Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - June 3, 2020

People always think reworking talents = a buff


Late to the party here, busy day, but interesting patch. I wish it would dissuade those who say the Devs never listen to the community as there are many changes that seem to be inspired by discussions here and on Reddit over the past few weeks.

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You know what, Iā€™ll bite.

Heā€™s not wrong, her talent diversity is hot garbage, thereā€™s a reason why 4 and 7 are always Q talent being picked.

While Level 1 thereā€™s like 2 viable choices and the rest is complete dumbster, even after many buffs.

And so on and on many different tiers.

Iā€™ve spoken with actual master players and they say the same exact thing.


yay whitemane changes. first impressions are a bit confused but ill give it a try.

I perfect that Lt. Morales in this balance patch notes included the fixed here. Also Cassia & The Lost Vikings included in this fixed here.

Itā€™s funny you say that. Yesterday before the patch came out I was reading one of the 8 threads about Bloodlust being too OP. A suggestion there was to nerf Bloodlust but buff AH at level 20 to keep both talents balanced and competitive.

Well we got the buff for AH at level 20 and no nerfs to anything, I will continue to spam Rehgar in SL, I know Iā€™m disgusting. :wink:

I thought you would be pleased when I saw those Anub changes. :slight_smile:


I found that Genji alongside Tracer & Gulā€™dan have included in this fixed here. Also Zagara has been fixed in this patch notes.

I saw that many others heroes have been fixed in this patch notes I find that Whitemane & Uther is included in the fixed here.

HailFall is always right.

Write me a sentence in Slovak

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Thatā€™s the very first thought I had upon reading the patch notes.

This was the most baffling to me, why at level one would you take Ranger in its current form over the other two talents? I know so many people want the old owl build back, but I donā€™t think the Owl talent used primarily for damage fits with Tyrandeā€™s current kit or role as a healer.


Gaz is B tier at LEAST and in no need of desperate buffs or nerfs
Dā€™va is on the rework table we know this she was right behind Tassadar
Valeera and Nova both fall into pub stomper territory which makes them both notoriously difficult to balance so I canā€™t blame them for putting them aside until later.

Still no reversion on the ā€˜anomalyā€™ despite it being a absolute failure. It just punishes tanks and bruisers, which almost no one plays and definitely arenā€™t overpowered. Divers still can get in and out without any punishment. Covered multiple times. Itā€™s bad, revert it.

Artanis nerf is still in place. ā€˜He didnā€™t get nerfed!ā€™. Yes, his DPS build got absolutely nerfed. Not only his DPS, but also his surviveability which is directly related to attackspeed. This comes from developers not understanding how to build him or the original synergies the developers intended to work together.

Qhi is nerfed this patch hard. While she has some fun meaningful tweaks in there to mask it, her damage/consistent offensive pressure/ability to multitask all came from stacking her bleeds. Terrible nerf and turns her more into every other hero instead of forcing enemies to keep their distance and play around her offensive capabilities. This also lowers the skill ceiling on her.

Anub is still bad.

Tyrael is still a terrible tank because he has neither surviveability nor damage.

Whitemane is still broken after her last rework. You canā€™t have three distinctly conflicting playstyles on a character that need to all be done at the same time (which isnā€™t based on build). Auto-attacking, while spamming lash, and channeling? What?

You can put out meaningful numbers with her and I didnā€™t say sheā€™s broken because she canā€™t put out healing. Rather sheā€™s broken because she has to do three things at once and basically amounts to tripping over herself while attempting to do anything, but has been buffed enough for it not to matter. You literally can mash keys and it doesnā€™t matter. Thatā€™s a sad place for a character to be.

That mysterious snow was also present on Warhead Junctionā€¦

Oh HELL NO! Donā€™t tell me the next hero is Meiā€¦

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Hm, Braxis and WHJ are both Starcraft mapsā€¦


Didnā€™t matter if it was a Starcraft map this snow is on. Remember how Zarya invaded on that event?

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Yeah I feel like they should have compensated a bit. To be completely honest though I didnā€™t always see a ton of healing from AAā€™s in a short amount of time anyway. When Iā€™d lane to heal up while still getting XP, Iā€™d see that I would get most of my healing from globes.

I hope it doesnā€™t hurt her too much.

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So I might be wrong about this, but didnā€™t Qhira mostly get nerfed?
No one is gonna notice the health changes, and they essentially nerfed her w (which is the majority of her kit, q is for applying w stacks, autos are weaker than normal because they apply her w), and the 10% you lose on her w is more than the potential 10% youā€™d gain on her autos (compared to before). Finishing touch basically gives her normal autos, and strong ones when people are low, but her w before would just out damage that. If youā€™re in a sustained fight to get value out of her autos, then youā€™d probably have gotten even more from her w with fatal wounds, since again, the majority of your damage will be from this, even with finishing blow.
It also does the most burst damage (obviously, autos are mainly about dps), so she basically just lost dps and burst. Her 1v1 is better for sustained trades that donā€™t go on for too long if she picks finishing touch, but thatā€™s about it.
Now I might be wrong, so if I am please explain it to me. Most people seem to think these are buffs, so there must be something Iā€™m missing.
I also thought she was supposed to revolve around her w, so Iā€™m not sure what theyā€™re trying to do with her now.

Does this help you? :laughing:


Yes, yes it does :drooling_face:

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