Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - June 3, 2020

I don’t think people chose Baelog build much so Blizzard wanted to change it. I just don’t think people realize how powerful Baelog build was before. Now it’s worse in almost every way.

My hats off to you guys that can still play TLV. It’s too nerve wracking for me now, with the xp change and the tower change causing too much mayhem - it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Before I could just put on nice, old retro music and chill out with the vikings. Now I have PTSD of a butcher coming out of the woods and whispering about what kind of steak he’ll turn me into :frowning: :cut_of_meat:


If you want to push lanes then take spin to win which now deals more damage to heroes.

TLV are possibly the heroes i know least about, so i got no idea how to even interprete those changes.

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Oh yes, they buffed the talents that I already took with TLV.

We’re not talking about spin to win builds. We’re talking about how the changes to Baelog are worse in both split pushing and fighting.

It gains a slight advantage in team fights until one of them dies. In lane, Baelog could fight well.

I know as Baelog and Olaf together I could usually 1v1 most heroes in the game. Now, I can’t. Kinda sad.

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Please stop buffing Reghar…


Like if 2.5 more range isn’t trade enough. Now Baleog is more like Fenix. The new talent brings a lot more than the previous one.

lol these new icon changes makes me so trippy.

Honestly why they haven’t done that 4 years ago.


I am in the try mode right now. It’s the same as Eric.

Thank you.

It’s easy to not feed Butcher, but hard to prevent your team to not let feed him.

Do you even understand what you said? StW is now more team fight talent vs heroes, and you tell me to pick it to SPLIT PUSH, WHEN ITS DMG WAS NERFED TO MINIONS?!


They say they’re worried about using him in lane, but without that range it was often risky for him to even attack minions.
Now he should much more easily be able to.

It already obliterated lanes so quickly, and was a threat to heroes.
Now it will still kill minions pretty quickly, but will be a big threat to heroes even sooner.

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Teach me your ways, wise sensei :pleading_face:

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DrLogan#21202 or go here

I literally killed Azmo today several times as TLV. Wanna make me do it easier?

That’s a lot of range considering both of them can attack from the same distance while Olaf is defending.

By shoving it in your face it seems

Jeez logan have some self controll. Your really bragging lately


LoL, the ideal win rate is 50%. If Rexxar is that high (You’re probably looking at GM data which is skewed higher), it’s him that needs to go down. You don’t balance for the highest win rate hero or else you just have an endless trajectory towards a top ideal that is constantly being replaced by the new hero that is at the top. This is pretty rudimentary stuff man.

The Bealog change is pretty terrible. If they want to give a bonus to fight together, it should be a survivability buff. This just makes your damage terrible if you’re ever split or any of them die which would just feel awful.


And they look like good changes…weird…only time will tell though!

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My mom says it’s good to punch people, using 3 beard guys.

100%. I rarely did any build other than Baelog because of just how powerful it was. Now it’s bad. I can barely kill Arthas in Try mode if he has his ult. He will kill Olaf or Eric before he dies. If I kite I can usually kill him but it’s Arthas Try mode AI, it shouldn’t be that hard to kill rofl.