Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - November 14, 2024

A talent that requires walking into melee range on one of the least mobile heroes in the game. I am sure all Whitemane players are terrified and will promptly uninstall as soon as it goes live.

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Thank you for the warning. What a shame.
Clearly, I bet War3 is their training ground to apply AI in all their future games.

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It’s okay. Arthas will be fine, and so will the game.

I think you’re overreacting, but more importantly, not looking holistically at arthas.

One of us misunderstand’s Lili’s talents. It could be me.
The only time I would consider NOT taking free drinks is when the enemy team is so CC heavy that there is no opportunity for Lili to bully. Lili’s bully phase last until about level 14 or 15, at which point it is no longer safe for her to be near the front line. Tracking when an enemy has CC or burst available and deliberating dropping below half to increase her effective health is one of the main tools to bully, and that strategy is actually made effective and safe once she gets her armor activation at level 4.

The pure dragon build, which is unquestionably better at winning against competent players, is the ‘default,’ but fortunately you don’t need a level 1 talent to make dragon work well. The level 1 dragon talent is frankly trash and attempting to use it effectively costs you more healing than it generates.

The new synergy with two for one, I assume it was included because no one picks that completely garbage talent. Two for one excels in cases where you have one or two competent tanks, AND the enemy is stupid enough to skirmish into a healer with such high throughput. And, it already performs that role well. So making it even stronger in its incredibly niche situation (where more than one ally is below half, this only happens in prolonged battles that the enemy should not have started) is not a good buff, because it won’t increase pick rate in most games.

The only way to increase two for one’s pick rate is to remove it’s self-inflicted penalty to cooldown and give it some other downside. Anything I can think of is really boring though, so I suppose it’s more fun as it stands.

I feel like all the bug fixes for Lili are actually nerfs, the level 7 hot talent always seemed OP and if its weaker now that means it’s no longer the clear choice against Lunara/Nazeebo, other low CC carries.

I’m not convinced. Lemme refute that point by point.

Arthas as discussed is based on his Crown Prince skin.

The backside of Frostmorne’s blade does not have the skull on it.

The warden is very clearly traced from the original by a less talented artist, and given a modern helmet design. The lack of a second eye is also clearly just the perspective.

Maiev and Tyrande are obviously traced art, but traced to me says it’s a lazy artist given ten days and no budget to make a splash screen for a dead game.

Keeper is so far the most suspect, but I think the gnarled hand was supposed to be the tree liker the original but was coloured incorrectly.

Nothing looks wrong with that leg. The hoof is behind the elf’s head and arm. If you compare it to the original, the hoof falls about where she is.

Low detail background art, plus some copy+pasting to save time.

Bear paw doesn’t “turn into” anything, they’re just both standing in the same place.

The necromancer is replaced with a lich because it’s Kel’Thuzad because it’s HotS art. Very deceptive of the OP to use a newer lich model to make it seem faker, when the image is too low quality to make that judgement call.

Panda’s gone because it’s not drawn by Didier.

The OP makes a completely baseless claim that the Dreadlord is supposed to be a gargoyle, again to make it seem more fake, even though the original doesn’t have anything in the sky. Again, this is HotS art. That’s Mal’Ganis.

Again, that abomination argument is using a heavily zoomed-in shot of a distant background piece to claim it’s fake. I don’t see a “cleaver in both hands”, I see one cleaver and another fist represented by a featureless square.

Fire effect was added to give the piece orange/blue contrast. Why would the AI even turn blue energy into red? That doesn’t make sense.

There are quite a few inconsistencies with that art and I find it extremely unlikely it was made for Heroes of the Storm or has any connection to the game. There hasn’t been any official HotS art for a very long time.

Hoku covered a lot of it and I will add onto my previous post in that it simply looks too flat to be anything official with several parts that look to be copy and pasted. The most glaring to me being Tyrande over the shoulder of Cenarius.

Don’t get me started on how flat and boring both the Warglaives of Azzinoth h and Frostmourne look, or that their clash is producing shaman colored lighting.

As for the bear gods…they look like Ursol and Ursoc and not run-of-the-mill druids.

Also, I need to correct myself: Cenarius is a wild god and therefore my previous comment concerning no wild gods throwing down during the Kalimdor campaign was false.

The two things Blizzard has always been overachievers with are their cinematics and art.

If it is indeed not A.I then obviously I am wrong, but regardless it punches rather low in quality for what Blizzard was known for in the past.

Except… it was. You’re literally looking at a piece that features an actual Heroes of the Storm skin, fighting another Heroes of the Storm version of a character.

Like, I acknowledge that it’s very lazily put together. It doesn’t look AI at all though.

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It was hard digging up anything about the background for HotS until I got into the Warcraft playground; it’s for Warcraft. Not created for Heroes of the Storm. They just copied and pasted it into the HotS main menu.

Scroll down a bit, It’s called WCIII-Sentinels Key Art (New).

Now for some actual art that is definitely not suss:

Wowhead link to show the above and other pieces of similar art:

I understand your point as sometimes A.I art is hard to tell apart and it is not fair for artists to be slapped upside the head with accusations of using A.I, but chances are good that the Warcraft Reforged art is not genuine art. Especially when compared to the other pieces published for the 30th anniversary which are amazingly good like the piece I posted above and in the Wowhead link.

Just because they put it in with the other Warcraft anniversary pieces doesn’t mean it wasn’t made for HotS first. We’ll never know for sure, but I think including a bunch of HotS characters that weren’t in the original is pretty strong evidence that it was made for HotS.

