Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - January 17, 2024

Please. Please revive this game for real please do it xD


It’s great to see ppl working on the game again consistently.

Now bring me Selendis please and the Arthas rework!


Medivh touched. But it’s ptr, I doubt this’ll be the final edition, 6 sec 50 armor teamwide is just too strong. Waiting for lvl 1 buffs so PM is not the only option (+10% movespeed or a slightly better regen in Ravenform do not cut it).


Another patch - Sick!

I wouldn’t say that. Reduction of physical Armour for five seconds instead of three is huge. Physical armour is against every form of attack other than spells, so even minions deal bigger damage now on the target

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This is going hard for a “ded” game! Yes! Bring it back papa-soft! Bring it all the way back!

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Nice to see some continued development for the game.

I play regularly and want to keep it that way for a long time to come.



I love an update!!!

PLUS ANZ has had SL games, banter in the chat and a good night for all win/lose

We’re back baby!

Oh no a Nova update…

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I was thinking the same, but Jugs still suffers from being easily interrupted. That said, I’m so pleased at any improvements they throw Li Li’s way, as I miss playing her in ranked, as she’s very rarely a good pick in that mode.

I can’t stand that bug either. I was told by folks here that the small Dev team, who looks after Hots, is separate to those who work on the B.Net client. That team is aware of the bug, but for whatever reason, have decided not to fix it.


gotta love how Arthas has been unplayable ever since Lucio came out, and never gotten anything since

There are a lot of quarrelsome varmints here. :beaver:

Man, if only they had major plans for Arthas but had their funded cancelled before they could be implemented. Wouldn’t that make your salty comments look silly if that happened?


How does that make my “salty” (actually totally legit) comments look silly, talking about the coulda shoulda woulda of how these devs treated one of the most iconic characters in the entire game does nothing to help him as of now.

Maybe they don’t fix it to annoy players and try to make them stop, but we won’t blizzard, we won’t !

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My guess would be this:

Just be happy we getting some love TBH, a rework would still be a long LONG way away


Who is “we”? It’s certainly not people who want Arthas to be like, useable.

Again, who are you talking to? The devs had an Arthas rework planned. Like, huh?

We haven’t had balance changes in two years, and your only reaction is that you want different ones? God, you spoiled baby.


They are making Medivh “Uther, but better” while ignoring the worst Heroes in the game.
Why should I, or anyone, be happy with that.


As an Arthas enjoyer, it wounds my soul to know just how close we were to receiving this rework. :frowning: