countered by minions.

Her wave clear and sieging in general is depressing compared to basically any other mage in the game.

Revert Li Li rework and give her the dps build back. All will bow down to the 10 year old panda as she throws beer at people and cast wind all over the place being top in hero damage. The wind serpent will never be seen again. You use that when you were dps you were not doing your job correctly as a dps Li Li

Li-Ming. When she was added she was flimsy but used high damage output and relative mobility with her teleport to hit hard.

Today her relative mobility has transformed into relative immobility compared to the new age of heroes. And her damage just gets straight up outdone by most newer assassins. (Fenix, orphea, and post buff keal instantly come to mind).

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A rework is done to help a hero who is struggling with design issues, not to buff someone who is not relevant.

For my money, the heroes who need their talents updated the most or who have keen design issues that need fixed up are probably:

  1. Abathur
  2. Maybe Lost Vikings?

I think Chen could use some touching up probably. Either give him some more CC or make him more disruptive in some other way.

Tyrande I think needs some talent tuning still same with Furion.

But I wouldnā€™t say too many heroes need the top down reworks theyā€™ve been doing. I think those are almost finished.

Would start with the least popular heroes instead of the top picks, despite popular opinion.

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Its tricky kind of buffing Malthael because of how powerful he can be if they buff his sustain or DoT. Heā€™s in my opinion in an okay spot but he struggles against Range dps and theres alot of range dps heroes out there.

If they buff his sustain which is already decent he can be OP and can last even longer. Buff his DoT then he his dmg output on squishy heroes will be high, let alone Tanks. They nerfed his Tormented Souls because it was just too strong and Armor itself was another boost of sustain so he wouldnā€™t die. Tormented Souls is now useless because you can literally get the same value by AA or E. Last Rites is the only way to go and is actually useful.

I would like some sort of buff To Malthael though.

Lucioā€™s clear weakness is that he doesnā€™t do much until 16 in the way of healing, idk I personally have never had an issue with Lucio. And not really, I still play Rehgar aggressively I just didnā€™t feel losing it as hard as some people did, I can still camp fast for a support, I can still go in and be aggressive when Iā€™m allowed to.

As for Varian, there are no changes, just slapping bruiser on him and calling it a day.

whats wrong with Chen? I can easily get over 100k hero damage with him and dive healers like nobodies business with him and people struggle just to peel me away too. Maybe everyone just doesnt know how to unlock his full potential to turn him into a hero of death. And Tassadar is very broken if heā€™s paired with heroes like tracer, greymane, and illidan especially but his health is horrible and his shields are overly reliant on the hero you use it on. But a good clutch shield to save someone from poison is pretty decent.

You are the true chosen one we was waiting for so many years.


Tassadarā€™s just too niche. Iā€™d rather he deal more consistent damage, have more health, and lose his lifesteal effect on his shields.

Make him into a pseudo-mage like Medivh with functionality support.

Medivhā€™s shield heals, though. Quite significantly too with a lvl 13 talent. They said a few months ago they were talking about turning Tassadar into an assassin.

I do not understand why people keep insisting that Tracer is op, to begin with if we see the history of patches in which Tracer received changes ALL were nerf, you can see this yourselves if you look in the page of the patch history, then because they insist So much so that Tracer follows op when any hero of aa easily knocks her down, be it Raynor, Cassia and Orphea, so do not keep insisting that Tracer is op and stop with that.
As for Genji if he definitely has much more mobility and advantage than Tracer and in my opinion the only thing that should change is the range of the dash and that it can not cross impassable terrain and collide, remember that both are dps and therefore reduce more damage would leave them very inferior in comparison to other dps.

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I never heard Blizzard say thatā€¦ I have seen a lot of speculation about it by players though.

I think it was around the end of September? It might have been Blizzcon. I can try and find the post. However, he is in the new, very small, support category once the heroes are all recategorized. They might just go 120% into the way he is now, as to not screw up queue times for the few people playing zarya, abathur, and medivh.

I donā€™t remember seeing that anywhere, are you sure it was official and not something someone on Reddit put forward? They can change him and still have him in that category btw, no reason they would be removing his shielding ability.

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If they dont work out, his trait should be made so it stacks. That way his trait is always going to give some value, and since its explicitely mentioned as his trait.

Lucio needs a lot more of reworking on that since he has too much things that are clumsy in its design.

For example his healing, it either does 2 per tick, or 3 per tick. An instant in which his healing increases by 50%, and the same goes with 3 to 4 per tick which is a 33% increase. This is a too steep system and it should always just average out the healing, so you might get a tick of 3 and a ticks of 2 alternating (to reach a value of 2.5 per tick, and even 2.8 can be reached by doing 4 ticks of 3 and then 1 of 2).
This gives him more stable healing.

His survivability is mainly because he has a healing aura and can stay back, which together with his wallrides gives him a lot of speed, which is fine to me because not all heroes have to be constantly up front. And on that, he already has to get up front of he wants to maximize his healing. That part is fine enough.

The thing lucio needs is more talents that add a risk in exchange for something else. For example higher healing for teammates, in exchange he can only heal himself at a reduced rate.

The problem i often face with lucio is that his playstyle is too boring because he only has 2 abilities he can use, and 1 of them is only a ā€˜press to boostā€™ based one. Fenix has more options with his abilities. So on that i think an activatable talent is a must to be added.
(sadly if that is added, i suspect he gets the hammer approach which makes the toggle button moved to D and gives a new W, and that W just becomes a new ability. but for hammer it worked out nicely)

only players that main skill shot heroes like chung ming think tracer is op. Gazlowe and Zagara can just destroy her. She has no health and her one self sustain talent is actually kinda weak so sheā€™s overly reliant on a healer. When I played Tracer I spent more time hearthing than fighting.

I had an idea for a new Uther trait in a thread I made awhile back (during the late hours so it never got attention and was lost to the pits)

My suggestion was this Armor Change - Uther

i still think the worst trait in the game is tyrael one.

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Well thatā€™s because it requires you to feed to get value :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree though it definitely needs looking into, it doesnā€™t even fit Tyrael in any way. Did I miss something playing Diablo where Tyrael would blow himself up repeatedly? Lol. Itā€™s also pretty much Junkratā€™s trait now that heā€™s in the game but at least for Junkrat it fits his character.

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