Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - November 14, 2024

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - November 14, 2024

Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.

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Ah, i was already wondering where the notes were as i saw the update :open_mouth:

The Pilot and Gunner Abilities will both recharge 25% faster while both slots are occupied.
The Protector will now gain 25% increased energy regeneration.

That sounds like a pretty heavy boost to me.

Frost Strike
Rework: Frostmourne Hungers now Silences the enemy for .25 seconds.

Ok, nasty for channeled abilities.

Glyph of Poly Bomb
Rework: Target an area to apply Poly Bomb to all enemy Heroes in the area. Poly Bomb activates a second time 1 second after.

I´m not sure if i like that …

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The upgrade to Rehgar’s Purification talent means he can now delete Mei. Jo will suffer, too.

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New main screen too.


That´s on live though already and not directly associated with the PTR.

I can´t remember what event this is from though. I don´t´ recall having seen it all actually.


We are reminded once more that there is someone in the office.

As for the picture, that screams Warcraft 3, in particular the siege of Kalimdor where the Scourge/Legion was on their way to burn down a tree, Arthas and Illidan were playing Paddy Cake, Illidan got on that Gul’Dan juice to go full demon, and Cenarius (the big guy in the top right above the night elf archer) lost a 1 on 1 match against Grommash Hellscream.

I’m adding it to my wallpaper folder.


It’s from the Warcraft 30th anniversary art, not something from HotS. They released three new art pieces, of which that is the third. Very pretty!


Atleast they remembered us.

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the old-new-past-present retro music is lowkey good

and theres reworks!
we may just have inquisitors prayer as a baseline talent yet!


I wish for more heros !

They included the OLD music as well. Quoting Kel’THuzad “Ah, now that takes me back.”

Also I find the picture a bit funny from a lore perspective. I don’t recall any wardens partaking in assault on Kalimdor and if either one in the bottom right are Maiev I can safely say–unless reworked–that Maiev did not partake it the siege.

She was too busy being in a coma after throwing hands with Tyrande. Both her and Malfurion were basically rummaging through the night elf basement when they found Illidan and Maiev still making eyes at each other after ten thousand years in a closet.

It’s funny how the warden and demon hunter organizations became so large and so well organized despite the fact their founders were literally forgotten for ten thousand years in a cave that was sealed off. Tyrande and Malfurion forgot they exist. Everyone did.

While I am at it, Arthas wasn’t blond or pretty by the time he and Illidan squared up. He was looking about like this:

This is why you do not adopt a Frostmourne.

Level 13
    Frost Strike
        Rework: Frostmourne Hungers now Silences the enemy for .25 seconds.
Level 16
    Frostmourne Feeds
        Now also reduces the cooldown of Frostmourne Hungers by 2 seconds.

Ok my Origanl Idea might have been an overshoot but still

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I was making jokes that Blizzard was doing something special for every Warcraft game except this one, so I’m really glad we weren’t forgotten.

  • Glyph of Poly Bomb
    • Rework: Target an area to apply Poly Bomb to all enemy Heroes in the area. Poly Bomb activates a second time 1 second after.

That’s really cool. Great rework for an underwhelming talent.

The Egg Shell buff is also greatly appreciated and gives it a niche with Fish Eye builds, even though I still doubt it’ll be as good as the other two.


is this stated in the notes or was this something done in a pass patch?

Purification always had the ability to break shields and reduce healing, but you couldn’t cast it on Joh or Mei as they were Unstoppable, so the cast wouldn’t go off. Now it will. Mwahahahaha!


It is very surprising to see a new patch even though it takes two months.
It’s nice that we haven’t been forgotten. But that’s just promotion for the Wacraft RTS games.

Since Blizzard is trying to get more money.


  • The Pilot and Gunner Abilities will both recharge 25% faster while both slots are occupied.
  • The Protector will now gain 25% increased energy regeneration.

OMG, The community had been asking for a change like this since forever. I had just accepted that the Protector was never going to get anything. Took a while, but grateful all the same.



  • Level 13
    • Frost Strike
      • Rework: Frostmourne Hungers now Silences the enemy for .25 seconds.

To the 2nd weakest objective in the game. So I’m ok with it.

What upgrade is that? I think I missed it.

There’S a lot of completely new stuff in this patch. It’s…weird. I don’t know to be happy or scared.

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He can now cast Purge on Unstoppable targets if he takes Purification at 7. The talent always provided a decent amount of shield shatter and anti-heal, but was useless against the two heroes you most want it to affect.


Damn is this newly created? I haven’t seen it before

with the update to skill indicators with the PTR are we approaching the world-line where one is added to bomb :thinking: