Guide from gold to plat

About me: Im a high diamond player who faces many smurfs on his way too master.

I succesfully help my friends coach their way into plat. And lately did myself 93% winrate on a 2nd acc because hots only gives you gold 5 these days.

  • Do flex (one tricking isnt the way. You must be ready to flex but always pick comfy and pick heroes you think can have a high impact. Even if its a waveclearing Reghar
  • Try to pick heroes with waveclear and try to rotate between lanes for a quick depush and good xp
    +always bushcheck
    +make sure your allies pick comfy. I know that everyone wants a perfect team. But their specislist mains. Make sure you kindoff in sync and try to make a nice combo in the draft.
  • always try to do something
    +be a positive leader and try to keep the morale up
    +If you cant beat stupid teammates . Try to join them. This sounds crazy and if they really stupid just let them die. You are most impactfull as a full team. So just follow their plan and make sure you can carry in your own way
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They don’t ban genji in gold/plat. One tricking is the way.

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I onetricked mostly with Samuro from gold to plat with 64% wr.

Still works in plat but i dont onetrick him anymore, got a bit bored of the playstyle.

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These don’t work if your Diablo runs in 1v3 cuz he’s the “tank.”

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Good guide and if the team is at least playing the basics of the map with a reasonable comp then this will work. However the moment you get one player who rages cause you didnt pick what he told you to pick. I promise you the game is over before it starts. They will do everything in there power to throw on purpose.

Pretty much the only guide to climbing this season is making 5 man premades and that is a pain cause so many players are quitting cause of how many trolls have over taken this game due to lack of punishment.

I’m actually looking for a full time coach. I’m thinking play games 2 or 3 days per week. Work on some of my weak points. Discuss proper habits. Have some fun. Message me if interested. Thanks.
Bnet: Subzero#1915