Give us the old Tyrande back

Owl-snipe build was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in this game.

I don’t want to play a heal-bot. I want the support-damage hybrid with serious 1v1 potential she was before.

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Old Owl was quite cheesy, but i agree that the new direction was even worse.

Definitely, she should have stayed a hybrid support. The new version is unbearably dull and made me drop my once most-played hero entirely.

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Was ready to chime in and like, but then you mentioned the version of Tyrande I hated and the worst part about her which was owls. You seriously don’t feel any tinge of irony when you want her to be a damage support and want her to have good 1v1 potential?


New version is dope and capable of far more. You selfishly want a nerf to play mega off meta cheese no ty


Old tyrande was bad and an meme


Yeah, the game doesn’t have enough damage dealers…

  1. bringing up owl build and 1v1 potential in the same line is bunk.
  2. “nobody” wants to play a “heal bot” that’s why people who don’t like any given hero refer to them as a “heal bot” and then neglect all they can to mask what tends to be personal performance issues.
  3. Her “1v1” potential is ‘better’ now than before due to the bilateral combination of having self-buff and debuff so she can trade attacks better. however ‘1v1’ doesn’t mean much in this game since there’s several other heroes (ally and enemy) that take away from fantasy battles apart from the actual game.
    *while some people may have liked the "of I have fire arrows and invis and a stronger debuff and stun-damage quest for pairing ganking people in “1v1” battles, a number of heroes that all had that same gimmick have similarly been nerfed away from that :smiley:

While specific talent combinations, or specific talent wants are gone, a bigger issue with the ‘tyrande fantasy’ is that much of the game has changed in spite of her, so the nostalgia tint wouldn’t hold up anywhere as well as people want to claim. She’d have to be crazy op and hog the competitive spotlight (again) and get people to qq over how she’s way too powerful a not-healer and way too terrible a solo healer and ruin all modes around her (again)

If the build were reverted verbatim, and the magic didn’t hold, people would claim something was ‘messed up’ instead of noticing the disconnect between their expectations and their personal performance.

basically, some people want to tote a ‘healer’ for the feel-good flag, but not actually want any of the role contribution or… “responsibility” just they just want to play another dps character and call it anything else.


Sentinel does 437 dmg at lvl 1 when Ranger is picked and lands on over 50 range. That’s how she have the most hero damage among every healers.
Her trait build + AA is a very good into the 1v1.

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No there was a time when supports could stand their ground in a 1v1 like tyrande and reghar. But they got nerfed because damage players were qqing too much for getting owned by them.

Alex and Anduin are 10 times more healbot then Tyrande.


They always could “stand” their ground simply because of their sustain, what you seem to be confused with is absurd quests that gimp you for 80% of the game, then non skill owning which completely defeats the functionality of a support. The worst part about the version of Tyrande you liked was she was barely a support. She ended up using most of her heals on herself just to survive being in AA range.

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Is either of them as boring as Tyrande? These 2 have actual play making potential. while Tyrande just has to pray that her team capitalizes on her abilities. How is that fun?

Just like Medivh has to use most shields on himself to survive while completing his quest. Do you call him “barely a support”?

I don’t love that quest either. But Medivh isn’t weaving AAs, Arcane Rifts has larger range. You’d have a better analogy if Medivh’s W was linked to his Q. Tyrande in order to get more healing, had to AA, which meant she took damage, which meant she had to use heals on herself. It was a vicious feedback loop which gave for little room for actually supporting your teammates. It was a selfish, kind of moronic play style.

Tyrande was just an abomination that had no place in a team, she was basically stall your time, then you become like an absurd pseudo tank by spamming heals on yourself while doing crazy damage. That Tyrande perverted the spirit of what a support is.

I like tyrande and dont experience the issue you face with her
She can make someone unkillable with many single target heal potential I get my fun from that. She only has a few bad talents

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And yet…

Alex, Anduin (and WM), are pretty capable in 1v1’s. There have been way too many times where some tracer sees me as Anduin or WM by myself and goes “Ooh free kill” only to get swatted like the mosquito she is.

And while Alex doesn’t 1v1 fantastically, E build will really get some damage going in a teamfights.


Forget the bird, I WANT TO SOLO BOSS AGAIN.

I miss her too.

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Reghar was too good at taking camps at his own with old lightning shield therefor nerfed.
Also all healers got 5% healing nerf cause 2x healer comps were meta.

But she already had all those things previously. Along with a bunch of tricks that got removed (shadowstalk mainly), as well as higher stats to actually use that toolkit. How is her current version actually ‘better’ at any of that than she used to be?

There are plenty of valid arguments why Tyrande is a better overall Hero now (even if I personally prefer her old version), but 1v1 dueling power is one aspect where she’s demonstrably worse. You can prefer the new version, but don’t pretend she’s strictly better in every way and nothing got lost in the conversion.

What about people who just liked her playstyle? Not to pretend to be a healer, but because it was genuinely fun to Lunar Flare-Hunter’s Mark-Shadowstalk blast people people while also being able to toss out a heal or two?

It’s not as one-dimensional as you seem to think.


You seem to be confusing “what i think” and “what i wrote”

people want too much tl;dr for what i “think” but they sure as heck wont consider twice for it.

Ive also written far lengthier posts on the matter — that i reference to myself — that other people wont bother. I dont have the time or interest to rehash the same crap over and over again for a bottom line that isn’t going to change what people “like”.

Op tyrande moments stand out at specific balance goals in the game, so while you want want to assume “one dimensional” alot of the unspoken on her changes isnt just because she changed, but that the game changes.

  • Flat-level growth tyrande is different from % growth tyrande.

  • exclusive cc for ranged support tyrande is different than outright dps heroes having cc.

  • hero built around buffing heroes is different when heroes have ally-dependent buffs (eg attack boost on slows for a hero without slows)

and the list goes on, but the essential tl;dr is that there are key reasons why she has dominated a meta, fallen completely off the board (not worth the slot) and the dynamics of trying to balance hybrid characters around a power-balance that no longer remains exclusive to that role.

The “one dimension” you put can simply be pointed out to those that notice these changes, and those that don’t care

If they’re not going to care, then of course extensive particulars arent going to matter to them.

So gj on the meta-realization of that in regards to your reply to me. Yea lots of people love to play stuff that is/feels “op”

doesnt mean it was a “good thing” or that its going to go back. Substance abuse can be liked and yada yada analogy cuz tl;dr

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Best Tyrande was just after they made shadowstalk heal for the first time. She had shields, a healing ward and other stuff
That’s old Tyrande for you, posers

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