Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes - October 14, 2024

Thrall is gonna be so f’d in qm

Why so? Didn’t he only get buffs?

yeah thats what I mean. I find him already quite good for qm cause his kit and abilities are loaded in a way where he’s good at everything and isnt reliant on team mates for almost anything. The only thing he can’t do is heal other people but he can give them a shield at level 20

QM tends to be melee unfriendly though.

Yeah I saw this on Discord servers, this is pretty memey.

On another note, the Spell Armor for Thrall is only applying to the first instance of damage, then reduces back to 50???

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Thrall is melee ranged hybrid.

He has it best for a solo-Q hero, Q deals good damage and scales well with Echo of the Elements that can be finished in 2 minutes at best, 4 minutes at worst.

W synergies well with his Sundering and vice versa, his trait can be efficient in dueling 1 to 3 players, great and diverse talents overall, they buff his weakest ones in this patch which is good but also buffed his base sustain which was already good and his Earthquake and its upgrade is considered one of the strongest Ultimates in HotS.

His weakness is that he’s a Bruiser role in a Bruise offlaner meta where his wave clear is considered weak, all of which were buffed.

Honestly, I expected them to buff his weak E13 because it’s pretty much a meme, his trait does more and it only get outmatched when you pick all the E talents + Elemental Momentum then play him like a tunnel vision Artanis player.


quit your bellyaching


Years ago, (it was on the old forums) I recall the Dev’s relaxed the rules for MM on the ANZ server (and maybe Brazil/SEA), as anyone above Plat, couldn’t find matches, and the result was rainbow lobbies such as in the Reddit post.

This change was only made on those servers and was not implemented on the EU or NA servers. Perhaps this is an undocumented change to address long queue times, or the change could simply be an error?

Thanks for the heads-up, at least I know to avoid SL for the time being.

Saw it too. Guess they had to losen the restricsions cause que timers were too high.

nothing works cant install cant play tried everything

You said you get an error code. What is the error code?

Did you delete the game and try a fresh install? Battlenet fully updated I assume?

Are you out of space on your HHD/SSD?

It’s a fact. And the countless posts in this forum underpin it.

You might not be aware, but I’ve posted walls are you regarding you apparent inability to discern fact from not and… you’re doing that thing again were you’re demonstrating you don’t seem to know what makes a ‘fact’, in fact, a ‘fact’.

So magic tip #arbitrary value: calling something a ‘fact’ doesn’t actually make it so

Not really. Even on this forum the complainers are the minority. 10+ posts from the same 4 complainers does not make it true that eveyone hates it.

Come back when you got some productive data that shows the majoity actually hates it and not just the loud miniority that make it look like it is.

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It is objectively incorrect to think Thrall wasn’t good before this patch. Thrall has been very, very strong for a long time. Just because the remaining folks here don’t play him right does not mean he needed buffs. Now he’s going to be broken.

Well then I hope end up you enjoy your thrall buffs as much as the rest of us do.
But just in case you need some thrall counters, I’ve got a nice long list for you.

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exactly this
you don’t count the echos from a megaphone as separate people


You are just delusional. There is not a SINGLE week without somebody new complaining about this feature. Not here and also not in Reddit.

The “always the same” argument only applies to the band waggon. The 5 lost souls who always write the same nonsense and off topic stuff. 10k posts but no content.

that same metric hasn’t phased you for other type of content…

Any new characters going to be added? Bwonsamdi would be a money maker