Hardstack bronze5

I was palying rankeds for the first time long time ago with my friend when we finished required matches for ranks. I’ve got B5 and he G3, unfortnutaly we have benn forced to play together after matches cause he reached PT5 but I was still B5 even after I was playing against golds, and sometimes was MVP…
After long time I came back tought new friend this game , we tryied rankeds and he got B3 and me, agin, yes B5, I can actually play much higher but rank said no… It seems really unfair.

Don’t play for 3 seasons, and play qm’s and get better. When you go back to ranked, you should be placed higher. If you don’t want to do that, pick a hero that can contribute a lot to the game. MVP just means you have good stats. Don’t use that as a metric of how good you are. You could be top damage and not play the game correctly because you went after kills. Kills are valuable yes, but map control is much more valuable. Making sure you have lane pressure on lanes with camps when objectives are up is very big. Making sure you have enemies leaving objectives to defend another lane because they don’t want to lose turrets, forts or keeps will net you a 4v5 fight advantage in the bottom lane. If you are a bruiser on Towers of Doom or Dragonshire, focus on doublesoaking. If you are worried about losing the Dragon while rotating…stay in the middle lane and keep the enemy off the tap. Doing this better than the enemy will mean that eventually more enemies will try to stop you by ganging up on you, leaving the remaining enemies having to fight 3 v 5 with your team having the numbers. If you feel you have the soaking advantage and can spare the time, rotate into the 4v4 making it a 4v5, stay shortly and if you get a pick fine, but if you don’t, rotate back and double soak. When the multiple enemies die, ping forts or keeps to destroy. A big problem is that people in lower ranks don’t destroy forts or keeps when the enemy team has multiple people down. Just outsoaking others will give you a talent tier advantage. Once your 3-4 levels higher, generally you win the game. I hope this helps you.