Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - July 15, 2020

I like the Mei changes, they didnt bury her. Small adjustments, just to put her in place.

Johanna’s trait nerf was expected.

For ETC im not sure if that 2 seconds will make such a huge difference, will see.

Diablo got -1 sec for Q and E, so from 13 sec to 12 sec. Not huge change, may make a small difference.

Stitches slam doing bonus to mercs and creeps as baseline is indeed interesting, but his main problem is lack of peel. And I still think he needs normal trait. At least he has better lane clear now, but his clear was already better than some other tanks have.

Garrosh 20 changes look interesting. But decimate needs something on lvl 10, not just lvl 20. Maybe double damage to mercs and creeps? Warlords just too good to pass.
And Body Check “buff” wont make it picked more

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Fun fact there currently is a spelling mistake on Maeive’s lvl 16 in game
It says Heoros

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Cassia was completely broken and busted while Xul was still insanely strong, especially on his best maps - those are very well deserved nerfs. Xul should be in a more healthy spot; time will tell if the same goes for Cassia.


Still nothing for Alex or Kerrigan.

Also I’m terrible playing with Mephisto. I lose and die with him a lot! Was he nerfed too? Keep in mind not everybody is a pro gamer on here. I play to have fun and lately it’s not as much fun playing these iconic Diablo heroes. I’ll need more time testing things out though.

At least from what I can see so far Diablo and The Butcher are very fun to play! No complaints there. I guess I’ll hop on Diablo 2 when I want to have fun playing Cassia the Amazon and Xul the Necromancer.

I’m not sure these Blaze buffs are in the right direction.
Early Incinerator Gauntlets can help with camp taking potential and improve his mana management while laning but I feel like the talent should really be adjusted. Blaze really doesn’t need help with strict clearing potential and while it can drain his mana he’s still one of the fastest at aoe clears while not needing to risk much due to having a panic button for a trait and can use his E for escape.
Aside from having to skip Crossfire, a Blaze’s main source of burst damage, and Grill and Kill which gives you a lot more in the ways of sustained damage and healing, Gauntlets are just incredibly weak on their own and provide little to nothing during teamfights (unless there’s a summoner on the enemy team) and actively hindered you by lighting oils that did not need lighting.
With the oil lighting moved now it’s just the campaign mode button for BHB.
Adhesive Petroleum buffs are good, and due to how the talent works I’m not entirely opposed to having basic attacks light the oil.

It’s nice to see some stimpack love because it can feel pretty stale when you’re picking New Habits every single game, but I’m not sure they all got the same amount of love.
Adrenaline Stimpack buff has me on edge. As far as the stimpacks go it’s already on of the stronger ones because it functions as an additional gap closer/ escape tool and can combo well when activated with Combustion so you can stick it to more people. If you plan on taking Burn Notice at 20 it can really put some work in. Passive movespeed on a tank is no joke because it makes it very easy for them to bodyblock targets, and while this is only active at 80% HP I think they’re really underestimating how often that can be achieved. It was probably aimed more at helping him during the laning phase or more obviously to combo with the new Incinerator Gauntlets.
Endurance Stimpack can feel really redundant in a lot games because Blaze has a lot more health than he knows what to do with. Strict HP isn’t always something he wants when he already has massive amounts of armor and regen, but it can be helpful against very bursty comps. I do like that it’s more of an “emergency use only” type of thing now and moved it away from “pop this for more health”.
Neural got the least love out of all of them. Technically a 33% increase on mana restored but it’s still only 1/3rd of your cheapest (Q) ability activation. It’s better than no buff but I’d prefer to see something like “Reduce mana costs of basic abilities by [X]” to encourage more aggressive use of the ability, since Blaze really shines when used more proactively.

Looks like tanks other than Johanna, mei or ETC will be fun and viable to play in competetive scenarios at long last. I am so happy for the Johanna nerf in particular. Reghar bloodlust and cassia nerfs are also amazing :+1: Tychus is probably saying “hell it’s about damn time” regarding his buffs but he might become too strong - well time will tell.

Hi drlogan big fan :star_struck:


Having just looked over the Blaze adjustments, one thing that stands out to me as something I think will prove unpopular is the addition to Endurance Stimpack. Having it automatically activate on damage (when low on hp) means even if it is a small amount of damage, such as from a minion, it fires and now goes on a 30 second cooldown. I think that could prove frustrating, as usually players would want to save it for when it is really needed.

At a minimum, it should be able to be toggled off, like some talents that will provide armor against the next spell damage, so you can avoid wasting it when you are not in any real danger. But even then, I think this is problematic.


if +9 to Kharazim’s W does ANYTHING at all to his win rate, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.

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I thought that initially too but the more I think it over the more it’s completely worth it for that 10 second cooldown reduction.
When you consider how Blaze plays the chances of you taking a little bit of poke and it activating when you don’t need it are pretty minimal since most of the time you’ll be in the thick of the fight. When you’re playing defensively and screening people with oil you’re usually not in the 30% HP range anyways, and because no one wants to poke a tank they’ll be looking to hit your teammates. After you go in is when you start taking hits.
It’s an Anti-burst option that rewards you for sustaining yourself through a fight.

That being said I’m not sure this alone will be enough. While there are cases where you can last through a fight for 30 seconds and have it activate again the threshold for activation means it might not immediately proc, meaning you could be losing a lot of potential EHP in the process.
I like the direction the ability has taken but it might need a minor buff for it to actually be good. Strictly improving shield number could work but could also really break him by giving him a budget Shield Surge, so he should get another kind of buff when Endurance activates. He’s got plenty of armor on his other talents and abilities, movespeed is covered by adrenaline, and unstoppable is covered by New Habits, but maybe a cleanse could work.

You make some valid points, but it still will be activating without your control.

Now that you wouldn’t have total control of it firing, this is something that can really be exploited by enemies. They can hit you with small damage, such as basic attack to trigger it, then they know you no longer have it and can hit you with bigger damage. Basically, it allows the enemy to trigger it for you, rather than allowing the player to really choose which damage they want to mitigate.

To me, that is a downgrade, but maybe it could be ok it it had its own separate cooldown. My 2 cents.

I was expecting the final stun on avalanche to get changed but I guess the CD nerfs weren’t too bad. I wish they would’ve addressed her mana issues. Two abilities with 14s CDs at 70 mana is a bit much.

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Johanna & Yrel is Included in this balance changes I thank that would play her again.

I didn’t care that Kerrigan was in this balance changes no I focus about Lt. Morales, Cassia, Maiev & Yrel in this balance patch.

When are the new skins available? I do not see them in the store today.

They should have buffed tanks, not nerfed them. Or they could nerf Assassin’s in general. Many of them are way too strong. Tanking is already disliked by most players and the patch is defenetly not helping.


ETC was outperforming most other tanks including Johanna and he gets a reasonable nerf. The only tank doing better than him was Mei. Yet, Johanna gets nerfed super hard despite only performing slightly above average. How is this fair?

25 seconds on baseline iron skin is too much. The cdr granted from the lvl1 Hold Your Ground talent should have been nerfed instead since that is what everyone insists on taking anyway.

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I think for : 25 seconds on baseline iron skin is too much. The cdr granted from the lvl1 Hold Your Ground talent should have been nerfed instead since that is what everyone insists on taking anyway because both ETC & Garrosh need buff.


Valeera needs nerfed, not buffed. If you’re struggling with her its purely skill based. I’ve seen valeera rip people apart and top damage that nova and zeratul would ever dream to have on their best days.