Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes – August 31, 2020

Now even scary in Fights.


People didn’t even test him yet and think he is not good :smiley: :smiley:

Read how much they buffed him!


A lot. Pretty much a lot. And now he has variety.


I thought the devs were done breaking the balance of the game by introducing anomalies? This new one is a huge nerf to any “cleanse” healer and a huge buff to (hyper) mobile heroes.

Can you stop doing this is you don’t even play your game? thanks.

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This features do bring more things? yes. If they are bad, will they delete them? yes.
So what’s the problem.

They are wasting time on implementing these useless things instead of fixing the little things that drive players away.

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I am not a blizzard dev to make such things, and you aren’t as well.

They said there were done but there would be one last anomaly that they were working on already.

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It’s an L2p issue. Moonshadow is obvious bad at analysis, that’s just it.

Funny to hear that from you LOL. :joy:

Yet still, we can’t tell anything about anomaly that hasn’t even been on live build lol.
But… yeah, pretty ironic.

Your might be better mechanical, but at analysis you aren’t good too.

Anyway, this wasn’t a joke contest at first place.

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You don’t need an university degree to know what issues it will bring into the game.

You don’t get to high leagues just with mechanical skills only.
But stay in your bauble.

But you need to experience things first before you can judge it and both of you judge a mechanic you didn’t even practicied and that’s why I can’t take you serious.

Maybe you should just trust the devs a little bit more that they have an understanding about their job.

I play the game for years and surprisingly, I always take Cleanse when I play a healer which has that talent.

I know what cleanse can do in a late game and also if you time it right, not only you save your ally, it makes enemies waste a lot of their CC’s. Which in most cases turns the fight.

That is 1 hero in team with Cleanse talent. And now we apply it to everyone.

Telling me I didn’t practiced a mechanic, which is in the game since alpha is kind of stupid. So you aren’t taking me seriously because the same Cleanse talent healers have will be given to EVERYONE, but with the difference it is on a 5 minute cooldown and I didn’t practice with exactly that one…

Based on how the game changed in recent years and several stupid changes to heroes, talents and so on, I doubt that the devs have understanding about their job. Just check Cassia’s Surge of Light talent, which got its like 7th nerf since Cassia’s rework and devs still don’t know what the issue is. Yep, they are totally understanding their job.

The devs introduce it with the comment:

Developer Comment: Our goal for the Gladiator’s Medallion is to give players more opportunities to commit to aggressive plays and relieve some of the helplessness felt when players get stuck in long CC chains.

So they are also aware that this talent is indeed strong in the right hands, but they want to push players skill to help them to achieve playing more aggressively and also creates a counter to cc-heavy teams.

And as I mentioned in an other thread this change is rather for good players than the majority of players and the reaction to the community’s demand: increase the solo carry potencial, because you need good timing to get use of it and it’s easy to fail with it, so it will reward good players for knowing how to plan their actions. I highly doubt that the majority of players will be affected by this anomaly, it will only be affected by a small percentage of players. And how it is a bad thing? For me it is a nice experiment and attempt to make the game more skill-rewarding.


Then implement diminishing returns for CC’s. Each next CC duration on the same target within some period of time (like 0.5 seconds) will be cut by some % (like 50%).

You can’t add more and more CC’s into the game and then wonder why the game turned into a CC fest. And introducing Cleanse to every hero is definitely not the correct way how to solve the issue.

“Increasing solo carry potential” is exactly what shouldn’t happen. You want solo game, go LoL or Dota. HotS is a team game, you should work as a team. Things like this will result in even more people playing assassins because “I can carry solo” attitude. Which won’t help to anyone.

And if it only influences the top 5% of the player base, if not less, why do you even bother to implement it then? If majority is not affected?
Why put hours and hours of work for something that will be used by almost nobody?
Casuals and low leagues won’t care, upper leagues will be broken.
Totally good idea and totally worth it…

This could be an option, but you could also go the devs way and trying out a new anomaly and looking how it’s end up. I would recommand you 1st to test it out and later you can still complain about it.

How is it good, if you limit hero design, because you don’t create interesting heroes with cc? If I follow your analogy Mei shouldn’t be released and I think it’s horrifing, because she’s very fun to play.

Well and here we have a problem and cannot be solved. You say they shouldn’t do it, others said they want it and the devs as a customer-friendly company waged the voices and trys to make everyone happy. It’s a rough path, yes. But I like how they manage it until now thats why I still play rather hots than lol or dota 2.

See above.

I wish they had given Mal’ Ganis some love. That man’s talent tree sucks. None of the talents seem to make any difference for him. Also both of his heroics suck. Either remove the radius or casting time from Dark Conversion or make him unstoppable idk. Carrion Swarm barely heals or does any damage. My mans needs some sprucing up plz. He’s fun but feels so weak compared to other tanks that can lane and make huge impacts in team fights. Maybe improve his self-healing from the get-go? Just look at him :worried:

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