Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - March 29, 2022

I think the reason for this is entirely Earthbind Totem (which frankly is why he’s so good to play.)

It gives him near Tank levels of peel and people (especially at low ranks) NEVER target the damn thing. That in combination with his ability to dive and actually duel means people get frustrated easily.

In Dia+, W build is at 62.5% WR in over 450 games.
With a 95% confidence interval, it’s between 57.5% and 67.5%.

I just want to say that I’m very pleased to see this game is still getting some attention. Thanks for the effort.

So they buffed Hammer when she didn’t need a buff?
IF Hammer gets two good phatties she doesn’t need to exit siege mode. Hell, she’ll never die!

Why the increased movement speed as well? She didn’t need that, she moves fast enough already. Her range is insane, her armor is 50! She can scedaddle within an instant of incoming danger, and sit behind tower range. Hammer is horribly ill balanced. A good ranged assassin like Kael’Thas, or Kel’thuzad are the only ones gifted enough to actually do anything to her, but she usually activates her 50% damage reduction ability! During siege mode and makes a 1223 damage combo look like crap.

Nerf her armor, I beg of you, and PLEASE! Nerf her siege mode range, its god damn hell.

Alex didn’t need a buff either, a good alex grabs Life Binder and spams the f*** out of it, and no one ever dies.

Whitemane is more of a skill class healer, she does really good if you play good.

Johanna’s damage wasn’t the issue, it was how tanky she is. Every tank should be able to brawl really well, but JoJo was too able to survive multiple encounters while below 50% health, because she could spam iRoN sKIn which grants unstoppable and lasts 4 flipping seconds, and just leave house like it never happened.

Art is popular, but that doesn’t constitute a need for a nerf. He could be easily countered by blinds, ranged heroes, poke damage preferably. And a better bruiser/tank then him, what he needed was a buff to his swap range, a talent maybe? To help him and his team deal with ranged damage dealers.

Thrall needs more than a buff to his CD reduction, he needs more sustain other than his already existent sustain, something to buff resilience? Make it heal over time or increase its healing depending on a talent choice by which it increases its healing by 10% Stacking up to 3 times, not something massive, just something to push him into the proper sustain bracket he was meant for.

Varians tank and Colossus Smash are fine. From my point of view, If I pick random select in QM, i’ll more often than not get Varian, and random select basis its choice off of the best hero to pick for your future team. Varian can increase healing, decrease healing, give armor, sustain through hell, keep enemies still, reduce their armor, smash squishes, and most of all! Solo a boss.

Varian is in Illidans position right now, and I think leaving him there would be best.

Alarak doesn’t need a buff to his other talents, he needs his quest talents reworked, specifically Chaos Reigns, that talent has been the least picked since his buff to auto attack talents.

Chaos Reigns is an uncontrollable talent, how is anyone supposed to get lucky enough to get a 3 hit with it? I can’t control that, the enemy team controls that, they expect that kind of quest, its just like with maiev, I can’t control them. The quest needs a rework, because it is literally the least picked now, and for ever will be until its changed to better suit a playstyle fixed around burst damage.

The best information that I aquire is from QM, not Ranked. No information, no specially crafted teams, just random BS. And I get to view your “Most Picked Heroes” Get smashed like tinfoil before the might of QMs unflinching ability to wreak havoc on unsuspecting meta heroes. In ranked, you can pick the least picked tank and go to the stars with them, in QM that doesn’t happen, you pick a hero you want to play and get destroyed.

Anyway, thanks for the patch notes fellas.

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I´d be grateful if people would stop necroing month old threads, especially patchnotes.

I was quite excited there for a moment till i noticed it was an old one.


This is the first necro to just flat out tilt me. I’m in a mood today. :boom: :anger: :dragon:


As long as it is the most recent patch notes it is still relevant.

Alexstraza is one of the worst healers in the game

Neither in master/diamond nor in all ranks has Alex the worst winrate, so if you would be right, then Whitemane, Deckard or Anduin are worse than Alex.

sadge at the :skull:romancer.

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Meh, you’re not the only one. I thought Hots had finally got a much needed update. Boo to the necromancer!


I mean, it seems logical to discuss balance here, because it’s looking like there will never be another balance patch update to discuss it on further.

We’ve just hit the 3 month mark.

This fill me with unnecessary Judge Dredd ! A combo of health problems and the 4th being a PTSD inducing day, when I saw this I thought I could get a distraction from stuff going on in my real life if just for a minute. Within my mind’s eye I just saw the necro poster push me off a cliff and point and laugh at me as I fall to my mental doom.

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because pushed-back season transitions are evidently not an indicator

A- are you okay? Like this is genuinely concerning so please seek professional help.

I already do so don’t worry about me. the 4th and the days around the 4th always have me sick and on edge.

I read somewhere on Youtube that 4 july should be celebrated with fireworks that dont produce sounds because dogs and people with PSD gets anxity.


O lol. Is this is a sign for a snowflake society? I would say it is…


Only morons use fireworks to celebrate nowadays. Nothing but a waste of resources, makes animals crazy or dead and nobody wants to clean the mess afterwards.


How inconsiderate. If you think people with PTSD are “snowflakes” then you don’t understand what mental disorders are.