HOTS Is actually pretty fun

I came to play mobas after sinking a year and a half into league of legends and the rumors are true most all my friends that play it hate the game but it is highly addictive, so after searching for new games to play and try i watched dunkeys best of 2020 video where the man who put countless hours into league says HOTS is a better more fun moba so i knew i had to try it and i can say ive had more fun on this game in the past day then i have on league in the past few months i really hope this game gets more recognition now that more videos are being made about it


Welcome to HotS and glad you’re having fun!


(Note to Blizzard: Advertise your stuff. It works)


welcome, and hopefully you enjoy your stay

if 0,1% of the people who saw that vid will install and try hots, thats thousands of new players

imagine if they bothered to pay influencers to do this on a regular basis

matchmaking issues, low population, dead smaller servers would only be a distant memory


Glad you enjoy it! Best of luck on your games :smiley:


Yea this right here , it really upsets me blizzard doesnt advertise this game more i understand the competition is big but with such a fun good quality an innovate moba like this they should be putting way more into advertising it other than just the occasional overwatch cross overs


agreed, although unfortunately they recently downsized the game/team pretty significantly

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In the end the game reliably receives its required maintenance at least and there’s plenty of content for a new player to dive into before they ever start to go like “anything new??” But I really do hope the higher ups change their approach and realize the game’s potential.


For dunkey to put the game in his annual show case which averages 4+mil views im sure the game will see some spike so maybe the devs will throw some more stuff in


Indeed, even small ad tweets on Twitter would be great. Something like they do with Hearthstone: “Which hero do you like?” or quoting heroes in tweets.


Hey welcome to hots! :smiley:
Got a favorite hero yet? Personally, I really like the healers in this game.

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I’ve been playing HotS for 5+ years and will continue to do so until the servers go dark. Despite what the peanut gallery here on the forums rant and rage about, the game IS fun and it IS well designed and developed.

Sure I have my pet peeves about the game, everyone does, but there’s no reason to go into absurd levels of hyperbole like many poster here do.


Nothing is stopping ya.

BTW there is a grassroots tournament scene for HotS that does still get excited about the game and is actively promoting it.

Check out Heroes Hearth

and Nexus Gaming Series


Stories like yours are nothing new and the opposite has transpired as HotS has sunk into greater obscurity. The outflows have exceeded the inflows. What you’re doing is comparing a game that is new to you to one that is old. Of course the novelty experience will have advantages. They have failed to stick even with supposed discontent in LoL.

Not only did they advertise their stuff but were the only ones to put it on ESPN2. It didn’t work.


What is wrong with you people!?

Now you hold on here a minute, think about the visual clutter and also the resources.
Those are the usual excuses, right?

EDIT: Which part of ESPN2’s demographic did they intend to rope in with this game?

I think that trying to jump onto the “influencers” and “legit esports” hype was part of what dragged the game down. I fully support the grass roots competitive scenes but the AAA level production value just made it feel forced and disingenuous. I have no doubt that much of the really finicky kool kid pop culture crowd jumped in on it, shat on it, then dumped it for the next cool thing didn’t help HotS grow in any meaningful way.

Let’s not forget that most MOBAs were in like, their fifth season when HotS finally got off its lazy hindside to enter the market. I have no doubt that choosing to stay out so long fended off players who preferred the more wholly-developed experiences in other, more-established MOBAs.

Would that Activision cared but it’s a miracle we got Shadowlands to tack down considering what BFA was like.

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I’m literally facepalming. O man…

So you think that trying to appeal to the fickle masses is a good strategy?
