Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - July 15, 2020

TBH Johanna has the best survability amongst all tanks. Of course her damage sucks but pretty much every tanks damage sucks and yet dont have a high survvability count as she does.

Yes Valeera needs nerfed, not buffed. If youā€™re struggling with her its purely skill based. I think that next balance patch that included Valeera?

Jfc what did Cho do to deserve getting his lvl 1 quest ripped away?? That talent kept him alive on a ton of maps.

Whereā€™s my Imperius buff??

I dont understand this quadrupling down on Gallā€™s garbage W talents. It makes no sense and its clear that they dont understand the ability what so ever.

There is 2 major flaws with the ability itself one of which its unreliable to hit more than once with it. next it travel time is awful and none of those talents really fix it.

Like im really starting to think that they dont play some of their characters and tune them based off data instead, its sickening to see. Ive seen this with deathwing, probius, tlv, and more.

Like whats up with this, hire some testers for god sake or ask the community feedback. Like reddit is not the only area where you guys should get your feedback from Iā€™ve seen countless stupid ideas that you guys implemented from garbage reddit. Wake up there is plenty of great and constructive ideas that pin points issues and how to solve it on the official forums and you guys ignore it instead being on both often.

Also while were at it how about you revert the change you did to bots a while back cuz forcing players to ping a bot in a middle of a team fight cuz someone lost power or rq is insanely frustrating. the bot literaly does this hey man even if im in the team fight and you still need me, ill still head back to the core cuz why not right?. Whoever though of that change and applyed it needs to stay away from the game.

Like come on blizzard wake up, that all there is to it.

Where was the nerf for Imperius and abathur?

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In the twisting nether where illidan buffs are.

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Amazing. I donā€™t know when was the last time that I so fully, 100% agree with a post.
You, sir, are a space goat connoisseur.

Disagree, that stuff is easy to spam with or without that talent involved, this means she would have to be wiser in using her trait than just casting it all the time, it is easily one of the best talent because it is HP layer on top of CC immuinty.

Didā€¦ Didā€¦ did garrosh get buffs?

What? What did I miss?

They were added same day patch got out so it should be out now on both US and EU server.

I love Tychus new changes. Armor piercing rounds just sounds so sexy right now for me! Blaze looks hot right now as well. Itā€™s about time they got rid of the incineration that ignites oil. Iā€™ve always seen it as a talent 4 as well. Stitches wave clear is noice!

I want to play, but Iā€™m tryna take a big break atm. My bodies changing for the better since I took a break, but not just from that, but also due to working out and training. Also I didnā€™t realize how gaming affected my neck and posture as well lol. For now, Iā€™m gonna go on a health spree and see what I look like down the track. Remember peeps! Get plenty of rest and sleep, stay hydrated by drinking lots or only water, eat healthy and take vitamins, stay fit, get lots of fresh air and keep clean and hygienic! ( I normally sanitise everything that people touch once every few days)

Also cut back on caffeine and coffee (completely if you can) and sugar by drinking mainly water. Doing that helped get rid of the anxiety for me while also allowing me to relax and sleep a lot more. It feels gooood! Basically life changing stuff for me which allowed me to get some awesome and happy familiar feelings back, with a huge reduction of stress and a huge boost of energy, strength and Intel ^^

Get awoke or stay broke

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Him having very bad level 16 and 20 talents

Buff Lili, please. Lili is a bit too weak now.

OP is still OP.
Trash is still trash.

Iā€™ll wait until next month.


20 maybe, 16 has good enough stuff imo.

The power of garrosh combo made me think it warranted a weaker 20. Guess I was wrong.

There is nothing wrong with playing just for fun, but the developers kinda have to balance the game around the best players otherwise there would be no balance at all. I tried both Xul and Cassia last night and theyā€™re still more than viable :slight_smile:

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Darn it! So the cassia nerfs still werenā€™t enough?! Iā€™m all for getting the pitchforks out again

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Good point. She is mana hungry but I feel like that helps her be less spammy and have better counterplay.

For example I find like Arthas and Tyrael suffer way more with the mana stress due to their kits than Mei, if that makes sense.

Still, wouldnā€™t mind a little less mana issues, thatā€™s for sure.

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These Blaze, Diablo and Muradin changes will do absolutely nothing. Thanks for confirming you just want them to stay useless devs.

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