Hanamura payload going the wrong way when displaced

Hoggers loot hoard displaced the payload, which then causes the payload to return to that initial point of displacement after entering a neutral state (as in no one pushing it)

I believe this is the same issue experienced in a topic from the 6th of August (The hanamura cart was going the wrong way)
I’m not sure whether 4 months is a reasonable amount of time nor am I even sure it’s the same bug since this is directly related to hoggers trait and he wasn’t released at the time.

The Reversed Payload bug is very old, I wouldn’t hold my breath getting it fixed soon (but I would keep reporting it so they can log it multiple times)


From your video, it’s hard to tell if it happened because it bumped into Loot Hoard in the earlier fight, or whether that was bad luck (as the Reverse Payload glitch happens randomly even if nothing is touching it).

It behaves the exact same way as reported in other videos: It goes in the wrong direction, then suddenly decides to turn back on the right path.

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