Heroes Positivity Thread

Wow, left the forums for a while and come back and it is the same doomsday/its all over BS as usual.

Well, in this thread I want to express that I really do enjoy HOTS. It is a great game to just pick up and play if you only have about an hour or less. I have met tons of great people on here and many I still game with on the regular.

Heck, a few of the people I met I talk on the phone with and we are planning a visit (no fae, ok maybe a little) to hang out IRL.

Im just tired of so many posts: QM is unbalanced (yeah no poop Sherlock, its called QUICK MATCH). HOTS is dying (clearly it isnt, even more people are playing than ever.)

Anyway, I love HOTS and canā€™t wait for the next hero. I am a little disapointed how Hogger came out ā€“ it feels like they had a pre-made kit and just slapped it on hogger cuz that Hogger isnt what I would of had in mind.

The next hero I want, is KYLE BLACKTHORN from his SNES game.


There you go, I love Hogger being all Looney Toons. I also didnā€™t have any ideas for him prior though.

But really, Iā€™d just swerve on the forums and just play the game. The forums have sunk to the ā€œif you donā€™t play how I play, youā€™re garbageā€ mentality and itā€™s gotten to beā€¦ pretty sad around here.

Also, hell yes, Blackthorne. How will they revive him, who will voice him, what class will he be? Man, Iā€™m hype to see what happensā€¦


This game isnā€™t dead. By far it isnā€™t. Some major YouTuber made recent videos with positive feedback and many new players (real, new players no Smurfs) have been spotted and we have some hints towards a new hero (when even the hints are vague)


Hots is getting more popular these days because of a few good recent reviews and youtubers

Ofcourse playing solo is horrible especially in QM , so ofcourse the people who want attention are writting ā€œI came back and uninstalledā€ like 100 other threads we already had.
People come to the forums to complain, its human nature.

Forums is positive enough you just need to filter out a few posters and the 0 post user threads


Dude the friggin world is gonna blow up and be space dust drifting through the starry ether and weā€™re gonna have Jean threads still popping up and some zero post nexus avatar will come in like ā€œJUST UNINSTALLED THIS TRASH GAME.ā€


The game might be getting its first big influx of newbies in years thanks to that one Youtuber including it in his top games of 2020.

Even one such youtuber mentioning HotS can lead to thousands or tens of thousands of new recruits. More players/newbies = better matchmaking, more revenue for HotS devs to make new content. (Newbies do not stay that way forever, they evolve and spread out into every MMR range)

Then if those players like the game, they suggest it to friends, leading to a positive feedback loop.


Wait really? This is what sad looks like? Ohā€¦ oh my.

Well, it didnā€™t make me laugh as hard as Big Bang Theory without a laugh track, and definitely not as hard as Big Bang Theory with all laugh tracks replaced by the Tidus Laugh.

Iā€™m left with few conclusions to pull from.

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Hey Gillx, welcome back. Itā€™s not all doom and gloom, but fewer people are posting on the forums now, so the negative threads from non-regulars tend to dominate the front page.


Positivity cures people.
Spread it instead COVID.


Keep positive and stay negative


Youā€™re tired of the reality?

Quick Match is broken, more likely trash and unbalanced at all. It isnā€™t anymore like before. Indeed, Quick Match is pick and play, but it doesnā€™t mean that it should be like this.

HotS isnā€™t dying because itā€™s already dead. If a game still has servers online and itā€™s still getting updates, it doesnā€™t mean that game is not dead. Storm League is full of smurfs, boosting people for real money. People in NA and Asia regions are waiting ~10 minutes for a Ranked match. The latest balance patches are a joke, unnecesary things added and unnecesary buffs.

Are you kidding? From million of players now HotS has thousand of players, estimating ~2-3k players around all regions.

If HotS is so great as you say, it was no longer in this situation.

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By removing other people from forums as anabanana suggested? What a sick deranged mindset. Fake positivity is no positivity.


I honestly donā€™t even want to bother with a response to this.
Look at replays uploaded to hotslogs/heroesprofile.


Follow up question, if the devs had a fun idea for a heroā€™s kit, would you prefer that they gave it to an existing character or a new, unknown nexus hero?

Another follow up question:

Ive never actually played Blackthorne but i have watched a few gameplay videos. The playstyle is pretty simplistic platform style action.

Looking at Blackthorn objectively, what kit would he bring to the table? If he were to be introduced to the game, would you be comfortable with the devs taking creative rights to spruce up his gameplay (hogger or garrosh style)?

Actually? Yeah, Iā€™m impressed your name havenā€™t been removed by this point itā€™s literally a dog whistle.


Oh dear lord. He or she better pray they donā€™t have someone who knows chinese culture reading these forums.

(To those out of the loop, their chairman absolutely hates to be compared to Winnie the Pooh and actively censors such references from social media.)

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And Chinese culture has exactly what to do with this?

Is there some ancient poem which makes Pooh evil?
Nope, just the head of Chinese Government/CCP (not sure if he is both, or just head of government) hates the reference.

I fail to see why anyone should care given China has itā€™s own set of Blizzard stuff which is in Chinaā€™s intranet.

Would American culture be an issue if someone wants to call themselves OrangeDrumpf? Or SleepyJoe? Or any number of politically insulting names?

There is a picture in Chinese social media with Xi walking along Barack Obama and he has the exact same pose and chubby stomach in that picture as a stock photo of Winnie the Pooh. He also looks very short in it.

I shall not link that picture here. It became very popular among Chinese youth and the Weibo + WeChat apps. They also censored Winnie the Pooh from Chinese google searches. You are not allowed to post Winnie pictures on your Chinese blog or Weibo account either or you risk account closure (and legal actions).

I fail to see why anyone should care given China has itā€™s own set of Blizzard stuff

I donā€™t want to be banned, so I canā€™t comment on that issue any more than appeasing China is a huge deal for Blizzard. They banned one Hearthstone tournament contestant for a very brief mention of support for HK protesters. Thatā€™s all I can say.

China is the fastest growing profit earner for Blizzard, with year-by-year profits increasing from 200 million a decade ago to a billlion in 2020. If they can avoid criticism by censoring users making any negative (even joking) remarks about Chinaā€™s leader, they may do so.

Stukov would have a word with you.