Hi guys,
I came up with a Morphling Hero concept that basically starts as a Larva and is forced to collect Nourishment in order to morph into different Zerg creatures to adapt and devour all that moves within the Nexus.
Hope you enjoy and pls give feedback ;D
Now this is a really interesting hero if they ever think about it.
Sounds like The Butcher.
I are wary!
While I like this idea a lot, I’d consider changing what it morphs into.
Personally I think it would be interesting if these zerg units are what it could morph into:
- Lurker instead of Hydraling/Hydralisk (Ranged AA based)
- Defiler instead of Roachling (Support based)
There’s already Zerlings, Hydralisks, Mutalisks, Ultralisks, Roaches, Banelings, and I think that’s it. Adding a different type of Zerg unit would make things a tad more interesting
well with this hero concept they could make it a multiclass
I’m not saying they couldn’t I’m just saying they should allow it to morph into units that are not already in the game.
I see you have migrated Mocky. Makes me want to migrate my Stetmann too hahaha.
I hear ya, I originally had the idea of an Ultraling but replaced it for the Brutaling for that reason. Since Kerrigan’s ult is a thing.
But I can’t really think of good replacements for either the Roachling or the Hydraling. The Roachling is just such an iconic unit that you expect to burrow and pop out anywhere. It’s my favorite Zerg unit after Zerglings lol ;D
Lurkers and Defilers wouldn’t really work. I already have the Viper which is an evolution of the Defiler and the roachling is not a support based presence either so… awkard. Also the Lurker is the Hydraling’s ult already…
Maybe they can just go the Murky route and make it look more cartoony. They managed to cartoonify a probe into something charming lol
Maybe someone can do the same to a Larva, a Roachling, a Hydraling and a Viperling ;D
ye, if anyone still uses that whole classification. It’s a lot like that.
Oh interesting, because of the blood collection. I thought he might be a bit too similar to Dehaka so I made somewhat sure he’s more different with the trait.
I mean Butcher and Diablo kinda have that in common already kinda… adunno, I think it’s different enough.
ye, your Stetmann is pretty good. I’d like to see what people come up with too ;D
Thanks guys!
Hmm, I guess I didn’t see those connections already. Anyway I really like the idea as a whole. It’s very unique. Hopefully we see some iteration of it in the Nexus.
my thoughts are, could be a multi class like Varian. Tank/Assasin/Bruiser
I would be very interested in seeing this concept in-game, as i thoroughly enjoyed playing that level
They are valid concerns. But I think they can be worked around.
Thanks for your input ^^
Yeah, (Burrow)Stealth Melee Assassin as Roachling, Ranged DPS as Hydraling and Support as Viperling. Then Bruiser as Brutaling and Area denial with Lurker.
Not exactly tank material but he can help out his squishy allies a bit I think.
Really you make it own Mocky,greet.
hopefully to see him in the game soon.