My question is how does Zarya get called hard? Zarya’s a cakewalk. Also Whitemane not being in the top tier just does not compute.
Edit: having thought it over a bit, I suppose it makes sense. A good Whitemane at lowish MMR will balloon her winrate to no end (right until they power rank up because good Whitemane) but at higher levels people are actually coordinated enough to counter her heals. Meanwhile, Zarya is a big dependant on her teammates to not be total dinguses, so that would hurt her at lower levels.
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Hogger was called out to be “F tier” in the first days because players didn’t have a single clue about how to use the hero properly. You’d see a 40% win rate in the first week after his release. It’s really easy to mess up his E.
Probius, he’s hard, but you can still afk split push and get a tons of value that even Hogger can’t surpass since his structure damage is low.
Hogger is trash. Then he set that trash on fire. Then Blizzard nerfed the fire. Still pretty good trash.
Abathur is not that good precisely because of body soak.
Before, it was based on distance, so you could just be near lane , hidden, and get the soak.
Now it’s a lot harder, because you still need to hat someone from your team during teamfights. So you cannot spend your time shifting from lane to lane to get the globes. There’s the hat cooldown to add to that.
Now to get xp for a lane, you have to make yourself visible on the mini-map and be practically inside the wave to get any experience (once again, if you want to be “present” in teamfights by hatting someone). Which makes getting experience during objectives (one of the main ways to play Aba) a lot riskier and harder. In fact, the globe change was an incredible nerf to Aba players.
Also, I don’t quite understand some things in your list. Do you talk skill ceiling of skill floor?
Because KTZ does have a high skill floor (need to be good to get anything out of him), but a low skill ceiling (when you get him to “useful”, there’s not much room for improvement)
But Aba can be considered difficult as you need to have a good game vision, and some macro knowledge. You can play him from the start, and he’s even difficult to get anything from if you’re not that good, but he does have a high skill ceiling, with a large variety of talents.
Nasibo is quite difficult to play in my opinion, as you need to stack him up a lot in order to make him strong. For Nova, you have to be precise on your skillshots if you don’t want to lose stack (and all your damage).
Greymane can also be considered difficult if you want to master him, as you need to know when to change to worgen form, to keep your AA combo and everything. So you need to play him a lot to get a good hero.