Hero summoning ritual

Lets perform a summoning ritual for any hero you would like.

The Alter :

Before you is a an alter of unknown origin. The summoning ritual is very simple.
You only need to do the following:

  1. Place any number of tokens representing what hero or heroes you would like it to be
  2. Place any number of tokens to sacrifice to feed the ritual
  3. Chant your hero’s name, which will increase the chance of a specific combination happening

The Tokens

These tokens are needed to fuel your ritual. Placing tokens to represent your hero determines the combination of heroes you might get. So having multiple tokens will give you a chance of your hero being any of the represented tokens. While sacrificing tokens increases the chance of the hero appearing in the nexus.

Here is my combination as an example:

  • Place: Overwatch, Starcraft, both assassin tokens, support and brusier
  • Sacrifice: Everything else
  • Chant: Sombra

Sadly my ritual failed and I am getting a higher chance for Selendis instead

Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah I just watched Conjuring 3 so I’m good with altars and rituals thanks :joy:


Place: Diablo, both assassin tokens, and bruiser
Sacrifice: Everything else
Did it work?

  • Place: Starcraft
  • Sacrifice: Never gonna give Tassadar up, never gonna let him down, never gonna run around and desert him!
  • Chant: Dr. Logan

Wait, the sacrifice sounded like a chant. I still don’t forgive Dr. Logan for Rick Rolling us with a Tassadar meme! :wink:


Can I use this to UNsummon heroes?

I really miss him.

I’m afraid we lack the arcane power to perform such a ritual.


Likewise. The forums aren’t the same without Sami and Dr. Logan.


Maybe they’ll comeback for another April Fools patch notes…

Anyway I’mma try this ritual thing and if I don’t post in the next 24 hours, assume a demon took me and call the priest. Thanks.

  • Place: StarCraft, Nexus, Overwatch, Melee Assassin, Tank, Support
  • Sacrifice: Assassin Nova, current Zagara, Nazeebo, Probius, and Illidan, and Hanamura
  • Chant: Overmind!!

These patches aren’t improvements but saying so is such a huge stretch, cool concepts I agree, but some of them are straight up bizzare and rushed, I understand the lack of resources but I would prefer to wait than getting a half broken patch.

No I’m not gonna play in a broken patch where Lucio has gladiator medallions for each hero on 6 seconds or Stukov one shotting anything bug or Falstad bizarre damage boost just because he applied it “too fast”.

Why no one is highlight these yet, we’ve been going into a lot of major breaking bug fiesta patches that I honestly have no interest in participating in.

Even during the banning of Stukov has was still pickable through Auto select and there’s a favorite only option, jeez I wonder what happens if I auto select while favoriting only stukov alone? You can see where this is going.

And my favorite “we’ve removed Raynor’s level 20 talent from ARAM” → reality: it wasn’t.

All of these don’t even take a lot of time to check and make sure it actually works (SC2 live compiles everything on map loading, so any number changes were apply when the map is reloaded).

There isn’t going to be another one. It takes a lot of workflow and preparation (the 2021 version started in November 2020). I really appreciate the 3 years run though and I hold those responses dearly whether you hate it or love it, it was in honesty a confident boost to my own workflow as I was always paranoid over the “public” response, especially by messing with people’s hopes and dreams on fools day.

(This is not a goodbye post but hopefully it explains my lack of recent activity, also not mentioned, overwatch game fun and i like playing fun and do funny gameplay, also refreshing.


*I’ve appropriated the ritual and converted it into a de-summoning ritual. Junkrat is gone from game now.

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Hmm, many missing. Logans gone. No more Drothvader. I miss insightful posts from Planar and Shapeshifter (though I suspect these two are employees because they have so much info about the game).

No more Genji posts from Darak, no more Samuro or Chromie posts from Narha.

Forum has just sort of dwindled?
Melke was nice and I thought he/she quit, but they have been posting lately too.


I miss everyone you mentioned and I do know that Planar said they were in QA, considering the very valid points Sami made about the recent patch quality, the loss of Planar’s and Shapeshifter’s voices is keenly felt.

Other posters I hold great respect for like Irononyms and Peskyberry have also been absent. Sami has a very good point that considering the quality of the last two patches containing bugs and balance problems that should have never seen live, it’s no wonder many are deciding to spend their time elsewhere. We all know too, that even if the Devs do read these forums, they no longer post here. The Blizzard patch robot doesn’t count.

Although you quoted me, I know that reply wasn’t intended for me personally. As AltRightFrog pointed out, so many regular posters who have hung on since 2018 have fallen away during the last six months. I was surprised that your post here gained little traction. It’s also been disappointing to read justifications of recent patches with game breaking bugs met by defense from some forum users as not bugs at all, or attempts to minimize and wave away their impact. I have a feeling many were happy to get any new content no matter the cost.

You didn’t have much chance of fooling me with your wonderful work, although I can be silly at times, I have a natural cynicism which has always served me well as a complimentary accessory to curb my basic enthusiasm. The amount of work put into that was impressive, not just time spent, but the creativity on display. I never know how long I will keep posting, so I’d just like to say as someone who lacks your particular gifts Sami, I’ve always felt it a privilege to interact with you here on the forums and be the indirect beneficiary of your many contributions.


Your April fools rocked! Had me fooled for a good while. Haven’t seen anything as professional on any other forums for any other game.

I really hope the rest of you forum vets don’t quit.


I do more lurking than posting now.

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Ye they have been gone for long time.

He is not posting on his main account any longer. He post on his alt account called Sadius.

He is still here.

He still show up sometimes.

Narha quits the forum because some players act like kids but he came back again. But dont expect him to post this much now.

He never left. Minky talked about leaving some days ago but I think she got the support needed from others to stay.

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