Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - October 23, 2023

Thank you! Whoever and whatever triggered 2 patches in such a shord period, please know that it is much appreciated by the community!
Keep HOTS alive, it is a great game.

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Only took 3 years to release it.

Those of you wondering why there were no Sgt. Hammer balance fixes. Itā€™s because none could be made to the characterā€¦

ā€¦you canā€™t improve on Perfection :grin:


Please bring Leoric back to ARAM with Undying disabled. Thank you!


Game is not dead LESSS GOOOO


Very sus indeed! The hopium is flooding into my heart!


Thatā€™s a lot of bugs. Some personal takes:

  • Murky slime now revealing is nice
  • Apparently Samuro was balanced around having unlimited self-ancestrals
  • Hope Nazeebo is ranked very hard as Iā€™m tired seeing people play him like he has no trait
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Pleasue BizzMac #backtolifeHots

Hell itā€™s about timeā€¦

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Itā€™s not the Reveal status effect, it just shows their location on hit confirm through fog of war. Most abilities do that already, theyā€™re just applying it consistently across the board.


Chris Metzen at Blizzcon 2023:
We are, resurect HoTS!


Thank you so much! This game has fans from all over the world, donā€™t give it up completely!

  • Increased Windwalk healing from 1% per second to 3% per second.

Currently i have 70% winrate with samuro. this is insane.


Falstad breaks invis. with his wind ulti I noticed today (it has Daze effect) surprised me since it has no dmg. Live realm.

MicroBlizz, please bring back HotS!

Polish up the engine, make it run well on Xbox, and youā€™ll have a hit!

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Itā€™s exactly what I thought it was. For example when you kite an enemy hero with Garrosh around the three trees next to the healing dummy. Even when you turn off minion waves to get rid of vision for better results Arthas is stuck in a follow command loop, chasing you around.

In the new patch if you Decimate while neither hero sees the other, but manage to hit him through the wall, the ability does not apply a red icon above the enemy hero (as would be the case with true Revealed - owl, moonfire etc), but instead of only briefly showing Arthas hero model the moment he takes damage (currently it is close to maybe half of a second long), this effect instead persists for somewhere close to two seconds, which is completely ridiculous for obvious reasons.

It completely ruins the whole minigame of using bushes or blocking line of sight to evade or trick your opponents. You have to try for yourself to see how bad this really is.

Are we back?
This means we are back?!
I think Iā€™m coming backā€¦


The flirty cloud just couldnā€™t wait for this announcemnt :smiley:

Anyway this is an even bigger patch than the last one, who was already more important than the previous one. The twitter account of the game has been reactiveted to promote it. Honestly if Blizzard has no plan at all for the game, it would be a massieve troll


LEEETS GOOOOO! :scream: :scream: :scream:

can we get hopeful spirit healer auriel added back to the store? ;D