{HC} Hemit Nesingwary, Master Hunter

*Note: This concept is currently is a work in progress. All critiques are welcome.

Hemet Nesingwary

Class: Ranged Assassin

Hunter Extraordinaire

HP: 1,962(+4% per level), Regen: 4.39 (+4% per level)

Mana: 500 (+10 per level), Regen: 3.91 (+0.12 per level)

APS: 1 – Ranged. Damage: 172.53 (+4% per level), DPS: 172.53

Damage: 8/10, Great Single Target damage, can be specced to some area damage

Utility: 7/10, Good utility, mostly for himself though

Survivability: 6/10, Some good escapes but if locked down goes down hard.

Complexity: 6/10, Some complexity but not overly complicated

Strengths: Great burst potential, Decent duelist, great at tracking down enemies

Weakness: middling health pool, he needs to set up an ambush area to be used to his full potential, ambushes can be wasted if set up where no one is going to be.

Hemit Nesingwary is an expert at tracking down and finding his prey. Ambushing the enemy with precise shots and picking off stragglers is his specialty. While still powerful head to head his best method for winning is to set up an ambush and burst down the enemy hero foolish enough to be roaming alone.

Hemit Nesingwary is ALL about hunting. His attacks gain power when he is still, and even more if he can get camouflaged. Or you can go the route of a sniper and try to pick off a low health enemy with one well aimed shot. If in a jam his powerful legs let him hop backwards and scoot on out of there, while his freezing trap will hold enemies in place for him to line up the perfect shot. His trait allows him to see where enemies have gone even after they’ve been gone for a while, so there is no escaping this determined hunter.

Special 1 keyTracker - Toggle ability, drains 3 mana per second


Hemit tracks his prey without fail, allowing him to see the trail his prey has taken. Enemies leave tracks indicating which direction they have taken, these trails last 8 seconds before fading and Hemit can see them while his tracking ability is toggled on.

Trait: Ambush Hunter – Passive


Passive: Hemits ranged attacks and abilities while standing still for 2 seconds and for 1 second after starting to attack from ambush attack, deal 30% additional damage.

Q: Pick Off 50 mana, 6 sec CD, skill shot.


Hemit fires a shot from his trusty rifle, trying to pick off a straggler, deals 165 damage to enemies above 20% hp and an additional 75 damage to enemies at or below 20% HP or if they are caught in his Freezing Trap.

W: Disengage12 sec CD, 45 Mana, self cast.


Hemit Leaps backwards 10 units, or until he collides with terrain.

E: Freezing Trap15 sec CD, 40 Mana, ground based trap.


Hemit places a trap that arms after 1 second and turns invisible after 3 seconds. If an enemy steps on it they are dealt 85 damage and are frozen (rooted and silenced) for 1.5 seconds. Trap can be destroyed.

R1: Aimed Shot80 Mana, 60 Sec CD, Channeled targeted Ability.


Hemit takes careful aim at his target, after 2 seconds he fires a powerful and precise shot that deals 650 damage to the first heroic target hit. This shot will pass through terrain and structures but will then only deal 50% damage after doing so._

R2) Camoflague Passive/Active. 50 Mana for activation, 25 Sec CD, Self Targeted.


Hemit gains invisibility while in brush and smoke, until he attacks. When activated he gains invisibility so long as he doesn’t move or until he attacks. The first attack made while invisible deals an additional 10% of the targets maximum HP as damage, if the target is also in Hemits Freezing Trap they are dealt an additional 10% of their maximum HP as damage. Killing a hero within 4 seconds of Coming out of camouflage sets the CD to 5 seconds.

Talent Tiers:

First Tier – Level 1


QLethal Shots – Bonus damage threshold is increased to 30%

W - Post Haste – Using Disengage increases movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds

E - Jagged Trap – Increases damage of trap by 20%

TraitTrailblazer – If Hemit has not attacked in the last 3 seconds his movement speed is increased by 20%.

Second Tier – Level 4


QEagle Eye – Gain 20% range on Pick Off, auto attacks, and vision range.

TraitSense Danger – Hemit can sense nearby danger while this ability is toggled on, he will see outlines of enemies hidden in bushes up to 10 units away.

ESnake Trap – Instead of Freezing an enemy trap release venomous snakes to attack the trapped enemy. Snakes poison the enemy dealing 25 damage per second for 3 seconds stacking up to 3 times. Snakes last 5 seconds. Enemies are still rooted for 1.5 seconds.

Tier 3 – Level 7


QDouble Tap – If your target is at or below 20% health or in your freezing trap and Pick Off does NOT kill them the CD is reduced to 1 second

WKickback – Hemit fires a blunderbuss at his feet as he leaps away causing him to be able to leap over walls and terrain and dealing 40 damage to nearby enemies.

E - Big Game Hunter – Traps no longer trap minions and now deal 3% of the Heroes maximum life as additional damage.

Tier 4 – Level 10


R1Aimed Shot


Tier 5 – Level 13


Trait -_ Always Watching_ – Hemits Trait no longer consumes mana but instead reduces his maximum mana by 80 while toggled on.

W - Aspect of the Rabbit – Hemit can use disengage with no CD but its mana cost is increased by 50% after each use. Resets the mana increase after 12 seconds of not using it.

E - Explosive Trap – Enemies dealt more than 10% of their maximum HP while trapped cause the trap to explode outward dealing 76 damage to nearby enemies.

Special 1) keyJungle Hunter – Allows Hemit to pass through terrain for 2 seconds

Tier 6 – Level 16


QWing Clip – Enemies hit by Pick Off are slowed by 50% decaying over 3 seconds.

QTrick Shot – Pick Offs bullet ricochets to a nearby enemy, preferring heroes, dealing 75% damage to them.

ETrap Launcher – (Uses Special 1 key)Fires Hemits next Freezing Trap up to Maximum AA range. Traps fired this way land armed and turn invisible after 1.5 seconds and take .75 seconds to land.

Tier 7 Level 20


R1) Big Bessie – Increases damage by 10%, no longer loses damage when firing through walls or terrain and will pass through other enemy heroes dealing 10% of its total damage to them as well.

R2) One with the Bush – Hemit is automatically camouflaged after standing still for 2 seconds and it takes 1 second longer for his invisibility to break while in a bush or smoke.

**Special 1 key - Trophey Hunter - Killing enemy heroes cause them to drop Trophies, after collecting 2 trophies from each hero Hemit can activate Trophy hunter with the Special 1 key to increase the damage of his attacks and his basic abilities by 25% for 5 seconds. Trophies gained are applied retroactively, 30 second CD.


Normal - Typical safari style outfit. Tan shorts and short sleeve shirt, pith helmet, boots, and some leather straps, a canteen, satchels, backpack, and binoculars. Carries a rifle and machete for weapons.

Alternate -

Jungle Master - Just like his picture for Jungle hemit for the Un’Goro adventure in Hearthstone. Rifle is made from wood and metal, and is held together with vines, Machete is wood and stone held together with thin vines.