Timing Q for most out of Tracer is the key to become either the most broken hero, or inting. KEKW.
I think it kind of makes that a hero with such an opening can be easy to get the idea but her skill ceiling is really really high in comparison, like actually hard to get the most out of her and doing a single mistake doesn’t help either.
Also current TLV in meta right now:
split vikings into 2 groups, soak both lanes, maybe swap one of them to the other lane and repeat, not exactly a difficult task despite being 3 separate entities and they can do quite a lot in general.
also garbage talent tree but that stun on 16 is dumb and i hate it, too strong.
I think all these heals from the rework very much covered a lot of her weaknesses, don’t get me wrong she still easily punished due less mobility than she ever had but she has a lot of things to consider in the matter of any situation which can be which target to choose and so on.
What’s this based on? I disagree with a lot of those Hardest and Hard slots.
Cho’Gall is tough to have access to but honestly he’s incredibly simple. You just need to be really aware of what the enemy team is doing and rotate very actively.
Mastering Fenix and Rexxar is far more about making good use of basic mechanics than it is to do with hero abilities.
If you think Malf and Alex are hard then Khara should be up there with him since actually doing well as him isn’t something everyone is capable of. The difference between a decent Khara and a good Khara can be pretty massive at times. Meanwhile Alex is just circle placement and keeping up her E.
Actually mastering Samuro is a lot harder than you think. It’s easier to be good with him, but being good at him is a whole nother story. I don’t consider anyone a Sam main until they can micro his clones across the map and lead the enemy team on a constant goose chase. If he has more than 1 death by the end of the game he’s just another macro abuser.
They literally posted the algorithm they used to calculate difficulty in the OP. While it may not be 100% accurate, it is likely more reliable than people’s impressions from personal experience, which tends to be awkwardly subjective.
For the average player it might be a more accurate impression but it sounds really arbitrary to me.
In my mind “People are bad at Hogger” is a far stretch from “Hogger is hard to master” because I’ve seen how those people who were saying Hogger is weak were playing him. Watched several dozen QM Hoggers just E straight into the enemy team and die before a fight even started.
That is exactly what the OP used to calculate difficulty, comparing win rates between people likely to be good at the hero (Diamond+ with a relatively high level on them) against people trying them for the first time in QM. If the win rate isn’t much different between a noob and a proficient player, the hero is considered easy. If there is a clear difference, they are listed as hard.
I didn’t commented on him, but his place in that list is understandably scuffed since he’s linked to Cho’s win rate and there’s a very limited games played by lvl 40+. My past list also showed Gall as a very hard hero to master. We can just forget about him, if I’m being honest here.
Players usually fail to understand something when it’s difficult for them. It is exactly the name of this tier list: difficulty (it just doesn’t tell if it is mechanically hard or requires good macro/understanding or something else)
Rather than the Hero being difficult it’s just people failing to understand what a Bruiser is supposed to be doing at all.
I just like nitpicking at things, okay?
Abathur definitely deserves to be higher. You can complain all you want about how he’s dumbed down or whatever, but he’s still nowhere near an entry level hero. At the most basic level, his heroic requires you to know roughly what every single other hero does. He should be high medium at least.
Probius and Hogger should also switch places. Hogger might be difficult, but he’s at least very survivable, which gives him wiggle room. With Probius, every mistake is a death.
I think it has to do with the player’s perspective. Sure there’s no doubt a learning curve but there are differences in where players start on that curve. Like say when you play a hero for the first time and they just click with you naturally, you’d consider them much easier than where other people would put them on their lists.
Again, it’s not about how hard it is to win on a hero. If it was the case, then Nova wouldn’t be at the very bottom.
For Abathur, since the globe xp change and so much stronger heroes are putting him on the ground, even master players with really high amount of games on him aren’t doing well. It wasn’t the case 1 year ago. He lost nearly 7% win rate from patch 2.48 + 2.49 vs 2.52 + 2.53. And that’s from generally competent Abathur players.
I didn’t say anything about winning. Hogger can make mistakes that Probius can’t. He can do bad dives with his ult, and he won’t necessarily get punished for it. Probius cannot mess up his positioning. He cannot mess up his skillshots. He cannot be caught in CC. Probius has zero outs. That makes him way harder.
Also, umm?
Then why bring this up?
Also, why even bring up Master players? I’m talking about skill floor. Master players are theoretically far enough beyond floor they don’t matter for list like this.