Give everyone a hero ban

Considering your team has 5 of the bans, you can just not ban said tanks and focus more on the meta dps in the game. I still think this would be a good idea and everyone would have a bit of control but it wont happen.


considering the amount of trolls I meet every day, I wouldnt be surprised if your team banned all the tanks…

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Lol that is true, then again half the players afk in lobby then just randomly pick something so

that would never happen unless your own team was trolling. in which case you are probably going to lose from them throwing the match and not from draft picks.

the real issue to over come is blizzard’s obstinance on enforcing stricter rules on ranked. it doesnt need to be everyone can play. we have 4 other modes for that (AI, QM, UD, Brawl). ranked needs to have some standards here.

so the issue im talking about is one that has been seen previous when they increased bans. when you increase the bans you also increase the hero requirements. when it was 4 bans the hero requirements were 16. they increased ban slots to 6 and that number went up to 18. if we further increase to 10 bans then 22 heroes will be the requirement.

now this requirement is actually pretty heavy. i have to put that out there right now. in the old system this would have also enforced a player level requirement of 110 before you could enter ranked and you could play any heroes below level 5.

to put in perspective what would be required here:
x8 - 2000g heroes
x17 - 4000g heroes

if you went the cheapest route here (without gems) you would spend: 72,000g

i calculated something similar to this out at one point, basically you are looking at 1 year of work here (daily quests/match gold) playing casually. less time if you seriously no life it. its not a happy prospect for someone just coming in.

obviously some things may lessen this time like if you have a stim pack, you play a bit longer, you play with friends (for the bonuses), or getting level 5 on some heroes which gives you 500g back that you can spend on your next hero.

i think that if they did increase the hero bans to 10 (allowing each person to have a ban) then there should be the following requirements.

  • required own 22 heroes
  • x22 level 3 heroes (minimum player level will be 66 if this is done vs 50 that is right now so not much change)
  • no heroes under level 3 can be played (easy to get and prevents just picking random level 1 heroes that you have never even seen abilities and talents for)

I would love to see the hero requirements go up. That would also help the smurfing problem we currently have in this game. That and when a player gets banned, they do not care cause they can just go make another account, get level 50 and start all over again.

I realize it has been a little while since this post, but if anyone is still checking on it, I would like to hear your opinions on my idea for a banning system. I’m just trying to get it to gain traction so it will hopefully be seen.

Why should both tams ban tanks only?

We dont have that much heroes.

You could potentially ban 5 good tanks and pick the other one worth for the map you’re playing, completely crippling the enemy odds of winning, and many more obnoxious things.

On the other hand, this is not lol. HotS is way more focused on team work. Politely suggest what hero you dont want to deal with to your team. They will mostly all agree.

Tanks decide the meta and the comp most of the times. AND its the role hots has least heroes.

Its much more useful to ban a tank than anything else besides specific comps, strong solos for certain maps, or mains.

Imagine it like you get a ban, the enemy team picks a hero, then they get 1 ban then you pick a hero. You continue to trade this off so that all 10 players get to have one ban but you can lock stuff like tank and healer sooner thus making it harder to lock out dps. If they did all the bans up front then yeah it would be pretty bad.

Maybe decrease the price of some of the 10k heroes. And then give two players on each team 2 bans each.

If all 5 players on each team have one ban, then it encourages you to pick tanks and healers first thus preventing them from being locked out. If you wait to last pick healer or tank then well that is your own fault.

Highest mmr player (so best) gets to ban. No reason for anyone lower to do it. They can make suggestions, the better player can choose to listen or not.
P.S. If communication doesn’t happen in draft, then it won’t in game either. Might as well know what you’re dealing with and adjust from the get go.
It’s definitely better when 1 person bans. At least you can have some kind of plan then (e.g., ban out all genji counters or ban all mobile tanks/healers or whatever). If everyone could ban, then you’d have just a mess and bans would be pointless more often than not.

yeah but most people who ban just ban what they do not like and not what is good or what counters what and so on. It would be better to let each player have a ban that way they feel they have a bit more control over things which is just good in general instead of suggesting something and have the person ignore it.

Or my personal favorite cause this happens all the time the guy who is afk and does not ban anything 3 bans in a row.

And that’s fine too. The best player banning his own counters gives you the best chance to win.

I always ban lucio because I don’t like playing vs lucio (well I also have 33% winrate vs lucio this season so there’s something real behind my distaste of lucio). If some1 says they lost 15 games in a row vs ragnaros, I will ban ragnaros. If some1 says to ban dva because “op”, I will ignore them (because me and my personal experience does not agree with them).
I have my own bans and I will do them. You’re free to ban whatever you want when you’re the best player on team and I’ll adjust my pick accordingly.

If you’re so terribly obsessed with bans, you’re free to team up with some1 much lower in rank (e.g., diamond with gold) and you’ll have the crown 95% of the time.

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What about the huge time that still gets to 1 player to do the bans? Time that could be spend in the actual match? And people who happen to have higher mmr doesn’t automatically have higher knowledge of the game… There are people there who plays only quick matches with friends for fun because they just don’t want to how long it takes to get into a match.

In league of legends for example, every member gets 1 ban and all of it takes at max 30 seconds, works perfectly. Here you can spend up to 3 - 4? minutes on ban phase alone, counting everything, you’ll probably waste 33% of an actual match every time you play a ranked game…

Maybe dont take 30 seconds to ban? I already know usually 5 heroes i wanna ban before the game even starts so if i am banning one. it doesnt take me but maybe 5-10 seconds

if you gave everyone a ban you could pretty much ban all the heals or tanks. there is not enough tanks or healers to do this. there isnt enough as is.

Well if you first pick tank or healer and let bans go 1 at at time. It would encourage the tank and healers to be locked first instead of last.

I prefer a potatoeban to avoid potatoes in team…

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