Going to spend my money ON lol

Worst matchmaking yet. I either have a feeder or a dc every game. Play with insta lock gaz/orphea that just feed and do not team play or even do damage. Good luck blizzard. Your gameplay is awesome, Your matching sucks.


Gazlowe is best first pick now!
If they feed, report!

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Both those heroes are really good, just the player clearly is not.

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It is the lack of embrace of a meta by blizzard. they try to create this casual gaming exp so that they can bring in people and get them to spent money but it is making the game play worse. You get people that have no clue how to play or that there is a meta. 2 the community is soo small now days everyone has left cause they have not put the time and effort into fixing the game. The best game was was the first preseason after they brought the metal ranking the game fell apart.

I mean, league has similar issues to. You played a very clean and safe game bot and took the first dragon? Dosen’t matter because top and jungle died to vlad 6 times and now he can literally 1v5 your team with his 2 and a half completed items versus your one.
Atleast in hots noone swings ahead quite that much.

just cause another game has issues doesnt make this games issues any worse or any lesss meaningful…

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