[HC] - C'thun, God of Chaos

C’thun, God of Chaos

One of the old gods, in this case the god of Chaos.
One of the most nutorious bosses from vanilla/Classic WoW.
As i love heroes that are made super uniqe, i thought C’thun could be a good addition to the rooster, as i had alot in mind for this one.
We also need more additions to the support rooster and C’thun seems like a good fit.

Universe: Warcraft
Role: Support

Body of C’thun
Z(Ability)- 400sec cooldown
Replace one of your own keeps with the body of C’thun to gain access to your abilities.
This will also turn any gate structure, both working and destroyed into a Gate of Ahn’Qiraj.

Explanation: One of the more uniqe parts about C’thun with abit of a Ragnaros raid boss feel.
Let’s C’thun play as the keep of his team using his abilities from where his body is placed at this moment.
Gate of Ahn’Qiraj works exactly like a normal gate, this ability will restore any damaged or destroyed gate

Eye Beam/Dark Glare (Green/Red Beam)
Q(Ability) - 30sec shared cooldown, 2 charges
Eye Beam: C’thun fires an eye beam in a straight line dealing damage, if this hits a hero it bounces to a nearby hero within range, then turns the ability into Dark Glare.
Dark Glare: C’thun charges up for 1 second and then slowly fires a red beam in a circle around him, the circle can be targeted anywhere within the corrupted area, then turns the ability into Eye Beam.

Explanation: One of C’thuns main abilities during phase 1 in vanilla.
Eye beam and Dark Glare are both hindered by the range of the corrupted area.
Dark glare is somewhat of a skillshot by the means that this creates a circle at the size dependent on where it is targeted by the player controlling C’thun.
C’thun will then fire the beam all the way around himself until it has reached the place where it started, this is a channel ability and cannot be canceled once cast.

Eye Tentacles
W(Ability) - 6 second cooldown
C’thun places an Eye tentacle at a targeted spot within the corrupted area.
Eye tentacle provides vision within a medium radius.
Tentacles casts mind flay at a target within its vision radius dealing damage each second.
Tentacles has a small health pool and lasts until killed.

Explanation: Again one of C’thuns main abilities during vanilla, provides the team with vision within C’thuns range also deals a small amount of damage, forced the enemy teams playstyle to change.

Claw Tentacles
E(Ability) - 6 second cooldown
C’thun places a Claw Tentacle anywhere within the corrupted area, claw tentacles lasts 15seconds or until killed and attack anyone in close range.

Explanation: Another filler for his tentacle abilities used during his raid in Vanilla.

I see you!
R1(Heroic Ability) - 80 second cooldown
C’thun targets an enemy hero within his corrupted area and fires a cone shaped eye beam towards the enemy hero dealing damage each second to any enemy hero standing inside the beam the beam follows the target for 5 seconds or until canceled.

Infected Lands
R2(Heroic Ability) - 120 second cooldown
All Claw Tentacles and Eye Tentacles turn into Giant versions of them selfs, dealing more damage, all enemies within the corrupted lands has their movement speed reduced by 10%(Ohh the irony).
Lasts for 30 seconds, C’thun can continue to cast abilities while Infected Lands is active.

Trait - (Passive)
The lands around C’thuns body becomes corrupt.
The corruptions radius increase with level, increasing the range of C’thuns abilities.

As my first attempt at creating a hero for HOTS, i am pretty happy with it.
Did not include numbers as this would be a sorry attempt from my side to find a balance into this, tried to keep the abilities up to par though with what currently exists in the game.

Rolewize this is a stretch calling him a support, that i get.

Anyways, looking forward to replies.


Overall a cool concept, although I have a few issues.

I wouldn’t mind splitting Eye Beam and Dark Glare into two skills. It makes his kit a lot more active. The two turrets are a little dull to use, especially since C’thun doesn’t move. You could turn one of them into a talent probably, or tie it with his second ult.

