Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - July 15, 2024

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - July 15, 2024

Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.

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A long overdue Samuro adjustment but he is still very slippery and Bladestorm armor allows him to reduce high range and global damage which is usually the only way of killing him. Make it so he needs to damage a hero first in order to activate that armor.


Apoc can’t be interrupted now? Time to go feast on some fear!


Link won’t open on mobile for some reason.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Heroes to not spawn at the start of the game.

Never seen that one.


That’s a HUGE nerf to Hyper Shift for Brightwing. Rarely do talents get their effectiveness cut in half, which alone would be a huge nerf, but then to nerf the actual heal portion in conjunction is crazy. I honestly don’t know what the rationale is for nerfing it in this manner. BW’s win rate isn’t even great, and considering such a huge chunk of people pick Hyper Shift, this would be a huge blow for the hero.

Obviously Blizzard has the internal data, but from HP for most patches, even though Hyper Shift is overwhelmingly the most popular pick, it doesn’t overperform. I think this change is a collossal mistake, when really the issue on that tier are how awkward greater polymorph cast sequence/skill required to get value and how map dependent the kind of value you get from Pixie Charm.

It’s unfortunate because to really create better parity on that tier requires changing the other two talents more than number tweaks. Sort of the problem you’re faced with in maintenance mode.

Think Samuro nerfs aren’t really enough, but it’s better than nothing.


Nice patch. Keep it up! Huge bw nerf.

Samuro has been wrecking the meta for far too long. It honestly ruined the game for a few months. Please, don’t let OP heroes at the top unchanged for so long in the future.

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Thank you for continuing to update the game, Blizzard. Love Heroes.



genji nerfs, its so over



Watching Hyper Shift get another nerf is funny lol. Why not just remove it and make a new talent instead ? No matter what they do it will still be the most picked talent.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the last bullet from Tracer’s previous magazine to be fired when Tracer’s Reload completes.

Clearly ‘Focus Fire’ is now viable with this fix.

“we are so back”


I remember playing BW years ago thinking the talent was busted! It was 10% and 2 second CD. That talent allows you so much options and gives a bit of burst protection.
I agree it would “probably” be better to have it removed but it almost feels vital to her play style. Maybe if they were to bake it into her baseline and then nerf her in another way? I’m not sure TBH but I don’t find her that oppressive anymore.

Personally I don’t think it’s too OP as it currently is but is still much better than the other choices, and theoretically without it, I don’t think BW will be anywhere near as strong, and near unplayable, except in the right comps.

Personally I’d like to see other talents buffed to be more competitive, but I love the game getting some love! (even if I don’t agree with it).

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I wish they would just revert Brightwing’s stupid rework. I want them to remove the heal on her teleport outright. It’s extremely unfun to play against a hero with a global % heal, and it makes playing Brightwing less interesting, too.

I’ve been playing with Greater Polymorph recently partially out of spite, and it’s so fun. I want more of that out of Brightwing.

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I like this idea, they did this with a few heroes like Medivh where a talent was overwhelmingly popular, and/or was too strong to pick any other talents on that tier.

This nerf seems too harsh, I can see that Greater Polymorph’s pick rate will probably benefit from this change, but Pixie Charm, not so much. Most bribe talents tend to be less impactful the longer the match goes on. I’m also concerned that with this change, fewer people will pick Emerald Wind, if they didn’t take Hyper Shift at level 1, as the reduced healing without HS will be quite noticeable, if you don’t take Blink Heal at 10.

Nice work from the Dev’s though, happy to see Samuro get a little tap on the head, the Genji nerfs I don’t quite get, but then, I’m no Genji player.


I can’t speak for ranked, but Agile Dismount gives Genji an obnoxious feast-or-famine playstyle in QM. If your team has no hard CC, Genji can infinitely engage with Agile Dismount from outside of vision, unload a full volley of Shurikens, then escape with both Swift Strike and his trait. The nerf is pretty light, but lowering his poke should make that playstyle less unbeatable by some comps.


thanks for the genji nerfs, overwatch characters are pretty strong… not because their numbers but their kit… in QM or in any non pro hardcore escenario when you have a uncoordinated team enemy genji knows what he is doing and he just can kill 1, 2 or even 3 of my allies in a few second… i’ve seen in QM solo genjis carrying enemy team because ally teammates nonstop dying trying soloing a genji

Thank you for the explanation, Ahh, it’s appreciated and it makes sense. I think I don’t see Genji on a spree as much in QM, because my most played roles are tank/healer/bruiser, so I’m usually playing a hero that can counter him, or keep in under control.

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I like playing Q build with BW (I know the others are probably better), you have so much sustain and slows when constantly landing q’s, but despite Pixie charm seemly pairing well with that build. You can’t take it IMO because the additional uses of Q means I’m going OOM quicker.
With the reduction level 1, instead of jumping straight to the offlane, I’ll back first then get some mana.

Adding some extra mana back to Pixie might make it more competitive at least in terms of synergy with level 4 q talent. Pretty much the only time I would take pixie is like GOT with Q build so I can stall and steal camps.

It does IMO as well. My guess is she’s still very popular despite being fairly manageable at the moment.
If this was the “old days”, my guess is they would be going for the over-nerf to reduce her pick rate before giving her a slight buff to about where she is now in terms of power


Thank you for Genji and Sam nerfs.
Hugely annoying to play against especially in QM and espicially when they 1 trick or smurf them :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a huge buff for evading, blinding and also for DVa’s Defence Matrix, now that the bugs for effects of spawns are corrected

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