Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - January 17, 2024

Except different, I suppose that might be part of the problem, keeping everybody somewhat unique.

Wasn’t there an Arthas rework planned before funding got cut for the game?

That’s actually what the planned Arthas rework would’ve entailed. They were going to add a stacking quest that increased the damage of his trait for each minion killed by it. Makes sense, considering it is Frostmourne and it should be stealing souls.


I felt like most of the reworks were going that way where they bake in good talents into the baseline kits

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I loved too how many reworks gave heroes an active trait, if they didn’t already have one! I do like what they gave Rehgar though, a less generic cleanse baseline was a nice addition, even if it helped him be a little too strong.

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In case people aren’t aware, there’s been a few changes and additions to this PTR since it first launched.

Added XP given to enemy display.

This has been updated to display as red floating text, instead of purple.

Pilot Mode can now see the Self-Destruct charge.

This has been updated to no longer pulse if Self-Destruct is ready, and the text has been repositioned slightly.

Death Recap

  • Lunara’s Splintered Spear will now display separately in the Death Recap
  • Sgt. Hammer’s Orbital BFG will now display separately in the Death Recap
  • Sgt. Hammer’s Pulse Detonation Core will now display separetely in the Death Recap
  • Raynor’s Execute Orders will now display separately in the Death Recap


  • Divine Star will no longer be killed if it leaves the team area prior to the gates being opened


  • Chattering Teeth will now chase Invulnerable enemies

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Block visuals displaying after the hero granted the Block has died
  • Fixed an issue causing Lost Cavern minions to grant 1 XP to nearby enemy Heroes when killed
  • Fixed an issue causing Azmodan’s Tide of Sin visuals to persist after Azmodan is killed
  • Fixed an issue causing Azmodan’s Demon Warrrior’s burning visuals to persist if the Demon Warrior is killed just as it spawns
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Azmodan to cast Tide of Sin while it is already active
  • Fixed an issue causing Lunara’s Splintered Spear to not behave correctly while Blinded or against an Evading enemy
  • Fixed an issue causing Sgt. Hammer’s Spider Mines to not be modified by all damage modification effects
  • Fixed an issue causing Sgt. Hammer’s Orbital BFG to not be modified by all damage modification effects
  • Fixed an issue causing Alarak’s Lightning Surge to display incorrectly when cast at long range
  • Fixed an issue causing Ana’s Eye of Horus to hit Invulnerable enemies
  • Fixed an issue causing D.Va’s Micro Missiles to hit Invulnerable enemies
  • Fixed an issue causing D.Va’s Nuclear Option to activate on an already detonated Mech
  • Fixed an issue causing Blaze’s Flame Stream to treat targets as though they’ve been hit by both Flame Streams if they’ve been hit recently by a different Blaze’s Flame Stream
  • Fixed an issue causing Tracer’s Get Stuffed to knock back enemies with another Tracer’s Pulse Bomb on them
  • Fixed an issue causing Tracer’s Get Stuffed to be able to knock back enemies that have already been knocked back

Oh my!! Could there be still hope for a rez for this game after all? :smiley:

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I have the mental image of two allied Tracers ping-ponging a Stitches back and forth between eachother. And now, you do too.


pray for the best but mostly little bug fixes and almost no balance on those permaban/80% pick heroes isn’t the revive signal we hoped for :frowning:

If they “yank” Azmo, then they should also “yank” Mephisto, Glazgow, Junkrat, Stuckoff, Zul’Jin, etc. They are stronger than Azmo in brawls.
But you can see how this will lead to a snowball effect… And as soon as the strongest heroes are removed, new ones will take their places and people will start complaining about them instead… Azmo is fine… he may have a good burst damage, but that’s the ONLY thing he has… when his ball is on cooldown, he can’t really do much at all.


what a useless waste of time this patch is