Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - March 29, 2022

Hey, atleast joh nerf is an indirect butch buff in a way :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Gulā€™Dan buffs are very beak.

Already thought he was strong, maybe an overbuff?

I get the buffs to rarely picked talents but his 16 buffs may be a little too much.

Thank you lone developer! Still brings my heart joy to see another hots update. Just praying that the cursed 137mb download has been fixed as 90% of the time Iā€™m playing on metered bandwith.

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So? As a Chromie you should be using your other abilities. Because if you did youā€™ll know that she does have mana tension and you wouldnā€™t be typing this nonsense.

Letā€™s say she uses Sand ult for 10 seconds, thatā€™s 50 Mana. Then letā€™s take into account that Chromie should be spamming her damaging abilities because thatā€™s her job as an artillery damage dealing mage. In that time sheā€™d be able to use at least 1 W and 4 Qs totalling up to an additional 145 Mana. So thatā€™s a total of 195 Mana in a 10 second fight.

But if you add in the fact most of her spells wonā€™t hit, thus wasting her mana, team fights can last way longer, and enemies can just ignore the sand and dive you, sheā€™d have to use more abilities, consuming more mana. Also letā€™s add in the fact that how often do you as a Chromie or any other mage show up to every single team fight with 100% mana and HP?

Yea, Chromie having SandStorm active means that she has negative mana regen. If she uses her abilities, especially Time Traps, sheā€™ll run out fast.

I love Urticating Spines. If I need wave clear or if the enemy team has a Zag or Valeera, sure, Burning Beetles is strong. But if I just want to kill people, US is my go-to with the Q talent at 4.

Which reminds meā€¦ Why donā€™t they change the walls into gatesā€¦ Or make them neutral, so either team can destroy them :stuck_out_tongue: I also dislike the fact that I need to rely on the enemy team in order to get freedom to my movementā€¦

Theyā€™re mostly making Whitemane easier for anyone to use because they no longer know what to do with her.

Now Intercession is just a generic cleanse with reduced cooldown, Radiance is a mess, folks will still go W build on Higher MMR, more so than ever because Shared Punishment now doubles the healing.

Good job on Blizz for buffing a talent that does not need buffing, and adding Inquisition cooldown reduction on Harsh Discipline shows that they donā€™t want it going back to level 13.

The rework is still a mess and made her builds one dimensional, any other builds are applicable below a lower MMR, no offense.


Sorry, phaseshifter, but I think youā€™re mistaken here. If two 2 charges were good by default, why did they buff it in the first place? In my experience I almost always prefered Laws of Hope and in few situation I took the armor talent, but I didnā€™t the saw the need for 2 charges before the buff.

And I partly I agree with Hoku that her trait is the real issue, because there was a time, when her trait got nerfed and she saw less play. Why was it, when her trait is the issue? So I doubt it that itā€™s the trait alone, but a mix of the option she got since then.

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If you run out of mana then thatā€™s on you. :man_shrugging: I wish it cost double the mana at least per second and see what happens to chromie after that

His life drain build overshadow every other build he got so it was expected.


I always thought suck build was the worst of the 3 options. Guess the devs thought the exact opposite

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His lifedrain build can make him tanky for a dmg dealer.

Itā€™s got the most counter play since he stands still during drain. Plus if you interupt him early into his drain you will put it on a long cd and usually put him in a bad spot.

I normally go full drain if I think Iā€™m worried about getting dived, I usually go a Q - Drain hybrid so the buffs are good for me.

With the nerfs to Artanis as well it looks like the devs arnt balancing the game around masters probs looking at whats overplayed overall.

Drain build gets pretty good at 7. Its alot of damage that you can dodge and a big slow. In a way it almost makes him like a taunt Varian lite in a way where anyone who gets to close is instantly CCed and nuked. Granted, its only a 50% slow and nota taunt.
Plus it makes him even more of a lane bully if you decide to solo with him.

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yay buffs for my beloved Dragon Mommy!
I think I have to play some matches with her. Buffs to tough love? Finally a reason to pick something else than Draconic Discipline


but also buffs to Draconic Discipline lol

true, Draconic Discipline got also buffed. Iā€™ve to try out if the buff to Tough Love is worth the pick. (On paper itā€™s now a good talent against burst damage, before the buff it was just meh)

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Q Ambush Build need Love

But Convection need Buffs. From 200 to 300. Or the Spell Power Trait talent on 1. From 4% to 10%.

And his 7 Trait talent should stack to 30%, if youā€™re have the Trait on 16. No refreshing the Duration. D: And maybe Phoenix on 20?

In your developer comments box for the Varian changes, Iā€™d like to point out your error in thinking.

You state ā€œThe change to Heroic Strike is a mild buff to both Taunt and Colossus Smash Varians, which weā€™d like to see more often.ā€

The change you made to Heroic Strike, was to increase the cooldown reduction from Basic Attacks, from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

Can you really not see which type of Varian this is going to benefit the most?

You have this one Varian type, called ā€œTwinbladesā€ or did you forget about this?

What you have done, is buff Twinblades auto attacking capabilities, which is the only thing this Varian does, your not going to get more Taunt or Colossus Varians with this buff, your going to see an influx of Twinblades darting around and auto attacking tanks to death, 30% faster.