Help me to use Maiev

I’m starting playing her but I still don’t undestand her playstyle and talent tree, can you help me with some advises?

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I’d be keen to know too please.

  • Do you teleport in then walk out or
  • walk in then teleport out?
  • Do you even try to tether because walking away means missing out on dealing AA?
  • Do you try hitting people with your teleport to get in extra damage or is just getting the positioning right more important?

So many questions.

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I suggest you try it out first in test mode, so that you can get familiar with its abilities and how it works, and also try out the talents of each tier.

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Im starting to get the hang of her with MVP most of my matches. The biggest tip is to put Q on release instead of quick cast and aim instead of spam

You have 3 builds with the ult and lvl 13 talents depending!3212132
AA build!3212132
Chain/blow up build!2212113
Q build

Both ults are good but wardens cage is slightly better
Disc is to disable a particular hero like a approaching Garrosh or ulting li li (it also works on DW and protector)

I personally favor Naishas momento on lvl 1 because its easy to get back and it helps greatly with camps and waves

Both, depends on what you can do and who will punish you when you going in

Hit people with my E with the intention of TP’ing in,
Especially good when going sudden vengeance on 4 and Ruthless spirit on 7


Nice good tips! I saw your stats in the thank you mines. How did you got so many siege dmg?

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Basically, she’s about landing her Q. If you can land Qs really well, it literally doesn’t matter what build you go. There are too many games of top GMs playing Maiev W build and not even attempting a single cruel chain combo off but still carrying (in GM) because they hit those Qs.

Otherwise, she has very good waveclear. You can instantly demolish a wave with E, sideways W, and a Q on the melee minions. Or use an E and a sideways Q plus a few autos if you’re not in a big hurry. If you go Naisha’s build you also have extremely fast camp clear and the ability to solo bruisers from level 1.

Her talents are pretty straightforward. The main gimmick of her talent tree is counting damage instances and understanding damage multipliers. For example, you always take blade dance with W build because it gives you extra damage sources for powering up cruel chain. You also take it with Naisha’s build in part because it helps reset the Huntress Orb at 20. But you don’t take Ruthless Spirit with W build because the damage amplification would be calculated from the base damage rather than from the damage boosted by cruel chain. You take Sudden Vengeance for E build because the explosion counts as hits for for the Vengeance Orb at 20. Otherwise the synergies are rather straightforward. Only recent change is that now you’ll probably want to take Vengeful Knives over Armored Assault at 16. That also possibly knocks ruthless spirit out of the E build since you’ll want the extra damage sources from Elune’s wrath to proc the percent damage from the new Vengeful Knives.

Outside of hitting Q her gameplay is very much forced into the E->W->( R ) rotation. It’s rather hard to do it in the reverse as you would have to do in the W build. So even if you go W build you’ll still have to the first rotation a lot. If you have a good sense for engages, you can do pretty well without getting your Q resets. But if you want to carry with her, resetting Q is a must. Otherwise, you’ll be totally dependent on your teammates to capitalize on your engages.

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Ill just soak a lot. Its something that in my system