[Guide] D.Va | "I play to win!"

edit: what have i done

Please stop.

Sorry but guides written by QM only players.have no value. Nobody cares if they win or lose in thay mode, it doesnt matter what you do there.

Get master rank then come back and write a guide that actually holds some merit.

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Do you need a hug?

Good lord your behavior to others is quite funny please stop.


I think ManLoveMan needs some medicine to feel fine.
Come here. I promise I will heal you :smirk:


But how do we know that you are master rank? :thinking:


If you have enough experience against various match-ups with a single character, that knowledge holds more merit than simply having a higher rank or playing a different game mode.

Requirement to be credible is that you are openminded for feedback and don’t tunnel vision opinions away … kinda what you are doing at the moment.


Question. What rank are you? (Provide a screenshot of it please).

Also, regardless of whether the guidemaker is Master’s in Ranked so can the guide have merit and be a good guide. All it takes is to read it and see if it’s explained properly and the suggestions, advice, talents and everything makes sense.
The guide for instance shows a good example of Ablative Armor at 13, which is a very non-meta pick, can be very strong when combined with Defensive Matrix, something few people know, I would imagine, since literally everyone always takes Emergency Shielding.

And even a Master could make a bad guide for a Hero. They could be bad at explaining it or just barely Master’s or they get carried in TL by friends or many other reasons.

Disregarding a guide without checking it is downright foolish. If you are truly a proper Master with good understanding of the game, you would read through it and analyze it, then point out its flaws or critisize if it is bad.


Elitism much? If so prove your own rank.

A guide is for anyone to read regardless of rank, a helpful guidance as to which it is not only restricted by rank, it depends on the player’s experience on that Hero. If there weren’t guides by Players who made it by playing the Hero they love or like, then we wouldn’t even get some of those ‘viable builds’.

And also, there’s a few meta-builds that often are less helpful than most ‘viable’ builds so please.

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Im master 2300 HL and 2400 TL. i know you guys feel insecure about your ranks and skills in this game, but guides written but QM players are kinda like tips to play football given by a school kid. Maybe some other school kids will find them interesting by generally for anyone a bit older they are worthless.


I mean this guide is literally written by a guy who thinks Valeera is OP. How can anyone take this seriously?

Proof you are master.

Lets see some proof you are so good. But you wont post anything cuz ur a nobody.

Im on my phone rn, you will get your proof when I get home. And you will feel dumb too.

I don’t think so.
Even if you are master, it doesn’t mean you are better. I had a lot masters, what proofed, that master means nothing.

Oh, you took that Valeera OP thread seriously? :thinking:


Ah typical thing to come from Diamond player.

“I know bad masters, Im better than them! I just sit in Diamond because MMR hates me!” You are a joke

See? I was right. You are a clear example that master says nothing.

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