Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes - July 12, 2022

First off, I hate the lizard.

Second, I wish we could’ve gotten one last really really good thing, one last hurrah.


I’m glad I’m not alone. I thought I was perhaps just ungrateful, I think the “super rare epic mount” is rather, err, ugly.

I agree too, it’s a shame Hots didn’t go out with a bang, it really went out with a whimper with those last patch note(s) all 2 of em.

Edit: Couldn’t they have at least fixed the patch loop bug on the Client? Keeping the client stable was one of only two commitments made by Blizzard to Hots going forward.


It is ugly. Its colour scheme rarely matches with any skin or base hero looks. Its clunky and huge and reminds me of the default lizard mount which is UGLY af. The mount is basically just “put spikes on a crocodile and make it glow neon with lightning effects”. It’s terrible.

Also yeah. SC2 left with a bang with a big patch and HotS get what? An announcement as a final send off? Truly Activision’s influence is shameless.

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Fans of Warcraft Refand feel of self even worse than everyone else. So in comparison with them, we are still in “chocolate”. Although, on the other hand, it can be said that Hots was in the Alpha test for 7 years, and died without leaving it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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They even closed the thread saying something like it’s a false claim.
I guess there is one computer on the planet where it doesn’t happen - it belongs to QA. :slight_smile:

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If this is it after 2 months then the game can be officially called dead

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Game took away my Support Tassadar and died after that.


as its clearly not one item in a list of struggling issues that all stem from requests from the community.

i don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this XD!

i hate to say this but the only moba game which at least has some dedication and love from their developers is league of legends , Dota 2 is dying too . i would be looking for other games to play before this game shuts down unless Microsoft can fix the game .

Don´t forget about Tyrande, Whitemane and Garden of Terror. They will not come back now, but at least they will not destroy other heroes/maps anymore.

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Do people enjoy the last hitting mechanic, the carry/support dynamic, the stick to your lane rule, and the shop? And drafting as a newbie, having to know the role of each hero by name, and of course if you fill, the shop gets even funnier. And all the resulting toxicity. And having to learn all the pings before your first match, because if you don’t ping Missing, then you get the verbal abuse. (Minimap DLC only comes with DotA Plus.)

I think Heroes did a damn good job with these over the years. Sure, people can mess up the first time, but it’s not a deadly sin.

This is why I think Heroes should be preserved.


yep i’m never going to use it.

What they should have done, is release every map, every mode, all of the skins, and automate rotating seasonal events and open up to community development.


Ignore the title.

The final patch we get is just a lazy-:peach: breakup text? What a joke.


Blizz_DWarner had his own personal goodbye to say


Hi everyone!

Just wanted to pop in and give a proper personal thank you and goodbye to all the lovelies that have kept the community alive and thriving over the years.

I’m gonna get mushy for a bit, but I feel I can’t even begin to express how much this game and its community means to me. Anyone who has worked on any artistic or creative endeavor knows that some portion of ‘you’ goes into your work and becomes inextricably written into your soul. It’s painful to look back and see those freshly separated fragments of 'you’ suspended in time, but that’s life eh?

I started on this project some 8 or so years ago as an assistant technical designer, originally tasked with simple data implementations of the first sets of maps and heroes. Since then, I’ve touched probably every map, dozens of reworks, several core hero designs and of course several thousand bugs. This work was not spawned out of some special DWarner pocket dimension though, it occurred here, in the real (digital) world, with my hundreds of (very talented and handsome) coworkers and most importantly, you.

Despite what community consensus might state, designers are usually present in forum discussions, watching popular streams (special shoutout to FollowGrubby, CCL, and the crew of Into The Nexus) and of course sharing dank memes. All of your participation and energy helped us trudge through our difficult days (it’s still a job after all), guide our decision making, and just generally help us feel like we’re part of something more than just data fields and debug maps. We couldn’t have done it without you, so thanks, really.

If you made it this far, raise a glass of whatever and say cheers to all! Cheers to the passionate, cheers to the haters, cheers to the memers, cheers to the contrarians! Cheers to the goof leaguers, wood leaguers and the most sparkling diamonds! Cheers to the quickmatchers, cheers to the Vs AI’rs, cheers to the ppl that play every night, or only twice a year! Cheers to Spazzo and Notbelial and all the lurkers too! Cheers to CCL, the 323r’s, the 6.5r’s! Cheers to the whole damn lot of you <3

Steaming hot regards,


P.S. I’ll see you all in Diablo 4 :slight_smile:


Cheers to my community friends : heroesofthestorm (reddit.com)

So the only Blizzard dev that comes out in person to say goodbye was this guy that posts on Reddit. Guess its not everyone of them that just hides behind a recycled mount as an excuse.


why would people come out to say “goodbye”?

Mile ybarra had his statement out out that the issue is a lack of devs to put on HotS, so of course the game has stagnated. Yea, a few former employees put their shoutout online, but it seems more people are doing themselves a disservice by calling this a “goodbye”

The game has been without a team for years to maintain the content peopl keep magically expecting to pop ou lt of thin air. So, if some perceive the game isn’t “over” they aren’t saying “goodbye” and if people are still at the company, then they might not say “goodbye”

Being a “passionate community” mean people are more likely to find stuff to fault because somehow some people still haven’t noticed fault-finding to be problematic for the game.

Oh no, a bunch of 0-post accounts are coming out to bemoan that the ‘best game’ isn’t getting an update to the shop; too bad they didn’t let people know the game was so great before expecting the devs they disregarded earlier to now owe them something in an excessively game


From what I heard maintenance was to account for new heroes, but with no new content and the game in a frozen state there would be no need for maintainance.

Hell ya long live Hammer

Aaaaaand we still have Christmas loot chests. :expressionless: