I am a Malganis player and I cannot agree with you. For me his talent tree is one of the balanced ones, because he has many alternatives and reactive talents.
He has anti-tank build, anti autoattack build or carry build… But maybe I am wrong and we can get some changes later, but atm we awaits new reworks for Gazlow and D.va. Why people are so greedy for more?
The difference is, diminishing returns affects all, but doesn’t give you 1 sec unstoppable. It will just make CC chains not work as they are working now, thus forcing people to not pick a lot of CC’s, as it won’t pay of.
But the CC’s would still work.
Point was that with each new hero comes 1 or more CC’s.
After you introduce 20 new heroes, there are ~30 new CC’s in the game.
It’s not about limiting hero design, but after reaching a peak, where you have 5 heroes packed with CC’s facing another 5 heroes packed with CC’s.
Which results in 0 fun for both sides.
And that is the point where a lot of people will start to complain.
And you won’t solve this with Medallion, which just as you said wont affect 96% of population, if not more and will break several heroes for the remaining 4%.
Yeah. That’s why they failed so hard in many things. Trying to cater to both casuals and pro players, without deciding what actually hots is supposed to be.
You can’t please everyone. They tried, failed.
And Blizz is not exactly a customer-friendly company. More like money-friendly.
Every company is money-friendly, if they wouldn’t be they would die out of the economy mostly. But Blizzard is still very customer-friendly and listen a lot to their community, you said it as well.
Blizzard is known for very slow solution, they aren’t good at trying completely new things, so yeah I know it probably won’t affect most playes, but it is still a nice attempt to see how it will be, I like it and will check how it end.
Problem arises when you try to balance the game around casual players.
You should make everything possible to teach them how to become better and not listen to every complain they make.
You should balance around the top few % of the population, but then casuals complain usually.
I don’t think there is a middle ground in a case like this.
Just check the stealth changes. Stealth was a joke for pro players, huge issue for casuals.
Blizz changed it, now its a joke for both casuals and pro players.
Same with experience.
Upper leagues knew how important is to soak and rotate.
Lower leagues ignored it to a point where for blizz was better to put visual indicators into the game to help them soak. And they still ignore it anyway.
I don’t understand it, because for me the stealth change it is rather a fix, because the old stealth was like many said just an eye-test and not really a skill test. And after the change they buffed stealth heroes, but yeah you can argue that there wasn’t enough buffs or nerfs. But the change in general is an success for me as a Nova player.
For me it’s easier and I even can get more xp than before, because you can see it and let the waves do the job and you can join later to collect it. It’s actually quite dynamic like it is.
Soo back to shield potion 100% and still gonna pick flash of anger because only survival skill at that row and not gated behind a cd or a terribad ability.
This patch is literally made and designed around the highest of play, so many heroes whomst are both frequent and very well popular in general were nerfed while others in the need buffed accordingly.
The Medallion is though like most anomalies are just touching the water, I believe these aren’t considered whether casual or not and are just simply designed to kick things in for a change in the meta or how the game is played.
If it was geared towards top play jimmy and valla and hanzo would be nerfed cassia would be nerfed further and twilight archon would be deleted.
At least i am happy they did not buff johanna trait to cater to the lower end of the spectrum.
Thats the thing.
Good players had no problems with the stealth, as it was visible anyway and they use minimap more and arent overextending that much.
Stealth was changed mainly due to lower leagues.
I wouldn’t say they buffed the stealth heroes, as mostly only Zerat sees some play, Valeera rarelly and Nova never.
Easier than before? Why is that?
Everyone had a soak range which was the exact range their vision range.
It was so much easier to soak exp before than it is now.
Before you had to rotate before the waves clashed or when you anticipated enemy is rotating, you had to rotate as well to not lose experience.
The globes are a huge dumb-down to the game and the way it worked.
Mostly because of casual players.
I am not arguing that the nerfs arent pointed towards the higher leagues.
But I think that Cassia’s Surge of Light nerfs are just going to wrong direction.
They either should add a CD for that ability, or keep it at it was originally, 210 damage.
They buffed the damage in the rework to 300 (so almost 50% buff from original value). Now they nerfed it Xth time to 240 and increased the damage taken from 500 to 650.
For second example, the Imperius Flash of Anger will still be the most picked talent on that tier. Not only the other two talents are just tragic, 7% nerfs to damage and shield won’t change anything for that talent.
It just seems that devs have no idea how to balance certain abilities, talents or whole talent trees. They buff something, only to nerf it to even worse state than it was originally over 6 patch notes. Or instead to buff two talents on a tier to be viable, they nerf the only viable one to infinity.
As for the Medallion, I think it will break several heroes in high leagues, while most of the player base will be probably unaffected. I think it is a stupid idea to add cleanse to everyone, just like with weather which added movement speed or shield to everyone.
A big chunk of heroes in that patch are frequent as master choices, just because these aren’t part of the patch doesn’t mean they aren’t focusing those on the highest of play.
Staying in a bush in the same screen is dumb mechanic having to risk going close to globes to pick it is more demanding.
The only thing that would be dumbed down with globes is that you can still collect xp for a short moment if you rotate too slowly.
The globes go both way tbh, on one side it won’t make you lose the soak, on the other hand you have to get closer in the fight to get them in the solo lane, the first iteration of it was terrible but the last hit change was good IMO.
For former its certainly has some casual help to some extent but the latter of globes makes soaking more difficult in the process and more engaging, it opens more strategies in too.
I hated the change with passion.
Also they needed half a year to balance the globes at least to some degree.
I still think that introducing some in-game teaching or explanations in the menu about how exp work would do better job than to change the whole mechanics.
If you would delete the current exp system and go back to old one, I wonder what changes to meta it would have.