Mens,Womens,please new hero,new hero…
Weird to even call it like that because it’s wow counter-part is exactly the opposite, a simple cc break without the immunity.
The really long cool down is what makes it interesting though. This might change the way we play during teamfights in HotS and especially how tanks use powerful abilities.
ETC with Mosh evil laugh
Tracer malicious intent
The change of Brawl to ARAM is kinda fine I think (will miss those adventure brawls or random get-item brawls tho) but the removal of the weekly chest from it hurts me.
Could we get a weekly chest by just playing normally then? It was a good highlight on Fridays.
The puppy kicking will commence.
Tbh will this dethrone deckard as best healer? 10 sec was enough for one ruby a teamfight of 10 sec. teamfights don’t last longer than 10 secs usually
Deckard will always be good, but Ruby was just too op, especially in certain scenarios.
So I check that since this month I will use Valeera portrait (part of Artanis (nominees) champions) has belongs to former Central TV logos (Including Carlton Central region). I will focus her though Vampire Slayer skin. Bundles from last year event has returned I focused some skins & mounts.
Hasu is streaming PTR inhouses now if anyone wants to watch some high level play with the new changes.
Yes hasuuuuu 20 char
Dva new main tank pog
Gazlowe deserve that rework, he was like the same for 6 years. For me, it’s about time.
Stop destroying all of my favorite characters. Some of us actually like focusing on siege damage and laning.
I play Gazlowe because I love the turrets, and they feel barely relevant now.
Leave gazlowe as 2 heroes. Current gazlowe, and gazno
Sorry you can’t have that. Apparently people don’t like soaking or siege damage heroes. Welp, time to say goodnight to Zagara.
The actual fix to Tassadar should be either remove the slow or reduce the base damage by a lot and not the quest. No one gets the max stacks until past 16 anyway.
Many thank to Heroes of the Storm for The Reward [Invincilisk] and [Tamed Ravasaur] mounts,I had a topic about it last months.
Raptor Mounts are missing - #8 by waterlong-1416
New Mount for HotS - #4 by anon80712462
Arthas new skin and event are super cool,hopefully to see a good buff,rework too.
Importing summoner spell makes me feel bad.
I hope this anormaly is limited-time.
Another one, who don’t even played Gazlow but starts crying just because he got a change. I give you a hint Gazlow will be scarier at pushing than before, might need a nerf.