Heroes Message board

We didn’t even win THAT hard. Yes, we got the first 3 seeds. Yes, we demolished 3 forts and one keep with the objective. But the teamfights were close, it would have been perfectly possible that they could turn them around next time. Also, there was not a single teamfight since they got 10, so nobody knows how things could look with ults on both sides.

Oh well.

imagine if there was a surrender option… they would hit it at the start of the game >_>

I have a side habbit of literally picking every single defensive attribute.

I am good.

Dude, the best offense is a good defense.

How hard is it? If you ain’t doing enough DPS and instead going defense then you won’t really win games for surviving if they literally die.

Anyones playing this eve?
Yes can also go Na sinds yesterday

Don’t pick Greater Spell Shield as Lunara then.

That’s literally the only defensive ability I go for though, unlike you who goes for every defensive ability.

Mephisto - Static Barrier
Chromie - Time Out
Li Ming - Force Armor
Thrall - Feral Resilience
Jaina - Ice Barrier
Nazeebo - Ice Block
Valla - Gloom

What is the base of the argument here? I go for a single ability for each one of these heroes and build fully on DPS?

You go complete defense on the other hand for everything. :thinking:

You told you literally go for only defensive ability as Lunara, like you don’t go defensive abilities on other heroes.

Ok I won’t take ptotection vs Pyroblast.

How did you even reached that conclusion?

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I felt heavily unfavoured on the loading screen but here we are :3


Well played even aba died. Did you do that?
Btw what was your lvl 4?

Nope, I wasn’t th slug killer.
I almost got him when I nuked a fort, opened a portal, and saw him digging, but messed up and couldn’t click on the portal in time to poly him :confused:
At lvl 4 I almost always pick the ravens for extra dmg so I can be a bigger threat even on my own.

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Delibitating dart is really underrated


I picked it a few times lately. The massive slow combined with low cooldown is amazing. Feels like the damage reduction is just the cherry on top.

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This was after our starting mid brawl. Found it funny. And no, I don’t know how you deal 1 siege damage.


Decoy? I think it deals 1 dmg at lvl 1.

My view count for my profile jumped by 700 in 2 days, I promise you I’m not secretly a blizzard employee.