Even for a hero who roots himself like Nazeebo, you will likely die before reaching him.
You cannot chase someone while mounting during a Team fight, and most characters can dismount you at range. So even outside of a teamfight it’s not realistic. And if they’re far enough that you need to mount, they will mount too, and you will not catch up.
You don’t need both, your Q now also silences if they are slowed by tempest, so you can interrupt at range. I think they realized point blank range only wasn’t that good.
Arthas in Stasis lol.
Don’t push your luck kid.
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I’m excited to see if there’s more to come, hopefully
should do something to nerf nazeebo spiderlings damn things kill everything in one go even if you are playing tank
If Nazeebo took Widowmakers lvl 1. the spiders slow you, so walking doesn’t do much. (And you take more damage from everything because you become a perfect target.)
Though he has to pick between that and “Thing of the deep”
To be less snarky, Nazeebo is hovering around 50% winrate in QM despite being substantially the most popular hero (40.05% pickrate, beating Valla in second place at 27.08%). You don’t get better data than a hero seen in almost half of all games struggling to break even. He’s clearly not overpowered, just shut-your-brain-off easy.