Design for C'thun as a hero

Got idea from thread about a new hero. Hero is on core just like Overmind. Looks like his raid form with giant eyeball.

Trait:Maddening presence. All allies get 10 armor and 10% spellpower and dmg(both skill and aa dmg). Enemy loses same amount. All enemy minions,merc and bosses lose 20% of hp.Same for all obj summons.Global.

Q : Void Zone. Blasts a area with void energy. Instantly kills all minions in it,does 10% damage of heroes maximum Health, and 20% of health of bosses,obj summons or merc.60 sec cd.Area is quite wide(like a circle that has a radius of 75% lane).This skill has NO way of lowering its cd or increasing any dmg.Cast time is 3 sec.

W: Creeping land. Its a tentacle that can be used in any seen area or from any bush(like dehaka Z). Its a low dmg poke that can help globally. It slows by 10% and is how he effects the battlefield.Its range is like mediv or ray Q.Its cd is 3 sec.

E: Eye of C’thun. 0.5 sec cd.C’thun focuses on someone he sees. If the target is a ally his effect of trait is tripled on the target for dmg and doubled for armor. Same for enemy. There are a lot of talents for this since it can be used to buff specific ally or debuff a problem enemy.This is his main strength since its a instant global buff/debuff.

R:Reach of the old one.He has this from lvl 1.Its cd is 100 sec and works like rag in a way that he possesses a fort/keep.His E losses targeting and effects all in a wide area around him(with no talents effecting it and radius is 60% of rags range).If used on your core(this can be used even if ulti is on cd) it lasts forever and exiting this mode puts it on 20 sec cd.And you still look huge and not like a normal smaller version when used on forts/keeps.Has like 50% of rags trait hp but does not lose hp. Lasts 13 sec when used on fort/keep.

Changed talents. Q is a beam that is similar to volskaya robot. Has 10 sec cd and this cd is drooped to 4 sec if the core is used.Dmg is ok but nothing spectacular.

W now spams 2 tentacle attacking from both sides.Has targeting as probe ulti. (they dont bodyblock and look like shadows).

E is now as said a aoe. If it effects allies it boosts dmg and sp by 1.3 and gives 15 armor and 25% move speed. If used on enemy debufs dmg and sp by 25% and armor by 15 and slows by 15 %.This is worded as increasing effect of trait and it being aoe. Just slow and speed up is noted in text.

All these numbers can be changed especially his E since that talent i have no idea how it will effect gameplay.

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Sprout tentacles and some more tentacles

From what i have seen on his fight on YT that is pretty much his main way of attacking.:slight_smile:

At least those are what i noticed the most.
So its prb correct.


Hey, Legion

I made a C’thun design a good while ago, heres a link to it

Hero skin and suggestions is usually where posts like this should be placed just for the future, cool idea though :slight_smile:

Ill just copy it there later :slight_smile: