Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - October 7, 2020

Maybe it’s because I always spam my non roach spells on cooldown for Heroes, but choosing Maw over Nydus just makes me always have to hearth or tap often.

It’s definitely a concern, and you gotta be more conservative with her mana when you’re not in team fights but a team fight doesn’t USUALLY last long enough that she can’t be effective if she goes into it with >60% of her mana.

It’s a trade off for sure, but Maw is such a good heroic for team fights that it’s more than worth it.

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I know, but it was just my feelings (Besides, I al Tracer Main). I can argue anything objectively and I know that Tracer is still strong; But in my heart she’s dead.

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Or it could just have it’s duration increased


Since you wrote expected, were your expectations different than personal opinion on whether they should be buffed/nerfed?

If it makes you feel better, I hope zeratul is on the future chopping block instead of tracer

What has Zeratul done to you to deserve this?

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Mobility plus damage

Gazlowe is just stupid. For the skill ceiling that he has, he is just to good. No brain required to play well, it’s just brute force and map awareness. I’m sure everyone will be enjoying mirror matches in QM for the next few weeks.

The shields to healing wells could use a slight increase in base value because they are just as easily sniped at level 1 by one auto attacker.

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Gazno pre-patch was terrible. I beat him as Raynor although Raynor is strong

Most bad players will not be picking Gazlowe

They pick mostly based on whoever looks cool or has the nicest skins

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Conveniently he now comes with a nice seasonal skin. Players will be spamming what performs well for least amount of effort. While I don’t mind his new popularity, he was slightly over tuned ever since the rework. The buffs to his unpopular talent choices will only increase success rate with less informed players that don’t follow the meta.

I wonder why Life-Binder got CDR again. AH is crying.

they turn tracer into tickle machine buffed most usless talents can she even clear waves now

Not completely unchanged, they are temporarily banned from ARAM. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ana’s grenade needs HR(healing reduction) change, not duration. 100% HR is the reason why people dont pick alex and life-binder.
Baseline HR should be 25% or 50%, lv7 talent provides to 75%. (16sec CD is too long if get nerfed)


If your team is sitting in the middle lane while the enemy kills your wells that is on you.

I wouldn’t mind a buff to the initial amount, but I don’t see it as necessary.

I’d want forts, keeps, and turrets to get 2000 more health at least each. Fountains could use 500 health increase. I’d also want their range increased by at least 1 range, but I know players will complain about that

How to prolong the game, Tooton 2.0 edition.

Don’t forget to ask for splash and slow for them as well.

Also core could use a 30k HP increase, don’t you think?



That’s a high honor.