…except they would have put something under the Heroes of the Storm section on that gamepress website. World of Warcraft has its own art while Warcraft 3 (which all looks really low in quality/suss) has its own Warcraft 30th anniversary art.

Yet if I go over to the Heroes of the Storm section…nothing. Last official art piece was uploaded was 9/11/2020 for CraftWars. In fact the last official anything Heroes of the Storm related was in 2020.

Which is understandable as Heroes of the Storm is only partially Warcraft. They didn’t add any art for the Starcraft 25th year anniversary either. Or Diablo. The only art is in house for Heroes of the Storm. There has not been any crossover anniversary art.

They just gave us the Warcraft Reforged art to give us something to look at. It officially has no connection to HotS. Unless someone, somewhere said so, but I have not found anything yet, and I seriously doubt I will no matter how much digging I do for this discussion.

I’ve made my points and did my digging. I feel I have nothing more to say concerning the “artwork” currently taking up residence in the Heroes of the Storm main menu. I will let others come to their own conclusions based on what has been posted.

Until an official post comes out I will not budge on my suspicion of belief that not only is the art potentially A.I generated but also that it has nothing to do with HotS.

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ess of johan was op with evidence, across the entire range rank and was problematic by design, arthas walks in and gets really sad and get nuked before he start doing anything, you are yapping that a 0.25 seconds silence will kill the balance

you should be instead focusing that energy on Medivh getting AoE polymorph buff because AoE point and click ranged silence is crazier


Nobody cares about your micro adjustments

You cared enough to come here and voice your opinion about it.

As for the AI hysteria happening here, you all should reflect that maybe this is rushed and not generated? Even the provided evidence is as common as some art pieces I’ve seen before 2021 (last year before AI got mainstream).


clearly it’s a previously unused asset from back when “Horn of Cenarius” was a consideration for a map/objective.

Free Drinks has consistently been the lowest win rate of the three at lvl 1 for quite a while now while serpent is the highest. Your assessments don’t quite line up with the data or my experience. The Serpent level 1 also actually allows you to get quite a bit more sustain because you have higher uptime on the snake and the free serpent actually saves a surprising amount of mana. I always go oom fastest and often feel like I can’t keep up with healing whenever I go Free Drinks.

LiLi is just a bully period, especially in the early game where people are split and damage is more manageable. She can do that no matter how she specs.

I could imagine a previous meta where Free Drinks could have been more useful, but its conditional is just very unreliable when damage comes in both fast and spread from lots of AOE sources. Withholding heals to get people low to utilize a talent is just antithetical to the current meta and just downright weird on a hero where you can’t reliably control your heals. On another sustain healer like Morales, you can sort of temporarily withhold heals to regenerate energy by using grenade or shield. LiLi’s only tool is blind and she’s taking way more damage too.

My point is, Free Drinks could use a rework and change so that it’s more effective early game, and in team fights, even without the need of two for one which is kind of already where it does well.

Ironically, Free Drinks is already the most popular of the three even though it’s the weakest, but I have a feeling that is more because people who don’t play healers choose LiLi as the “easy” backup, look at the talent see oh, more healing, so I’ll pick the healing talent. Kind of like people who still insisted on picking cups before it was buffed even though water dragon was far and away outperforming it.

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I need that as a wall paper for my desktop

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I would be astonished if free drinks wasn’t the lowest win rate, since it requires an aggressive style to be impactful, and is less valuable in the higher skill games where Lili throws when she plays too far forward. I explained this in detail, so your disagreement exists because you were unwilling to read carefully.

I wasn’t even aware its possible for Lili to run out of mana, this can only happen if youre team doesnt know when and how to engage and break off.
Most of what you’re saying sounds like a bizarre troll in fact, ‘cant keep up with healing?’ Who on earth are you playing with that you need to heal your teammates so much that you run out of mana?

I never said allowing your teammates to go low, you didn’t read that correctly either. Again, the only time that healing even matters at all is when your teammates is about to die, so whether Q and E is on cooldown matters more at that moment than the talent.

you pick it precisely because it keeps getting stronger as the game proceeds (and certainly not because of two for one, which is suicidal and a straight nerf to yourself and to whoever you’re trying to keep alive)

This is a weird qualifier again. A good LiLi requires an aggressive play style regardless of what you spec. That’s just built into her kit because of her short range on her abilities, especially to get good value out of blind and more uptime on the trait. She is also punished when she plays too far forward against good teams regardless of her spec.

I read what you said, you said you deliberately drop low to get more effective health. As a low CD sustain healer, you need to be topping people off before they get low.

This is just absurd. How does one get low enough where they might die in the first place? It’s a combination of the damage is coming in too fast, and the healer not topping them off get to the point that they will die. So relying on the conditional of free drinks, especially on a hero where you can’t reliably target your heals is kind of clunky.

It’s just the reality of when I pick Free Drinks. I go oom faster, and I have trouble keeping people up. Guaranteed free mana on serpent that you can cast more often is a huge mana savings compared to free mana heals sometimes.

That’s a bit reductive. Two for one is great when there’s a lot of AOE and you’re not an easy focus target. It is indeed a terrible choice if you’re already having trouble staying alive.

Just so people know, there’s been an update to this PTR. A few introduced issues were fixed, the Arthas Silence duration was increased to 1 second, and an issue with Lightning Reaction on Mephisto activating around Shades without Mimic was also fixed.