Heroes Message board

Nerf me!!!
I showcase opness even before the meta!
I aaked for Uther nerfs for years!

Then go vagueposting there.

No, you do it, I’m already depressed from the current events happening right now I don’t need more Vague posting in my life

You mean kharazim? How does he needs a nerf

Edit ow karabars nvm😅

Lawl, I also thought Sami meant Kharazim. I’m ready to get hit by “read correctly”.

Gimme your twitter.


No my secret has been revealed :frowning:

I found this in the depths of my phone. Wanted to share it for a long time, but always forgot.
It’s not HotS, it’s a copy I took from a fighting game forum, but every now and then I think how it applies to HotS as well.
Reminds me especially of bronze / gold / plat / dia hell and op heroes and “bad comps, unwinnable”

You have friends where you’ll completely destroy them and they just assume you’re naturally amazing at the game. Some people, it discourages them from wanting to play anymore. And then there are others that’ll relentlessly try and defeat you and fail…but the next time you play them you can easily tell they’ve been in training mode…even if it’s ineffective they’re improving. They’ll be the ones to suggest playing again, if not to beat you than just to see if they get closer to it. These are the ones who seek out advice and try to understand why they’re losing, and it’s this process that makes the game fun to play for them. It’s the improvement that makes it fun, not simply the winning.

But the kinds of people who relentlessly complain about execution barriers? Those are the ones who are at least 85% of the time going to quit when they hit a wall that takes longer than a single day of practice to overcome. Either they quit the game, or if they’re still playing the game, they just refuse to bother learning what they don’t like.

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“They didn’t ban DW, oh boi, it sure is my day!” :'D

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i think you smoke glue sorry

Not possible, DW op, they have to win.

Btw, in our team, I was the banhat. And our Rag got scared when they pciked DW for their 4th Hero.

Sure sweet, how far did you have to scroll up to find any post I made? I haven’t made one in this thread in months.

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I just uninstalled.

Technical issues, nobody could help. 59 GB.
Reinstalling right now, let’s see how big that thing then is.

Goodlord, idk why they keep packages of old patches.

Good news is, if you have the PTR, you could halve like the download phase into 10 minutes or something.

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I don’t.

I am sure that my internet is slower than smoke siren communication. So I don’t see that happen.

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You don’t understand.

If you have PTR it will detect “already downloaded files” and will clone half of the PTR version, pretty much gives you about 75% headstart in all the download require.

I did understand. However, only having to download 25 % of the game still takes a good hour.

Anyway, I downloaded everything from scratch over night, so I’m good now (I hope). Gotta try when I come back from work.

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No clue what Windows is doing here. HotS folder is only 13.5 gb big, but control panel overview still shows the old value. I definitely deleted 60 gb yesterday, so unless the launcher hides 45+ gb somewhere, I am positive that Windows lies to me.
Game works, so ¯|(ツ)/¯

Wrong language, now installing English. 2 more gb to go. Always impressive just how big language packs are…

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