Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes – August 31, 2020

Well hope they will balance her with another 4 nerfs like nova.

You want it to be 1500 or what?
Because if 30% raise in requirement isn’t enough…

A wiki would always be good explaining things from scratch would be good, or just a better tutorial.

As far as I know, just like they said there’s gonna be less engaging in the solo lane, since you need to be close, not that close to collect the XP.

Cool, thanks for the scene you made anyways.

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Well i want it to have a 30 sec cd actually.

300 seconds will be the only toleratable cooldown with requirement to get 2000 damage, to deal 1 damage while pressing it.
According to your messages, that’s the balance

Well that reminds me the whinning about imperius and orphea.
Why not have balance and have cassia jimmy and tassadar flushed out of the top of the game for a while so that we get something balanced for a change? Serious question.
We got chromie nova and valeera mercilessly deleted before and for less than that.

Aren’t you also whining right now?

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Won’t say no but we sure see what heroes people play here and who they do not want to be balanced.

While this is great for the meta, I do however have problem with their tank philosophy as of late, every hero seems to be getting insane amounts of health return on their autoattacks or even base abilities. Some of them have become so powerful they are starting to overshadow other builds. I miss the time when each tank was somewhat unique in some manner, but I guess that didn’t work out well so they had to streamline the role and offer a bigger range of versatility.


How do you propose to have tanks not die then?
Having health returns on AA is the only way to have tanks able to commit for a longer time while not dying too fast to autoattackers and giant killing.
You can’t raise armor bonus to infinity.

There are ways… like shields, armor…

There was.
All of them were removed because “casual players find it confusing to track”

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Just like you right now, big yikes.

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Probably add a certain requirement so all sustain isn’t either passive or tied to low effort auto attacks. Diablo slamming people against the wall would return a larger % of his health or Johanna could be self healing every time she hits two or more heroes with her Q.

And then everyone that has no shield break or giant killer can go the way of the dodo and everyone is garrosh.
Not any better.
Of course nerfing giant killing and autoattackers and then nerf tank health and health return could be an idea too

Not sure i ever said i was against nerfing any hero i play ver.

Auto attacking in melee is not really low effort i would argue.
And counting on 2-3 people being bad enough to let they be hit buy the same ability can cause issues too.
I do think you have a fair point that passive hp regen through AAs is too much though.

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Yeah sure, just seeing this amount of hypocrisy in one day is amusing though.

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Well i said giving a delay on wormhole was a good idea but a too big of a delay would bury the ability, it did.

I said nerfing devastating charge was fair but nerfing it too much would bury the hero to lower than rework state, it did.

I said making chromie a sustain hero would make people desert her and hate playing her, it did but to be fair i do not play her.

I still say hanzo is a better nova and was better at stealth with climate and still am waiting him to be nerfed.

Always said nerfing garrosh was okay but having him stop being a hero at 13 because bad late talent was unacceptable.

Always said greymane was busted.

I say nerfing flash of anger will not change his 7 row issue and trait talent at 20 should be nerfed if not removed because down the line everything will be balanced around it.

Have you ever said tracer should be nerfed anywhere anytime?

I can admit i was an hypocrite defending ruby.

Oh and always said alarak was overbuffed and still am wondering why the hell they still buff him.

Yes I did, 5% heal from basic attacks (it happened), 25% -> 20% for Pulse Generator, dumpster level 7 and make them compete better, nerf Get Stuffed, even suggested Untouchable to be removed and replaced with something else for the better health of it.

Have you been paying attention ever since rework? From the look of it, you aren’t, typical.

FYI I hate this rework and believe it was a mistake, just to let you know because some people got their heads in the ground so hard to think I’m defending her of all things.