Have a Good Future

I think it’s about that time I bid this game farewell. I’m no one important and just another spoke on the wheel; the wheel will keep on turning and that’s fine.

Heroes of the Storm was one of those games I fell in love with and have been playing religiously since Technical Alpha however slowly but surely it has progressively declined with no substantial improvements being made to improve my personal experience with the game and in general I am no longer having fun.

My problems stem from ridiculous power creep that continues to make older heroes obsolete, terrible reworks that invalidate beloved play styles and inability to acknowledge balance changes that make no sense with zero communication on such changes. Overall I just don’t like the way the game is played anymore and I’m tired of heroes being rewarded for terrible play. Positioning matters less, the crowd control abilities continues to spiral out of control with no means of counter play and the repetitious cycle of win/lose MMR is boring and unrewarding.

I have other minor nitpicks that I won’t bother to go into but it involves philosophies outside of the game like lootboxes and gem only bundles but I’ll leave that for another day.

I’m sorry to have to make this post but I wish Blizzard the best of luck with their game and hope they will one day learn from their mistakes and try to improve it while having better communication with their player base. If by some miracle Blizzard decides to invest in a sequel on a better engine instead of dumping more funds into this version I’ll be around once more.

Have a good one.


And i thought this was a positive thread.


Does this mean you’re gonna play Diablo Immortal?


Why does everyone need a farewell letter to leave a video game, you aren’t in a band, the fans aren’t going to cry because your new album isn’t coming out and the band broke up.


Good to see another one go, this time especially since you’re a very good feedback contributor. The fanbois are relentless and now they’ve lost a good example of a gamer. Hopefully fanbois will begin to see the truth of the matters. All your complaints are likely to be met with scratched heads and thoughtless retorts. At best they’re simply attacking you for making a farewell post in the first place, once more ignorant to the fact that feedback of this kind, and all kinds about the game, are important.


Powercreep, yup after a patch where all the stronger heroes got nerfed but that is an okay beef i guess.
Positionning matter less? Where? Between Diablo, garrosh, M’G, ETC, uther, maiev,tyrande,deckard, orphea,KTZ, Alarak,kerrigan…you misposition you die.
Rework no one wanted, you just said there is powercreep so outdated heroes have to stay like this? With the exception of maybe tyrande i don’t see where the old playstyle was lost.

This post isn’t for anyone to read but Blizzard. That’s probably why you don’t understand why people feel the need to write posts about it, because it’s feedback you can’t comprehend. If people are leaving the game, they have a right to know why so they can fix it for the future.


MacWeak, there are two groups of heroes now. There’s the hemogenized reworks where they have stale talent builds with zero flexibility to adjust to match conditions, with OP stats and abilities (Think Raynor killing Nazeebo in tutorial mode multiple times), and then there’s the old heroes that haven’t been reworked which either fit in a niche or don’t.

Mobility creep denies good positioning making positioning not that important. Snipes like Garrosh aren’t due to bad positioning. They’re a part of a different form of power creep which falls under the category of CC, which all the other heroes on your list fall under. Cleanse used to be a component to deal with such events, but they have removed them from the kits or replaced them in reworks which are disinteresting at best.


People feel the need to do this to make a spectacle because people are dramatic. Blizzard knows people are leaving the game, why do you think they have a new head of the game and are making all these changes to matchmaking and heroes in the game? For funzies because everyone is happy?

So you’re saying the feedback from people saying they were unhappy and uninstalling was good because blizz listened, fired the director, and hired a new one that is making good changes. Yet you’re condemning OP for making the same kind of feedback regardless of the efforts made by the new director?


I’m saying we get the picture, blizzard gets the picture, we don’t need 20 new boo hoo i’m uninstalling posts a day. They could easily just make a post titled “some feedback for the game” instead of goodbye, farewell and QQ. Everything doesn’t have to be such a big deal, its a video game for fun after all.

I for one am glad LCD posted saying so. I value his feedback. He’s made some wonderfully detailed posts on Tyrande, Kerrigan, and some others if memory serves. He has a pretty good understanding of balance, far better than 99% of the fanbois here.


Sorry to see you go! I enjoyed reading your post!
Better luck in whatever you do next!
I feel like you need all this CC just to pin down a lot of these heroes to even get a kill on them. Toning down the CC just makes problem heroes even more of a problem yes? I’d be fine with cutting down on CC abilities if they did something so we wouldn’t need so much of it in the first place.

Funny you mentioned the invalidation of play styles. On one hand earlier today I got to use the old Tormented Souls build on Malthael. It’s because of the way QM works nows. I normally would never go that build, quick match was too much of a wild card for it.

But on the other hand, because I know what I’m going to be against for the most part I don’t want to experiment with new talents the same way I wouldn’t in rank games, it’s like I know what build is going to work against this comp why risk doing something that could cost the win?

For me QM is now more of a change a talent in a well known build to adapt than a lets go crazy and see what happens! QM is an unranked unranked mode now and what do we do about CC and out of control heroes that need to be locked down? Which one to tone down and nerf first to start the healing? I don’t think they would do both at the same time.


Yup because everyone who is tired of seeing all the drama here are fanboys. k well I’m off to sleep and dream of how much I love blizzard so much. cya.



You are a fanboi, bro. Seen you around here before, fanning it up.


I’ve run out of flags. =/


LCD in my opinion is a quality contributor to these forums. His threads and guides on various supports and his Kerrigan threads have been very useful to me as a player and he has addressed many more issues that are important to the longevity of this game. I’ll miss his contributions to the forums.

I wish you well LCD, may you return sometime down the road. - THanks for your Alex guide, without it I’d still be at 45% WR with her, now 65%. :slight_smile:

I can take much of it, but when HOH starts with the free verse poetry…seeesh!


Why do I feel like this is healsonheels to a T

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One of the few types of ‘criticism’ posts that has value.

“I will not play this game anymore and this is why”.

Agree or disagree, we need considered, and deliberate posts, and far less hyperbole and ranting.


Gonna miss you, LCD. (no not being sarcastic here)

I enjoyed your previous Kerrigan/Alex guides threads and you give some good insight about the game’s developments.

/You’ll still be here in the forums, right? …Or legit sever all ties relating to this game?/

EDIT: vkdsvmiokf I thought it was Amei cuz same portrait… my bad

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