Healer Mains question

People do actively avoid his potions. For the same reasons I have reservations about playing W build Alexstrasza anywhere outside premade parties. People will rather die than retreat back to your Abundance and live.


Dunno where people got an idea others avoid potions.
Regardless, you can play Deckard like bigger delay Ana Q.

EDIT - you actually should be using potions similar to Ana Q.

I agree with this. He does not have any complicated mechanic and his heal is rly ez to pull off.
He and lili are prb the best.
To me stukov is rly hard to use correctly.

After lili and lucio prb next is anduin and rehgar.

You can play Alex against KT/Jaina/Azmo pretty easily as long as you place your Ws at times and places where it’s not a free opportunity for them. Their abilities do have cooldowns, and also range/need for vision. Junkrat… Junkrat is harder to play against. Alex can survive Azmo poke (+the other mages) by just hyperfocusing on positioning and she’ll destroy him. Her poke healing is insane

Also people only avoid Deckard potions because they’re trying to be polite and leave them for the rest of the team. You should aim for people/their pathing always and just set them up at the first sniff of an engagement just for the possibility of value

Yeah, what you write about Alex is correct, but OP asked for

and I would consider to do those things allready afford “higher” skill, so … :wink:

And no, on lower leagues potions are generally “avoided” … or at least ignored if you don’t push them down the troat of your target :smiley: … and to land them point perfect needs (again) “higher” skill … at leats more than keeping Q pressed down with Lili. x)

Tyrande , anduin, reghar stucovh are nice medium skill healers

Morales definitely has a low skill floor too.

Tyrande? Never. She has a rather high skill flow … maybe not on an indidivual scale, but teamwide; she needs a capable frontline to be able to AA continuously and hence provide a lot of healing. Espacially in QM, where you often go up against pure ranged teams without your own frontline, she’s a nightmare to play.
Anduin, Rehgar and Stukov are good suggestions!

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Chill with Tyrande. Highest skill floor/ceiling.

Tyrande is pretty easy to pick up if you like playing aa. Just press heal on your heal target and play an aa hero meanwhile, good times. Not to say she doesn’t scale with skill

I just aa whatever I can.
Minions walls.

She isnt that hard to play. You need to use your abillities reactionary instead of spamming it.

If your team is failing. Just cast 1 q and wait till someone is in real trouble or your cd is comming back

I’m still leaning that “most standard” are Stukov and Deckard, mainly cause they don’t have to super focus on positioning and can dictate the flow of a fight (somewhat) with the utility they got

I’m personally more on Deckard table considering he doesn’t need followup from others for his utility to work, with Stukov people can dive you when you do the silence arm on the ground but with Deckard it’s literally a massive CC by your own

Yes, some people dodge potions but those don’t worry me as much as those that hog them… And yes seen plenty of those too, a player with 80% hp takes potion right in front of someone else that has 15% hp, I’m so mad at those, but if you practise some potion toss right onto target in direction they’re moving sky is the limit though :slight_smile:

Tyrande ? = only, ONLY if you have double tank and opponents don’t have more than 2 divers, if they have 2 divers then you take her only when you have TRIPPLE frontline, long-story-short she’s super high-risk-high-reward healer (highest gamble of them all) and usually/only pays off when your frontline is more endurable/stronger (and you make it not only more durable but more deadly too)

Fun fact: Tyrande made me achieve what none other hero ever could though = team death counter = 0… BUT = again, team has to be on point and have lots of CC to provide mutual peel for each other and then you’re a God (well, a Goddess more like but should get the idea lol)

GLHF :clinking_glasses:

After looking through it, I would suggest Rehgar. The most difficult part about him is landing his ult, and he’s an easy enough hero to pick up.

I just remember too many situations with Tyrande, where my team has to retreat from a fight (fast) and with every other healer I could still heal and safe teammembers while doing that, but with Tyrande my heal is on a almost unending cd because I can’t run away and AA enough at the same time. :confused:

Or even better you actually stutter retreat (provided you rely on your flare, Owl slow or even Q self-haste for peel/escape) but your team just leaves you behind while you’re trying to keep everyone alive lol… ESPECIALLY when they have superior chase heroes but hey, your tank has abandoned the fight and “leads the charge” so everyone save themselves lol

That’s why I talked above about another yet important characterization of healers and that is In-Combat vs OOC ones, and usually it’s higher-risk higher-reward going the first of the kind overall :slight_smile:

Automatically removed quote of whole previous post. [yep, hate when that happens tbh]

A good healer all around? I recommend Lucio, he’s easy to play, rather mobile, has a small push to get enemies off of your teammates or push them towards your teammates, can negate through ult burst and has a secondary ult for cleanse and mini dash.

I don’t think Alex is the best choice here. He said, he plays Uther, Li Li and BW, which are all aggressive supports. On the other hand Alex is probably the mist defensive hero in the game. You have to stay back and dodge as much as you can.

Morales is actually hard to get value of, and depends on her team more than most other supports.

I’d say Anduin is really easy to play, and he’s still quite effective. His kit is extremely straightforward, and doesn’t have any shenanigans you need to pull off.

Rehgar and Kharazim are hard to pull off, as they are frontline heroes, and are really dependent on their tank. They can’t take as much beating as Uther can, so being a good Ooter, doesn’t mean you can pick these 2.

Personally I have insane success with Whitemane, as my win rate is over 70% with her, but people call her hard for some reason, so I guess she’s not a hero for just anyone. But her healing power is insane, she can keep her team alive really well if enemy team doesn’t have some crazy burst damage.

Malfurion is really annoying to play right now, and I can’t recommend him. He has his niche, but if you are looking for low skill floor heroes, he’s not for you.

Lucio is another hero you could play, as he’s kind a similar to Brightwing in terms of healing. It’s not too easy to get value out of his trait, but you may not even need it in some of the games.

Auriel is a good, but niche support. She can heal insane amounts, and brings other benefits to her team as well, but she’s a bit too dependent on team compositions.

Alexstrasza… isn’t my first choice when I need to support. Her healing feels awkward and slow. She can sustain her team when she goes Q build, but it’s not easy to get value out of her.

Stuck off isn’t easy either, as you really need to time your abilities well. Your burst heal has 15 sec cooldown, so you need to use it really wisely. True you have talents to reduce that cooldown, but it’s not always easy to capitalize on them. Like you need to hit exactly 1 enemy with your W to set your D’s cd to 5 sec, or you need to drop below 50% HP to reset its cooldown. It’s not really a straightforward way to heal.

And with Ana you need to aim your heals manually, which could be annoying sometimes.

Tyrande is a decent healer, but she also needs a good tank, who can keep enemy aggro away from her, so she can basic attack stuff without being worried, and she also needs allies with CC, so she can chain her stun with theirs.

And I’m not sure about Deckard. To me he seems fairly easy to play…

good to hear.
i like alex a lot :slight_smile:
she is one of my higher win rates.

Q build gives incredible healing power