His trait and Z could probably be baked into the same button. The active part of his trait feels like an afterthought, so it’s probably okay to cut. Also, you really need to lower that cooldown. 60 seconds would be plenty. 400 is waaaaaay too much.

Speaking of his Z, it should be able to target allied or destroyed forts. That let’s him stay active as his team falls behind or needs to push up. If you’re worried about him plunking in the enemy base, keep in mind how risky binding himself to an enemy fort for 60 seconds would be.

Other than that, this is pretty neat.


Outside of MurlocAggroB already said (I agree on most of those).
The Qs and R1 looks kinda similar. Maybe try to somehow change one or the other.
Some sort of CC (roots, silence) could work with the rest of the kit.

Active part of trait could work like talent.

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Meh, I don’t agree. His Q is like the Triglav Protector’s laser, and his ult is a point-n-click execute with teamfight-shaking properties. The only similarity is being lasers, and lasers are kinda C’thun’s thing.

Well two giant long range lasers. Their targeting works differently but both still are pure dmg.

Also now that I think about it, the Point-and-click targeting of his R1 could be annoying for enemy players.

Triple Tap exists. Planet Cracker exists. It’s probably fine.

That said, I actually think it’d be cool if Q stayed as written with two parts, and if one of the tentacles was replaced with a CC of some kind (silence and slow seems most in flavour for him). Gives his kit maximum dynamic gameplay.

So how does the Q work? There two of them, but not a clear way to switch unless one’s used. It might need more clarification on how there’s two in one.

Hi, Cammy

The idea is for it turn when used, like written down, same goes for Dark Glare, but i see i forgot to type that down, but thanks for the responce.

Hi, MurlocAggroB
Thanks for the feedback.
When it come sto EB/DG i see you changed your mind, i am happy to see that because i was quite happy with that overall.
When it comes to the tentacles i tried to follow his raid setup and include both tentacles, and felt that having the same design as the Q ability would be awefull.
therefore they got split into 2 parts, abit dull i agree but gives him abit of utility and dmg in the long run.

About his Z ability, the idea is for him not to work like Rag, i actually wanted him to pick a keep and force him to stay there for quite abit, since this is the only way he gains death, abit like Aba.
Thats the reason for the long CD, and since the corrupted lands increase as his level increases, he can easily stay in place for a long time without being punished late.

Also you are right about the Trait Ability(D)
It was abit rushed but thematic, wanted to roll it inn somehow or someway.
Tbh it could be changed into a passive Ahn’Qiraj Gate passive ability, where ever C’thun uses his Z ability, the gates are restored into Ahn’Qiraj gates (Working just like normal gates ofc)

Hi, Marrossi
I agree on the CC part, he could have some in his kit, though as a support role i find them lacking Hard CC often, and really wanted to keep within that theme atleast.
The Q and R1 atleast in my mind is far from similar, the R1 follows a target like Artanis R Beam, except it basicly being a giant wall forcing the enemy team to play around it, a possible frontline separator.

And yea good idea about it turning into a talent, good response!

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When you’re designing a hero’s kit, it is good to take inspiration from the boss’ original attacks, but you shouldn’t copy it. A boss is meant to have telegraphed skills that the player has to react to. However, unleashing these skills won’t be very fun to use. This is especially the case for this hero, since he loses nuances like stutterstepping and body positioning in general. He’s going to feel too uninvolved with two turrets.

A minute is still really long. Given that he has no other mobility at all (at least Aba can crawl around), it’s a good idea to loosen up his movement just a little.

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I would suggest taking a look at existing HCs with similar mechanics (macro, global, summoners…)

Blizztron’s Izsha comes to mind as a building oriented global hero.

WIll for sure look into it.
Good responses and feedback, as my first hero design i was happy with it still.

The thematic of it atleast :slight_smile:

i do like it! Bring C’thun into the nexus! :smiley:

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