Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - October 7, 2020

Gazlowe gravity and stun changes weren’t really necessary with how idiot-proof the abilities are. Other talents that were buffed still feel like an inferior alternative with his new play style. No surprise why robo goblin is no longer picked 3/4 times and is fading away in favor of gravity which now has the same pick rate. He is powerful enough even without an ult.

I like the ease of use for leapfrog Kerrigan. May not be ideal but it offers up a different avenue of contributing to the team. Ravage will become that much more powerful much sooner. This is similar to what they’ve done with Blaze by increasing PVE power, but I’m a little concerned how the increase in damage might spike player power too early and result with too much shielding in some circumstances.

ETC’s Encore is still ridiculous, the main problem is not how frequently his ults will be available, but how impossible is has become to track his cooldown and plan out how and when to engage in combat.


Most of these changes look pretty good. The only one I’m iffy about, is the Deathwing change. I’m worried this is going to shift Deathwing from a bruiser role, to a mage role.

Deathwing thrives in upper levels of play, because they tend to pack insane amounts of CC at the cost of damage dealing. So a bruiser Deathwing can survive there.

But at lower levels of play, a bruiser Deathwing tends to struggle. I already see enough players trying to play him like a mage; and I’m afraid this change is only going to further this trend.

Thanks for the tips.

I’m not sure why they thought that Gazlowe needed buffing. Just because a ton of people are terrible with the hero does not mean his kit was weak before now.

They’re going to have to nerf him again next cycle. I can guarantee it.


I can’t help but wonder if the dev team is aware that all they’re doing with Deathwing is essentially trying to pigeon hole him to one build, namely Q, because the problem with nerfing his Destroyer form build is that there isn’t any other alternative than Q build… Of course people at higher levels play Heatwave build since it still his most organic build with the way W & E just mesh well together, in addition to utilizing Deathwing’s huge hitbox to body block and help secure kills much better than his ranged form. In addition, Q build still benefits from playing Destroyer form simply because of the mobility it offers with E so I am confused why they targeted his W in that scenario…

I mean if they want to keep nerfing Heatwave I just feel they need to seriously consider creating new functionalities so that a new viable build actually emerges otherwise at this rate they’ll end up creating a one build hero that in turn will need a rework down the line because they’re just culling alternatives while heavily favoring one build.


Overall I would say this patch is okay to good. Nerfed some of the meta heroes but Gaz buffs have me worried and Tychus was lowkey pretty strong so changing him has me worried too.


Key Things they forgot to do and patch review

  • Fix Samuro fountain heal bug
  • Whitemane nerfs
  • Why buff mephisto’s meta talents when hes already in a good spot
  • Chromie nerfs
  • Diablo nerfs are trash, AA build still op
  • Lets make Gaz pick/ban now becuz dead game

Anything else i missed let me know

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Sylvanas’ changes:

Lost Soul needed a buff, the 10% damage is fine.

Festering Wounds needed a nerf, the 10% less damage is good.

Mind Control desperately needed a buff, applies 3 stacks of Banshees Curse? HAHAHAHA, is that really the cleverest thing the dev team could come up with? No really, let’s stop and analyze this. The disparity between Mind Control and Wailing Arrow is gargantuan because Wailing Arrow is a massively impactful heroic in teamfights as well as 1v1s and Mind Control is rubbish. In League of Legends, the fox hero named Ahri gets the same thing as a regular ability but with only a 12 second cooldown AND it deals damage when it hits, AND increases Ahri’s damage to them for a time afterwards. As of right now, even with this change, I will still never take Mind Control except in unbelievably niche situations, and the puny buff is only going to give unknowing people false hope to use it more and lower their winrates. For Mind Control to EVER compete on an even playing field with Wailing Arrow, it needs to either not be a skillshot, have a much lower cooldown than 50 seconds, or both.

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an unnecessary nerf to destroyer again, just delete this form and rework Deathwing in a ranged assassin lol.

What? No Zagara Buffs? Also nice Kerrigan buffs I guess.

Which is a shame because Leo is actually really good in ARAM especially at 20 if you don’t troll with him.

Zagara does NOT need buffs. The fact that Corrosive Saliva continuously dodges the nerf bat is honestly surprising to me. I guess not enough Zagara players are realizing how bonkers powerful it is.

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You need bile to be completed and Her roach drop is the most unreliable quest there is (even Hanzo’s W, imo, has a better chance at being completed). Hydralisk gets killed easily by stray skillshots and random AOE anyway. I guess I’m more referring to Nydus being subpar and her humongous mana tension if she doesn’t pick it. At least give her some actual sustain in the lane.

Edit: But I guess that’s my personal bias and I can see how Zagara can be very OP and annoying in the right hands and in the right comp.

It’s also a shame that the people who don’t troll but are just bad die so much that they’re spamming Blizzard with false intentional feeding pings so they had to remove him so the people who can actually play him, can’t play him.

I don’t mind TLV being removed, though.
not exactly the reasoning I expected him to get removed for, but it works for me.


You do not need her Roachling quest for it to be powerful, although if you can complete that quest it turns the talent from powerful to uber powerful.

Honestly Nydus Network is overrated. It’s really strong if you can set it up properly and your team is winning but the moment your team starts losing and you lose your network it becomes a dead weight heroic. But that’s the risk you take when you play her like that.

Playing her as an ordinary backline sustained damage output assassin she is quite strong right now, but the fact you CAN take Nydus Network and be such a global pest also is what makes her so good. She can be threatening in either role and teams have to account for both options.

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I’ll try playing her with that mindset more. Thank you.

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Then you should have seen how strong mutalisk talent was pre-nerf. Being able to keep on attacking everything with a bounce attack until it died was OP. Good it has a 30 sec timer now.

Heroes are always OP in the right hands and average in a average players hands.
Bring the player not the hero i always say.

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Yea that was the tradeoff in her last rework. They nerfed a lot of her split pushing potential (but not all of it) and made her much stronger in team fights. Xul had a similar adjustment to his tool kit.

I think a lot of Zagara players are still stuck in the mindset that all she’s good for is rushing down forts. She can definitely do that, but if you build her like a proper team fighter now I think a lot of people will be surprised at how well she performs.

Word of note, she does have mana issues if you don’t take Nydus Network but she’s not the only assassin that does. Just can’t be as spammy with the spells.


I will still most likely stick with Epicenter, as I love CDR talents, and the increased area means I can stunlock their entire team. Usually if I am diving the back line, I am going to be Cocooning the healer/dangerous assassin anyway, so I have 100% reduced spell power on them!

I do like the HP buff, though. That will make a big difference.


She was overperforming for sure, banned in Master lobbies very often.

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