I am terribly sorry for not being a mind reader, and therefore being unable to confirm the difference between the things you think and the things you actually write. All I have to go on is the things you write . (I even added a ‘seem to’ to try and account for that).
I think you misunderstood what I meant by one-dimensional. (And I probably worded it badly). I didn’t really mean the Hero, mostly meant how you seem to view/treat the debate. You write as if it’s an absolute certainty that only idiots could enjoy old Tyrande, and new Tyrande is better in every conceivable way, and that just isn’t true.
Your argumentation sounds really dismissive of anyone who liked old Tyrande, as if there was no valid reason anyone could enjoy her. Your writing heavily implies the only people who played her were ‘idiots who only spam owls’ / ‘idiots who only play dps and used Tyrande to dps even when on healer’ / ‘idiots who only played her because she was meta and/or OP’.
That’s simply not true, and frankly feels insulting. Some players (myself included) legitimately enjoyed her overall playstyle. Not because of meta, but simply because it was fun to play her. Her overall kit is neat, and it’s pretty fun to play a pseudo-dps while also having some bonus heals to help allies. Heck, even Owls were fun to use once in a while.
Despite what you seem to think (And again, apologies for not being a mind reader. I don’t know what you actually think, I can only try and guess from what and how you write), there were and are valid reasons for people to like or prefer old Tyrande.
To be clear, I don’t mean to argue that old Tyrande was actually better or should be returned. Again, there’s plenty of arguments to prefer new Tyrande, and overall she’s probably healthier for the game. Just don’t pretend there aren’t also some arguments to prefer the old version.