Healer Mains question

Whats a good all around healer that doesn’t have a high skill floor. I’m very good at uther, brightwing, and lili. The first two are more niche and I need another one to use other than lili.

I mean… those are the only low skill floor healers :x

I guess the next highest would be Morales?

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Honestly Anduin tbh.


ALL healers have a good spot and excell at one thing whilest being weak at another

Alround healers though I’d say best would be Deckard Cain and Stukov, those are like the “bread & butter” of Healing, whilest both not having cleanse (something usually required), being melee with higher-ish HP pool usually means they don’t require team-synergy in order to survive (can take care of themselves rather)

If you like “living dangerously” might try out Tyrande or Kharazim but keep in mind those don’t have (or have very low amount of output) healing out of combat

IN GENERAL = there are 3 categorizations about healers, 2 of them are intuitive, 1 however isn’t which I just talked above:

1 = Burst vs Sustain (Uther, Tyrande vs Malf, Lucio)
2 = Range vs Melee (this also matters, mainly cause when melee you’ll be much closer to co-operate with your frontline, when backline you’re usually “separated” and easier target to flanking dive)
3 = In-Combat healers vs Out-Of-Combat ones

But yes, think Stukov/Deckard are your go-to for start before trying others I’d say :slight_smile:

I’d say Stukov would be a nice pick for you to try. He has a high skill cap as his abilities are quite hard to master and get the most out of, but you could reliably heal and pester your enemies with him without much more than basic knowledge.

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whats your current rank at ?

its really hard to be a healer main in bronze-silver as your healing is almost pointless that being said …

lili is the easiest by far but u gotta time those blinds right and now just spam them out for dmg altho dmg prevention from blinds dont show on the scorecard you will know u did well when illidan just cant kill your mages or the butcher isnt healing from his brand mark

Uther is very strong altho the CD on his heal is large and he takes a bit of time to get the mana supply needed he translate very well to a mid-late game play with the stuns and he can almost play a frontline offtank role

Stukov is great on objective maps where he can use the arm to zone out but his healing falls off on a bit on low hp ppl that need constant attention burst heal your tanks and make sure the dot is on the other guys but dont pop the heal for the low guys unless its to make a great save

Deckard is pretty annoying but you can lead a horse to water but u cant make it drink right ? throwing the pots out and setting it up only works well if ppl actually pick them up

Rehgar is great in lower tier …solo camps put that LS on your tank as he is about to intiate a fight use the totem to slow the other team down when they pushing hard on the backline …bite ppl on their butt for the kill they thought they avoided and wehn all else fails you can bring someone back to almost full hp

Malf …one of the great druids keep 3 leafs on ppl (5 if yoru that good at balancing it ) and throw out a little dmg of your own root ppl or force them around the root lots of great play here,

those are my recomendations anyways all the healers have a place and are pretty much in good spots but those gotta be my favs

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I second Stukov. Very high skill cap, and he has all sorts of combos like Virulent Reaction roots in late game, but they are not necessary at medium MMR.

All you really need to do in average rated games is spread the healing pathogen and use your trait if your teammates get on really low HP for a burst heal.

Flailing Swipe can be used like Mighty Gust to save teammates, it doesn’t require that much knowledge to use, just timing.

His trait can also apply a heal as big as Holy Light on all nearby allies, and will run out of mana much slower than Uther.

  • Lucio : passive aoe healing similar to BW, but more mobile.
  • Deckard : throws out potions on the ground for ppl to pick up.
  • Alexstrasza : ground AoE heal and single target.

those would be my picks scaling up. Lucio is going to be the easiest to pick up out of all of them. also Lucio just got some changes. he might be good to take a look at because of that.

In terms of difficulty, Lucio is probably the best as a very simple hero who has solid healing and some escape ability. Definitely one of the best healers for new players.

I’d say Whitemaine, Just walk away if you fear to get dive and tap Q whoever is getting hit lol

Huge warning, though, for Deckard. People can and will avoid your healing potions at all costs. Literally had a game where this guy was running from death and there was a healing thing RiGHt in front of him and I swear to god this dude dodged it. And died.

Basically, be prepared to aim and pray.

I’d suggest Alex. She can do really nice healing and damage, if you play her like I do. Plus dragon.

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Rehgar can do a lot of stuff by himself and is decent at both sustained and burst healing. Plus he’s a lot of fun.

Stukov is pretty good at dealing with sustained healing and alright with burst. Both his ults are pretty good, plus his AAs hit like a truck. Also love his root combo.

Deckard is pretty good at healing sustain and burst, plus he has a ton of utility. Just learn to toss your potions on people or just in front of where they are running. Also remember to drop potions off for your solo laner.

Here I thought the question was going to be how do you not go completely insane with bad teammates


That’s a terrible way to play Whitemane.

You see you have to be insane already to enjoy playing healers.


I feel Alex suffers from the same issue unless you play Q build (which is the best build in non-premades anyway in my opinion). People simply avoid your W even if it’s placed safely, close to the player with no enemies around.

Having abilities that require teammates to step on them is in my opinion very risky because many players would rather die than use the healing you provide.

That’s why her Q build is so good, they can’t refuse your healing plus it costs you nothing after level 7.

Her Q build is her easiest build for sure as long as you’ve got a solid meat wall to protect you while you garden. I, however, opt for a hybrid Q/E setup, where I take the CDR reduction on Q at lvl 1, and the 10% heal when hitting burning targets with E at 7. I like being able to guarantee my own safety, as the flower threshold is quickly lost in a fight. Yes you can heal back up with abundance, but giant telegraphs saying “here’s the healer!” Generally don’t work well. Fire Within pairs well with ancient flame at 20, making her one hell of a tanky dragon.

It’s not a talent setup I’d recommend for people starting on her. You have to be good at landing flame buffets on the same target(s) while also making sure you aren’t needlessly tossing them out and wasting mana. But I personally enjoy it and find it more engaging than flower picking and hoping I’m not sneezed on.

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Thanks for help guys! 5/5 games as healer today in ranked. 3 of which for alexstraza. Really good recommendation

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Glad you liked Alex, she’s awesome. Don’t be afraid to ask more questions or dip your toes in the waters of other healers too.

I was going to suggest Morales like another poster above, she’s easy to get into but provides a deceptive amount of depth to her gameplay. You’ve already gone with Alex and she will be great, though I wouldn’t consider them redundant, Morales is like a cross between Uther and Alex. IMO, the more heroes the merrier, if you’ve got 3 supports and are trying to flesh out your roster. The more kits you’re comfortable with, the far more interesting drafting and playing become. Have fun!

I realised yesterday that I’m secretly a Healer-main. I have the highest overall winrate with that role (55%) and love the playstyle of a lot of them.
But it’s fine, I always loved insane characters and I knew my time will come as well.

For @Op: I see you picked up Alex, cool, if you want one more I’d suggest Rehgar. Easy, strong and reactive.


Nah, Deckard isn’t a good idea in lower leagues … too often teammates stand litteraly besides a healing potion and die pinging you as healer, because they soemhow don’t see those red flasks on the floor (or maybe think "uh, it’s red, it has to be something bad! … alt though flame strikes are bad to and they like to stand in those …)

Lucio and Alex … I could recommend to … but Alex only with Abundance (w) build and if there is no Jaina / Keal’thas / Junkrat in the enemy team. :slight_smile: