Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - July 15, 2020

Xul changes:
1- Weaken nerf: I 100% agree with it and it may require even more nerfing
2- Spectral scythe and jailors nerf: I strongly disagree with nerfing Xul in his ability to reach out and/or damaging ranged heroes especially after the nerf on his slow on level 16, this way he will get back to the niche role of being only good against melees and utter trash against ranged

So I made 2 recolors that I like:


And what do you mean by that. Who is op and who is trash. Pls explain.

In my personal opinion some characters were treated unfairly - like Stitches - this 90 hp less on lvl 1 is 197 hp on lvl 20 - which also stacks with his devour by healing lower amounts.

Second point - Mei - while she become a little more balanced her Avalanche change is a joke as basically it has same utility and those 5 second will have almost no impact. Also Crystalize talent. Nerfing post shield armor duration and CD reduction is bad move, they should have focus on armor amount and reduce it from 50 to 30 as Mei taking that talent still remains Healing block of ice for 1k hp (even if it is nuked fast) while having smal armor to escape.

Diablo - positive change but I would rather focus on his lvl self healing talent - right now it doesnā€™t stack meaning that doing wombo combo -charge, hit, overpower, hit, charge for combination of those wonā€™t heal player for 36% hp but only around 20%. Basically choosing that talent and than doing combo is waste of talent.

Mal Ganis conversion and Grey mane cursed Bullet - while I agree with small reduce of cursed bullet power I would rather give both skill requirement - Cursed Bullet - canā€™t be used on targets having more than 85% of max hp (which is equal to nerf for this amount and stronger on lower amounts), Dark Conversion - canā€™t be used on targets having 60% max hp more than Mal Ganis (as basically it is to fast and hard to counter).

Thatā€™s a good point. I do applaud the amazing effort by the developers. Heroes of the Storm is a very fun game for me to play. Ever since I started playing HotS since November of 2018, Iā€™ve played daily except when I took some time off due to a knee injury this past December and January.

I wish I had played this game a lot sooner but Iā€™ve been a Diablo 2 addict since the summer of 2000. And then I briefly fell in love with David Brevikā€™s other hit game, Marvel Heroes Omega (which shut down in November 2017). And Iā€™ve also been loving Diablo 3 on the side, but itā€™s more of an arcade action game to me than a true RPG like Diablo 2.

MOBA is still very new to me but Iā€™m glad I gave Heroes of the Storm a try. Itā€™s my favorite PC game right now. I enjoy completing all the daily quests. I spent $450 dollars on this game early on. I still plan to spend more on it soon. And I mostly play versus AI mode. Sometimes co-op.

Right now Iā€™m greatly enjoying Diablo and The Butcher. Fresh Meat! Theyā€™re super fun to play and donā€™t feel weak to me. I wish Cassia and Xul werenā€™t nerfed so much, but with so many iconic Diablo heroes I can just replace them with other fun choices. I rarely play Deckard Cain but heā€™s definitely interesting to me. I had a 2 kill, 35 assist, 0 death MVP game with him the other night.

I find that both Arthas and Tyrael get more value for the mana though. Thatā€™s the big reason Meiā€™s mana issues bother me. She only has a few talents that lower her long CDs (and only one that refunds mana) so dropping her mana costs by 10 shouldnā€™t be a problem.

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I get your idea and agree with it. I personally feel like Arthas or Tyraelā€™s seem more hurt with the lack of mana than Mei BUT Iā€™ve also suffered that issue with her in some games, where I tried to peel so much that I ended up with no mana and it became an issue. Iā€™ve since then tried to be more aware of her limitations on that particular aspect.

I would not mind, whatsoever, a reducing in her mana costs.

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Mei is built for peeling from the start of the game. You use your abilities to peel out your team more than you use them for yourself. If your team is hyper aggro you bleed mana fast. Tyrael can at least dive in and out as he chooses. Arthas is mostly in the solo lane early and can hold off unless heā€™s going all in on someone. Mei doesnā€™t get either of these options.

I think her Q could use -5 mana and both her other abilities -10. It would at least keep her in the fight instead of being forced to back if you have a team that needs constant peel.

Oh I read the weather anomaly would be removed in my google news feed. It seem the peopleā€™s psyche gave the answer towards the random factor chance, as well as players randomly chancing of getting an advantage over one another lol. Itā€™s damned by design anyways :stuck_out_tongue: . If it is getting removed, please please please keep the artwork of the ambience! Keep the weather without the effects of the anomaly! Foggy on Towers of Doom made it surreal, and the rains and thunder on Dragon Shire was just naturally beautiful that it embedded a nice memory! Make it maybe 1 in 6 chances of getting the weather anomaly and experience bliss and change!

Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, to some extent, if the ranking system stopped at plat / diamond you would be right. Or if the game was QM onlyā€¦

Comparing her to Nova kinda gives away your rank butā€¦

Sadly this game goes way beyond plat, there is a reason you will see almost no Valeera games on master / GM games. She needs a complete rework to be playable against people who know what theyā€™re doing.

Up there itā€™s not like ā€œValeera opened on me. What do i do ??? I guess I should run back in a straight line without even trying to side-step the sinisters and hope I live!ā€

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I can feel the ETC nerf a bit, but JoJo really feels pretty much the same. Even with Laws of Hope, I didnā€™t feel like my trait wasnā€™t there when I needed it.

The Blaze changes are tasty.

donā€™t even joke about such things