Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - January 17, 2024

play testing and iterations and coding performance could mean the rework would be months out.

A number of posters have made lists foe talents; just about anyone can brainstorm a rework in a day.

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Nice, lili buffs are welcome.

Thanks for quashing those bugs, keepin hots alive!

doesnā€™t medivh have a wr of like, 35%

You know whatā€™s REALLY scary?

If it ends up OP, itā€™ll take 8 months for it to be fixed!


Negative win rate yes, but in organized play is a whole different story.

Medivh is one of the edge cases of actually being highly banned in organized play a LOT because heā€™s literally a nightmare to face against.

So good at it he literally gets perma banned and whne heā€™s selected heā€™s just casually getting 90% win rate.

I still do not think this buff was necessary to give him 6 seconds worth of 50 armor, maybe 40 armor? sure, on a 5 seconds maybe.

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It competes with portal mastery so highly doubt things will change

IDK, 50 armor for 6 seconds is kinda insane.


I think the duration of his portals needs to be shortened. They last long enough that even if you CC him, he can still casually walk back.

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I donā€™t even like playing Arthas but itā€™s crazy how terrible he is as a Hero.

Iā€™m playing Wrath Classic and weā€™ve been killing The Lich King for a bit now and I just donā€™t understand how the devs could look at one of the most iconic raid encounters ever made, look at his abilities, and give us the most watered down generic version of him possible. It just doesnā€™t make sense, and itā€™s pretty insulting to their own IP.


Still no QM fix by setting Abathur as a healer ? :frowning:

Million complaint threads

ā€œOMG, enemy got Morales and we got Abathur as ā€œhealerā€ stoopid Blizzerd.ā€

(Itā€™s a terrible idea.)


Praying for the Aba to out heal Hoggerā€™s On the Prowl (heā€™s not happy).

Arthasā€™ raid boss fight last I checked has the highest failure rate out of all raids. Kilā€™jaeden may have him beat but that Iā€™ve heard Sunwell was a buggy mess for a long time. I remember solo farming him for Invincible and having to watch out for his Shadow Traps as theyā€™ll yeet you off the citadel if you are not careful.

Iā€™ve personally never been impressed with his in game model both in WoW and in HotS but at least in WoW he is an absolute animal in terms of game mechanics. In HotS he is just a generic death knight #417 with Remorseless Winter tacked on.


I donā€™t disagree, but at least he has Summon Sindragosa, which IMO, is one of the most visually impressive abilities in Hots.


Oh yeah, Sindragosa was built from the ground up new skill that is not seen in WoW at all with nothing comparable to that I am aware of. It is just sad that they dropped the ball on his model yet made other heroes around the same release date awesome. In particular I think Sylvanasā€™ HotS model is the best in game model she has ever been given in HotS, WoW, and Warcraft (albeit slightly better).

Arthas just needs some type of rework to make him less generic. It wouldnā€™t be so bad if he was Death Knight Arthas like he was way back when they were working on him, but they made him Lich King.

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I say make him more generic and give him death grip. Should improve his engage somewhat.

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Iā€™ve always thought that, but a point and click would either be to OP or if it was a skill shot then heā€™d be Stiches 2.0

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Could just expand upon Frostmourne Hungers and have it similar to, say, Zulā€™Jinā€™s You Want Axe? Maybe even make Eternal Hunger baseline and replace it with something else entirely such as a Frozen Tempest talent.

Part 1: After hitting x amount of heroes Arthas unlocks Deathā€™s Advance: Increasing his move speed by 10% and upon activation boosts to 30% for x amount of seconds.

Part 2: After hitting x amount of heroes Frostmourne Hungers which gives Arthas a shield for x amount for x seconds. Something sufficient to give him a bit of resistance to burst/increase tankiness.

Yeah would be too op to be fair lol. Maybe replace howling blast with the same kind of skillshot except if it hits a valkyr picks the opponents up hit by it and drops them in front of Arthas like the Valkyrs picking people up im the ICC fight lol.

His main issue is needing to walk up to people for an engage and lack of interupt.

Edit* Or if Angel Uther throws Arthas where his skillshot goes like the pre shadowlands cinematic lol

So you mean like one of Cassias ults?

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