Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - October 23, 2023

The flirty cloud just couldn’t wait for this announcemnt :smiley:

Anyway this is an even bigger patch than the last one, who was already more important than the previous one. The twitter account of the game has been reactiveted to promote it. Honestly if Blizzard has no plan at all for the game, it would be a massieve troll


LEEETS GOOOOO! :scream: :scream: :scream:

can we get hopeful spirit healer auriel added back to the store? ;D


It’s not about Samuro, but about generally low level of play of most players. If there were statistics on amount of experience that players lose due to “empty” fights because players do not know the basics of the game, yе would be shocked.

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Bring it back MSFT! Bring it back, even if there is a battlepass option. Heroes need to be more accessible and easy to obtain.

I support revival and changing some of the core ways you can monetize the game if it means we get more content true to the original feel and vision!!!


(user has deleted thi

  • XP Globes are now displayed as Blue for the left team and Gray for the right team.

Hey, they took that from Resurgence of the Storm lol.

  • Johanna
    • Blessed Shield no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.

God, if I had known lol.


  • Adjusted difficulty levels for a number of Heroes.

Only took, what, 6 years? But better late then never.

  • Phase Shift’s heal now happens after teleportation instead of at the same time.

That’s a nerf right? BW got nerfed?

  • Abilities that Cleave will reveal the area and does not require target to be visibile.
  • Cleaver AOE no longer reveals targets hit

I’m sorry, what?

  • Burrow no longer prevents allied abilities from affecting Dehaka.

Oh, this is big.

  • Lurker Strain’s Knockback will no longer function as a Stun.

Nooooo, whyyyyyyyyy?!! It was pretty much the only reason to pick it :frowning:

  • Ossein Renewal can no longer be cast while Undying is active.

Well, That at least will make people stop wasting it.

  • Lava Wave can no longer pickup or magnetize Experience Globes.

Wait,. wait ,wait ,wait ,wait , WAIT. Does that mean what I think it means? Or it only affects existing xp globes on Lava wave’s path?

  • Is That a Healthpack can no longer heal Vehicles.

Isn’t it the 2nd time they apply that fix?

They didn’t fix ChoGall capturing merc camps/Bosses while dead though.


I wanna say this wont change to much sense last hitting minions still gives exp.

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When XP globes were first added, there was no last hitting and minions would just drop globes where they died. However, this was obviously a huge nerf to Ragnaros, so they gave Lava Wave the ability to pick up globes from the ground like a hero. With last hitting now giving direct XP, this was redundant and only gave Ragnaros this weird ability to suck up sitting XP like an Abathur hat.

So yes, it’s only a minor change.


The huge one that Empower Sulfuras now works on Blistering Attacks.
Essentially this means you can now attack the enemy hero once, Q in full pack of 7 units, W in ranged ones, and recharge Blister Attacks.
If they take a third of the exp from the lava from me and give me this, then I’m quite willing to make that exchange.

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Gust always slowed people that got hit since Alpha.

I dont understand all these changes on the reveal things on heroes.
When i was playing an invi or against an invi like zera or nova or whatever and i was hit by an ability i was always revealed or i always revealed the invi ( except if like samuro or valeera you have an ‘unrevealable’ cooldown , will that change? ) , so what exactly is changing here?
Shadowflame always revealed the invi, same as murky slime .

The change is that you’ll be able to see the hero you’ve recently damaged for 2 seconds if not slightly longer if they break line of sight from you, and this standardized duration is almost four times longer than in current patch where it would only briefly show them to you the moment damage is dealt.

It’s not a classic Reveal mechanic you’re used to by now which breaks invisibility, stealth and even allows targeted abilities to be cast on targets in such a state (by targeted I mean functionally identical to something like Living Bomb or Pinning Shot), but since now every third ability in the entire game acts this way, it could start to feel as if both teams are using a maphack and any attempt to disengage an enemy becomes that much harder.

This is also an indirect massive buff for long range skillshots or spells with a wide damage radius, not to mention how much easier it will become to hit retreating players with something like Tyrande’s Owl.

This change feels as dumb as the first attempt at reworking original XP mechanics and it took another three revisions before players started seeing the change as an improvement.

In SC2 they had this meticulous approach to map balance where everything had to be of right size and distance between key locations so every race could wall up their ramp on time and prevent defeat four minutes into the match but hots devs have now completely decided to simplify and devalue the importance of securing and maintaining vision over your opponents by putting a giant neon sign above everyone’s head for much longer than needed.

Instead of playing with game balance over something you don’t understand that well, please focus on more urgent matters such as adding bushes for Dehaka on that one ARAM map or maybe being brave enough to reintroduce Leoric without his trait. Imagine removing mirror games completely or even fixing the game update bug.

yeah, but TBH, Sylvanas and Nova are probably the most affected by those changes. It’s brutal for them.

With all the changes to stealth, Nova will be a lot different. IDK if worse or better from just reading.

they arent destroying stealth a second time
this guy has it right. :arrow_down:

that’s not what I said. They are nerfing the lvl 7 AA talent that is a big power spike for Nova. It’s a substantial nerf like it was for Sylvanas.

The stealth changes are hard to gouge from just reading.

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oh i see. thanks for clarifying.
Clearly a big nerf also on invi heroes.
Well, i would have prefered they continued with no updates at all if its to destroy the game more…
Maybe thats their goal. Make us leave so they can close the servors

ah, my bad : p

but yeah, I have no idea how its gonna pan out. I wanna say your probably not gonna notice unless you spend a lot of time playing a given hero.
Or if your really conscious about your micro positioning when bushes are involved.

The changes mostly affect close range abilities or cleave AA. And most already worked that way. It won’t make much difference.

Does this mean you are considering taking the game out of maintenance mode? If so can you actually listen to the folks who have been playing this game for 8 plus years as to what the current asks and issues are for this??