Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes - October 14, 2024

ARAM changes are so absolutely horrible…
At first I thought it might be some out-of-date april fools’ joke.
But here I am, discovering that, all of a sudden, eeevery freaking player hates this mod (still searching faster than QMs btw), and eeevery ten-of-a-kind game is accompanied by quit-brats.
Like, I’ve literally NEVER encountered any leavers in mega-mirrors. All my fellas love these, they make some of the most memorable matches. But nah, let’s remove some of our few cool and distinctive gimmicks 'cause of someone’s loud whining.


Thank you Hots Dev, for the early Christmas gifts, your work is appreciated.

I echo the sentiment of many here regarding the changes made to ASAM. So many heroes have been removed, and now there is such a tiny chance for these matches to occur, you might as well simply remove ASAM.

I’m doubtful that the changes made in an attempt to please the sort of player who leaves ASAM games will be successful, as those players will leave regardless. As someone who didn’t mind the occasional ASAM game, the reduced hero pool and all the other changes make ASAM unappealing to me now.

This was the result of changes made way back in 2018. Also, Bronze players in Storm League can’t group with Plat or above. If you’re Plat/Diamond, and somehow you’ve been matched with or against Bronze players, it must mean you’re playing on an underpopulated server such as ANZ, and the matchmaker was forced to create a rainbow lobby.

It’s not ideal that we have a system that allows players to group two ranks apart, but the game simply lacks enough players to for ranked games without these compromises. I don’t like the change any more than you do, but I’ve had to accept the reality of where Hots is in 2024.


He’s not. He’s in “bronce 5” which is why he’s only getting 15 pts per win

And those whiners will now continue to leave but for different reasons such as “bad comp” and the like


If the player is Bronze, in SL he will never be matched with Platinum, Silver/Gold yes, but not Plat and above and the Plat players can’t group with Bronze.

So they are either very, very unlucky to be constantly matched into a rainbow lobby, or they are leaving out details here.

Why the heck didnt you invite the rest of us to the backwards planet where chen and thrall were good. Id have liked the change of pace : c


I’m going to go with “leaving out details (aka lying)” for 500, alex


my game keep atempting to update, but it keeps stopping after 6mb. and start over, until i get a message: something went wrong, try restarting. and then an error code as a link. or something.
so game has bit unplayable since the patch was inplemented.

Try rebooting your system when this happens. The patch is fine for me, but I’ve had issues in the past, and usually it’s as simple as rebooting to fix.

The attempt to update after I exit the game stopped for me atleast. Thats the only positiv about this patch.

Kid, i played yesterday with a plat 5 account, and i had in 1 game 15 ponts after a win and -85 points after a defeat, is not my problem if you are a qm player and u dont understand what im saying.
It also happened to many plat/diamond steamers, so believe me, this shlt is not normal.

Well u dont understand dude, yesterday i played ranked, platinum account, playing alone, and i was paired 3 times with bronce 5 players and several times with silver players (1 time with a duo of bronze 5 who were in a party). It also happened with diamond players who were playing alone too and were paired with me and the bronzes.

And magically something else happended, the ranked queue is usually 400-600 or more second for us during the night, but yesterday it was 150-200 seconds, that’s obviously not normal.

ANYTHING (except all Nova) is better than all Hammer.

Ah, trust me bro

Say no more


But they forgot to set it 0.0% and to remove Murky. In that order. Why would you even with 0.5% put your players in that 30 minute sh*tshow of a game.

It’s an era of gamers min/maxing everything, wanting to be streamers, and wanting to win no matter what with even the most casual game mode or game turned into a competition.

Oh and no accountability, because quite a few people think they are Grandmasters that weren’t given a chance to show how grandmastery they truly are because of (insert excuse here).

Unfortunately, that has bled over into ARAM/ASAM and other such goofy games and game modes.


ARAM started fun when it was just people picking random man in ARAM lobbies. Now its just become anothet try hard mode with people that expect meta comps in every game.

All of that becasue they dont want to wait 30 min in ranked que and want all the benefits ranked gives into ARAM hence why some ask for ranked-ARAM.

Just wait. When same hero ARAM is gone they will ask to have ranked removed and merged with normal ARAM. The complainers will slowly remove everything until only ARAM is left. Then you can freely uninstall this game casue then 95% of the playerbase would be gone.

I have to point out that eye of the tiger and accumulating flame have never been as strong as they are now. Weirdly enough the auto attack healing portion had received even a bonus 10% in scaling up to 60% (MISTAKE?).

Several years ago both were useless so they they eventually brought them up to an acceptable value. Sometime later they had to nerf both talents again. Bad attempt at opening up build diversity while turning him into a 1v1 wrecking ball. The sample size is still relatively low but there’s a big spike in popularity of both talents and their success rates.

The intern should look at the hero design history from time to time.

Gift of the OX buff isn’t doing too well but Eye and Flame have already jumped from the 20% pickrate up to high sixties among all game modes. Their winrate is also up from 42% to near 50%. A double amount of games has been accounted for since yesterday and the trend is still holding, growing even.

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Thank you for this update and thank you to all those who spoke up to have your voices heard about removing ASAM/MM. I’m okay with a .5% chance of MM, but if they decide to remove it completely, i’ll be happy with that decision as well.

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Kid, I’m a GM on my other account. I just don’t play it and that’s why I’m complaining about the situation in bronce 5. Trust me, bro


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Uh oh.