How to learn maiev?

That post is a copy/paste of the last three times I’ve seen replies to similar topics. Two of the links in that post should go to SpaBvogel videos.

Part of the best way to learn maiev is to hit target dummies and get a feel for her range, resets and rotations.

E, her blink, I say has about 3 key uses for setting up combos and influences how players can/should build their Maiev after they find which form they like.

E can be used to blink in, activate tether, and then run out.
E can be used before Maiev runs in, tethers and then blink out
E can be used after Maiev flanks the team to run a cdr combo that allows her to attack with, and blink out with E.

W bind can be used in a similar set of 3, based on talents:
W snap can be used for aoe damage
W snap can be used to isolate and debuff enemy targets
W can be used to force enemies to hold their ground and fight with you (q resets and/or Naisha bounces)

While Maiev does lack self-sustain, she does have pretty decent waveclear and merc clear (build depending) so it’s not uncommon if Maiev ends up doing a bunch of pve stuff in between objects esp since she prefers to engage on several heroes to get value from Q resets or her aoe damage.

So the way to ‘learn’ maiev is seeing her in action, trying out some setups for yourself in test dummies to get a feel for combo order and talents that feel good to you to use, and then take it to some ai/qm games to try it out on moving targets.

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